Forthcoming decisions

Forthcoming decisions
Title Notice published Urgent? Status Decision due
Fenland Inspire! Project - 3G Artificial Turf Pitches - Key/14March2025/0214/03/2025For Determination19/05/2025
Fenland Inspire Project regarding play equipment - Key/14March2025/0114/03/2025For Determination24/02/2025
Decision to enter a contract through the Football Foundations PlayZones Framework to construct PlayZones at Barton Road and Manor Field KEY/06MAR25/0106/03/2025For Determination15/11/2024
Purchase of 1 flat in March - KEY/28FEB25/0128/02/2025For DeterminationBefore 31/03/2025
Fenland Inspire! - enhancements to the Wisbech Park Splash Pad - KEY/24FEB25/0224/02/2025For Determination24/03/2025
Whittlesey - Manor Field perimeter activity path - KEY/24FEB25/0124/02/2025For Determination24/03/2025
Purchase of 2 flats in Wisbech KEY/21FEB25/0221/02/2025For DeterminationBefore 01/04/2025
Accommodation Strategic Review KEY/21FEB25/0121/02/2025For Determination24/03/2025
Food Waste Container Purchase - KEY/13FEB25/0113/02/2025For Determination24/03/2025
Local Government Reorganisation – draft proposals - KEY/11FEB25/0211/02/2025For Determination14/03/2025
County-wide Housing Adaptations and Repairs Policy - KEY/11FEB25/0111/02/2025For Determination24/03/2025
Purchase of a Property in Wisbech - KEY/06FEB25/0106/02/2025For DeterminationNot before 06/03/2025
Update of the Council’s Corporate Complaints Policy (3C’s) and associated procedures - KEY/31JAN25/0231/01/2025For Determination24/03/2025
Port Repairs and Investment - KEY/31JAN25/0131/01/2025For Determination24/03/2025
Purchase of a property in Benwick - KEY/30JAN25/0130/01/2025For DeterminationNot before 01/03/2025
Chatteris Leisure – Enhancement project - KEY/22JAN25/0522/01/2025For Determination24/02/2025
Chatteris Leisure Centre - KEY/22JAN25/0422/01/2025For Determination24/02/2025
George Campbell Leisure Centre - KEY/22JAN25/0322/01/2025For Determination24/02/2025
Manor Leisure Centre - KEY/22JAN25/0222/01/2025For Determination24/02/2025
Purchase of a property in March as part of implementation of cabinet decision CAB24/24 - KEY/16JAN25/0116/01/2025For DeterminationNot before 01/03/2025
Purchase of a Property in Whittlesey - KEY/14JAN25/0114/01/2025For DeterminationNot before 01/03/2025
Purchase of 4 properties in March - KEY/20DEC24/0120/12/2024For DeterminationNot before 01/02/2025
Purchase of a property in March - KEY/12DEC24/0112/12/2024For DeterminationNot before 01/02/2025
Tender for and agree Contract(s) for the Bulking of Mixed Dry Recycling following procurement - KEY/27NOV24/0127/11/2024For DeterminationBefore 28/02/2025
Review of 2 air quality management areas for Wisbech - KEY/19NOV24/0119/11/2024For Determination24/03/2025
Hybrid Print and Post Service - KEY/16OCT24/0116/10/2024For DeterminationBefore 31/10/2024
Purchase of Replacement Recycling Collection Vehicle - KEY/08AUG24/0108/08/2024For DeterminationBefore 30/09/2024
Purchase 8 x 7.5 tonne Waste Collection Vehicles - KEY/06AUG24/0106/08/2024For DeterminationBefore 30/09/2024
Wisbech Town Board, 10-Year Vision Document and 3-Year Investment Plan - KEY/11JUN24/0111/06/2024For Determination28/04/2025
Purchase of Replacement Recycling Collection Vehicle - KEY/20SEP23/0120/09/2023For Determination30/09/2023
Wisbech High Street Update (a recurring Cabinet item) - KEY/06SEP22/0129/03/2023For Determination28/04/2025