Meeting documents

Overview and Scrutiny Panel
Monday, 2nd September, 2013 2.30 pm

Please note: all Minutes are subject to approval at the next Meeting

Attendance Details

Councillor J R Chambers(Chairman), Councillor Mrs J French(Vice-Chairman), Councillors Archer, Broker, Cornwell, Hodgson, Miss Hoy, Stebbing, Sutton and Swan
Apologies for absence:
Councillor Mrs Bucknor
Support officers:
OFFICERS IN ATTENDANCE: Jane Bailey and Anna Goodall
Item Number Item/Description

The minutes of the meeting of 15 July 2013 were agreed and signed.


Councillor Mrs French presented the Outside Bodies Review Report, stating that she was disappointed with the lack of response from members to the questionnaire during the review.

Members asked questions, made comments and received responses as follows:

  • Councillor Archer stated that he had previously been appointed onto an outside body, with no explanation of the role, we must ensure that members fully understand the responsibilities. Councillor Mrs French agreed and stated that this is one of the reasons why the review has taken place;

  • Councillor Miss Hoy stated that it is a shame that there has not been a good response from Members, and that questionnaires were not completed and returned by everyone;

  • Councillor Stebbing stated that when we are looking to replace and appoint members, there has to be an understanding that there must be a report back;

  • Councillor Miss Hoy stated that she believes that we should not be looking to replace non FDC members, as these representatives hold a lot of knowledge and are vital to the outside bodies;

  • Councillor Cornwell stated that with regards to non FDC members representing FDC, how do they know what our current policies and visions are?

  • Councillor Archer agreed that they are not then representing FDC as an authority, he stated that some of the non FDC members have valuable knowledge and experience to offer the outside bodies, but that it is for the outside body themselves to find a way of retaining that member;

  • Councillor Swan stated that a follow-up item should be put on the agenda for Overview and Scrutiny to scrutinise the representation of Outside Bodies in 12 month's time;

  • Councillor Cornwell stated that we should urge Cabinet to fill the vacancies on internal Drainage Boards as we will not have a vote that counts without the right number of representatives on there;

  • Councillor Swan agreed stating that we need the right number of people representing FDC especially on the Drainage Boards as these are so important in this area. We need our representatives to have an active vote otherwise we are massively outnumbered;

  • Councillor Sutton stated that he has grave concerns about losing the expertise of non FDC members on the outside bodies;

  • Councillor Swan stated that those members will attend anyway in another capacity, the outside body will recognise the value that they add.

During the discussion at the meeting, members went through the list of Outside Bodies, and agreed that following recommendations would be made to Cabinet with regards to each Outside body as follows:

  1. Adults Wellbeing and Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Recommended that representation remains the same.

  2. Benwick Internal Drainage Board - Recommended that representation remains the same, this outside body requires the appointment of 3 representatives to fill outstanding vacancies.

  3. Cambridgeshire Acre organisation - To be clarified

  4. Cambridgeshire Children's Trust - Recommended that representation remains the same.

  5. Cambridgeshire Council for Voluntary Services - Recommended that representation remains the same, this outside body requires the appointment of 1 representative to fill an outstanding vacancy.

  6. Cambridgeshire Police and Crime Panel - Recommended that representation remains the same.

  7. Cambridgeshire Museums Advisory Partnership (CMAP) - Recommended that representation remains the same, this outside body requires the appointment of 1 representative to fill an outstanding vacancy.

  8. Chatteris Community Centre Association - Recommended that representation remains the same.

  9. Chatteris Sports Facility Project Group - Recommended that representation remains the same, this outside body requires the appointment of 2 representatives to fill outstanding vacancies.

  10. College of West Anglia Governing Body - Recommended that representation remains the same.

  11. Community Learning and Skills Partnership - Recommended that required representation remains the same, however the non FDC member should be replaced by a serving Councillor.

  12. County Archives and Local Studies County Advisory Group (CAGALS) - Recommended that this outside body be deleted from the list.

  13. Curf and Wimblington Combined International drainage board - Recommended that representation remains the same.

  14. East Cambs and Fenland Children and Young People's Partnership - Recommended that representation remains the same.

  15. Estover Playing Field Association Management Board - Recommended that representation remains the same, this outside body requires the appointment of 1 representative to fill an outstanding vacancy.

  16. Feldale Internal Drainage Board - Recommended that representation remains the same, this outside body requires the appointment of 7 representatives to fill outstanding vacancies.

  17. Fenland Arts - Recommended that this outside body be deleted from the list.

  18. Fenland Association of Community Transport (FACT) - members unable to make a decision as investigations are on-going into FACT.

  19. Rural Cambridgeshire CAB formally Fenland Citizens Advice Bureau - Recommended that representation remains the same, currently 3 FDC representatives. Officers to investigate further with new contact details as previously Rural Cambridgeshire CAB had not responded to the request to update their information.

  20. Fenland Community Safety Partnership - Recommended that representation remains the same.

  21. Fenland Diverse Community Forum - Recommended that representation remains the same.

  22. Fenland Health and Social Wellbeing Partnership - Recommended that representation remains the same.

  23. Fenland Strategic Partnership - Recommended that representation remains the same.

  24. Fenland Transport and Access Partnership - Recommended that representation remains the same.

  25. Fenland Twinning Association - Recommended that required representation remains the same, however the non FDC member should be replaced by a serving Councillor.

  26. Hanson / Fletton Brickworks Industry - Recommended that required representation remains the same.

  27. Housing and Sustainable Communities Panel - Recommended that this outside body be deleted from the list.

  28. Hundred of Wisbech Internal Drainage Board - Recommended that representation remains the same, this outside body requires the appointment of 11 representatives to fill outstanding vacancies.

  29. Joint Strategic Planning and Transport Member Group - Recommended that this outside body be deleted from the list.

  30. Kings Lynn Internal Drainage Board - Recommended that representation remains the same.

  31. Local Government Association - Recommended that representation remains the same.

  32. Local Government Association - Rural Commission - Recommended that representation remains the same.

  33. Local Government Association - Urban Commission - Recommended that representation remains the same.

  34. Manea and Welney District Drainage Commissioners - Recommended that required representation remains the same, however the non FDC member should be replaced by a serving Councillor.

  35. March and Whittlesey Internal Drainage Board - Recommended that representation remains the same, this outside body requires the appointment of 5 representatives to fill outstanding vacancies.

  36. March East Internal Drainage Board - Recommended that representation remains the same, this outside body requires the appointment of 8 representatives to fill outstanding vacancies, in addition 1non FDC member should be replaced by a serving Councillor.

  37. March Education Foundation - Recommended that this outside body be deleted from the list.

  38. March Fifth District Drainage Board - Recommended that representation remains the same, this outside body requires the appointment of 3 representatives to fill outstanding vacancies.

  39. March Regeneration Partnership - Recommended that this outside body be deleted from the list.

  40. March Sixth District Drainage Commissioners - Recommended that representation remains the same, this outside body requires the appointment of 3 representatives to fill outstanding vacancies.

  41. March Third District Drainage Commissioners - Recommended that representation remains the same, this outside body requires the appointment of 5 representatives to fill outstanding vacancies, in addition 1non FDC member should be replaced by a serving Councillor.

  42. March Twinning Association - Recommended that this outside body be deleted from the list.

  43. Mepal Outdoor Centre Board of Management - Recommended that this outside body be deleted from the list.

  44. Middle Level Commissioners - Recommended that required representation remains the same, however the non FDC member should be replaced by a serving Councillor.

  45. Needham and Laddus Internal Drainage Board - Recommended that representation remains the same.

  46. Nightlayers Internal Drainage Board - Recommended that representation remains the same, this outside body requires the appointment of 8 representatives to fill outstanding vacancies.

  47. Nobel and Grounds Charities - Recommended that this outside body be deleted from the list.

  48. North Level District Internal Drainage Board - Recommended that representation remains the same, this outside body requires the appointment of 1 representative to fill the outstanding vacancy, in addition 4 non FDC members should be replaced by serving Councillors.

  49. North Level Internal Drainage Board Technical Committee - Recommended that this outside body be deleted from the list.

  50. Oasis Village Centre (Wisbech Community Development Trust) - Recommended that required representation remains the same, however the non FDC member should be replaced by a serving Councillor.

  51. Pensions Committee - Recommended that required representation remains the same.

  52. Ransonmoor District Drainage Commissioners - Recommended that representation remains the same, this outside body requires the appointment of 3 representatives to fill outstanding vacancies.

  53. RECAP (Recycling in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough) - Recommended that required representation remains the same.

  54. Regional Tourism Council - Recommended that this outside body be deleted from the list.

  55. Regional Waste Forum - Recommended that required representation remains the same.

  56. Roddons Housing Association Limited - Recommended that required representation remains the same, however the 2 non FDC members should be replaced by serving Councillors.

  57. The Storers Herds and Bulls Grass Trust - Recommended that this outside body be deleted from the list.

  58. United Charities - Recommended that this outside body be deleted from the list.

  59. Upwell Internal Drainage Board - Recommended that representation remains the same, this outside body requires the appointment of 1 representative to fill the outstanding vacancy.

  60. Waldersey Internal Drainage Board - Recommended that representation remains the same, this outside body requires the appointment of 1 representative to fill the outstanding vacancy.

  61. Warboys, Somersham and Pidley Internal Drainage Board - Recommended that representation remains the same, this outside body requires the appointment of 1 representative to fill the outstanding vacancy.

  62. Whittlesey and District Internal Drainage Board - Recommended that required representation remains the same, however the 2 non FDC members should be replaced by serving Councillors.

  63. WisARD (Formerly Wisbech Regeneration Partnership) - Recommended that required representation remains the same.

  64. Wisbech and District Chamber of Trade - Recommended that this outside body be deleted from the list.

  65. Wisbech and Fenland Museum Management Committee - Recommended that required representation remains the same.

  66. Wisbech Angles Theatre Council Executive Committee - Recommended that this outside body be deleted from the list.

  67. Wisbech Indoor Bowls Management Committee - Recommended that this outside body be deleted from the list.

  68. Wisbech Market Town Transport Strategy - Recommended that required representation remains the same.

  69. Wisbech Arles Twinning Club - Recommended that this outside body be deleted from the list.

  70. Young People March - Recommended that representation remains the same, but that the observer position be removed. This outside body to remain on the list for 1 more year as the SLA ends April 2014.

Councillor Miss Hoy asked that it be minuted that she did not agree with the decision to delete number 64, Wisbech and District Chamber of Trade.

Councillor Archer expressed a non-pecuniary interest in this item by virtue of the fact that he is a FDC representative for Manea and Welney District Drainage Commissioners and Curf and Wimblington Combined Internal Drainage Board.

Councillor Cornwell expressed a non-pecuniary interest in this item by virtue of the fact that he is the secretary of the Fenland Twinning Association.

Councillor Miss Hoy expressed a non-pecuniary interest in this item by virtue of the fact that she is a community member on the Oasis Village Centre Outside Body.

Councillor Swan expressed a non-pecuniary interest in this item by virtue of the fact that he is employed by Hanson Brick.


Councillor Cornwell regretfully expressed that he wished to resign as the FDC representative for the Adult Wellbeing and Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee with immediate effect.

Councillor Archer agreed to take over this position as he has previous experience on this Committee and Councillor Sutton agreed to remain as the designated substitute member.

Officers agreed to inform the committee officer at Cambridgeshire County Council of the changes agreed.

Members agreed that Councillor Archer would takeover as the Adult Wellbeing and Health Overview and Scrutiny representative for Fenland District Council with immediate effect and that Councillor Sutton would remain as the designated substitute member.
