Meeting documents

Staff Committee
Monday, 13th June, 2016 2.30 pm

Room 53, Fenland Hall, March
Please note: all Minutes are subject to approval at the next Meeting

Attendance Details

Councillor M Davis(Chairman), Councillor D Mason(Vice-Chairman), Councillor G G R Booth, Councillor T R Butcher, Councillor P Murphy, Councillor F H Yeulett
Apologies for absence:
Councillor C J Seaton
Support officers:
Sam Anthony (Head of HR & OD), Rob Bridge (Corporate Director), Jane Webb (Member Services & Governance)
Item Number Item/Description
Councillor Maureen Davis was appointed as Chairman of the Staff Committee for the Municipal Year.
Councillor David Mason was appointed Vice-Chairman of the Staff Committee for the Municipal Year.
The minutes of the meeting of 19 January 2016 were confirmed and signed.

David Vincent, Health & Safety and Emergency Planning Manager, presented the Corporate Health & Safety Annual Report 2015/16 and informed Members that through proactive and robust health and safety codes of practice and procedures, the Council has seen continued performance in health and safety, with key areas such as:

  • The total number of work-related injuries remains low with 31 recorded, including three 'reportable accidents' to the HSE;

  • The number of lost days through work-related injuries was a total of 122 days;

  • The on-going delivery of the Council's health and safety training programme, with 102 staff receiving corporate health and safety training;

  • A programme continues to review/update Council health and safety Codes of Practice, to ensure they are suitable and sufficient for use;

  • Progress of the Health and Safety Action Plan (to 31 March 2016) and a summary of the work planned for 2016/17.

Members asked questions and made comments as follows:

Councillor Yeulett asked if any part of Fenland Hall that contained non-FDC staff, was it their own responsibility with regard to fire drills.  David Vincent explained that it was a joint responsibility; currently the Health Trust occupies part of the building and they are included within the fire drills that take place at Fenland Hall.  The Health Trust have had their own training as to how the building operates during a drill and are responsible for clearing their own offices and then communicating with FDC staff outside the building to complete the relevant reports; they have the same fire warden waistcoats and undertake the same training as FDC.

Councillor Booth commented the report did not make reference to the actual drills that had taken place and these are meant to have been carried out annually.  David Vincent explained that although not stated within the report, the drills are carried out every six months.  Councillor Booth stated it would be helpful if this could be included within the report to which David Vincent stated this could be included.

Councillor Booth commented that he had asked the previous year for the report to include the number of first aiders and how the Council was meeting requirements; this was not within the current report and asked if this information could be given and included within the report.  Rob Bridge, Corporate Director, stated this information could be circulated to the committee; there had been several staff changes recently and this could be fed into the report.

Councillor Murphy asked why only 37 from the Refuse and Cleansing Team had received health surveillance and why had this had only included just drivers.  David Vincent confirmed that only the drivers and not the loaders had been included as it was aimed at those at risk whilst driving a large vehicle.  Councillor Booth commented that the operatives were the ones that had the accidents; Councillor Murphy added that he thought this should include both drivers and operatives.  Sam Anthony, Head of HR & OD explained that the health and safety for drivers went above and beyond what was required as they were driving large vehicles and therefore it was essential they were healthy; the loaders do receive regular health and safety training to ensure they operate in a healthy manner.  Councillor Mrs Davis commented that the report should state that the operatives have received training as it looks like only the drivers have received the training.  Councillor Yeulett asked if Fenland had taken any further recommendations forward after the accident in Glasgow involving a refuse driver.  Sam Anthony explained that Fenland were already following stringent procedures but that they had met with relevant officers to look at other recommendations.  David Vincent explained that as part of the Driving at Work practice already in place; there is an annual check on all driver documentation and part of that check is to ask for any medical issues and points received on licenses therefore Fenland were carrying out these checks long before the accident in Glasgow.  Sam Anthony explained that drivers undertake a medical HGV which is a whole health screening including the checking of blood pressure and for the onset of early diabetes whereby drivers are encouraged to contact their GPs and this has proved very useful.  Councillor Mrs Davis stated that the figures for the training of operatives should be included as it was clear from the accident figures that it was the operatives that had the most accidents.  David Vincent explained that the Refuse team receive Health and Safety Training which covers all the risks that they would be exposed to but this was not mentioned within the report.  Councillor Butcher asked if near misses were reported; David Vincent explained that they are encouraged to report near misses, as are all staff.

Councillor Yeulett commented that the number of staff had reduced significantly and asked if the number of accidents corresponded with that.  Councillor Booth stated that if the accident statistics were looked at by service area then the refuse figures were constant with the other service areas being low.  David Vincent explained that previous accidents figures had been at 97 a year but this has now been brought down to a low level due to induction training, Refuse Health & Safety handbook and health surveillance.  Councillor Mrs Davis asked if there was anything additional that the committee could do to show they took notice of the figures.  Councillor Booth added that controls can be put in but this would only reduce the risk; Councillor Murphy added that drivers are constantly receiving health and safety advice but there were now more vehicles on the road.  David Vincent stated that most accidents were slips and trips on grass, pulling bins and tweaking muscles and not big accidents.  Councillor Booth stated there would always be a basic level of accidents.  David Vincent explained that Fenland were in the process of developing an e-learning package for the refuse service which would be an additional measure.  Councillor Yeulett asked how the cost of accidents were monitored and were some more expensive.  David Vincent stated the accidents were generally low with only three over the year resulting in lost time at work; most accidents occur and then the relevant employee is back at work the next day; there have not been a high number of days lost.  Rob Bridge explained that the report showed the number of lost working days due to accidents.  Councillor Booth commented that the previous year had been low and it was likely this would increase this year.

Councillor Booth stated that he did not think the RAG indicator on the Action Plan reflected the progress correctly as it could be read that we were behind when this was not the case.

Councillor Murphy commented the report stated there were 480 employees but could the committee have a breakdown of this figure.  Sam Anthony stated this information would be circulated to the committee.

Councillor Yeulett asked if Fenland carried out any annual drills.  David Vincent stated that Fenland carry out fire drills at least six monthly although legally these only have to be once a year and fire alarm checks are carried out weekly.  Councillor Mrs Davis asked if a day was picked when the maximum number of staff were in the building to which David Vincent stated he worked with Assets and Projects as they carry out the evacuations and these are always done during the day and early at the base to catch the refuse staff.

It was AGREED that the Council's performance within the report for 2015/15, along with the amendments suggested, be NOTED.
