21 Renewal of Public Spaces Protection Orders for Wisbech for a 3-year period PDF 4 MB
To extend the Wisbech PSPO on the consumption of alcohol by a further 3 years.
Members considered the extension of the Wisbech Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) on the consumption of alcohol by a further 3 years presented by Councillor Wallwork.
Councillor Wallwork stated that in 2017 the Council introduced the PSPO to cover areas of Wisbech Town Centre to deal with issues of street drinking and anti-social behaviour. She advised that the PSPO can be made for a maximum of three years and must be reviewed before being renewed, it was previously extended in 2020 and expires in October 2023.
Councillor Wallwork stated that as part of the renewal the Community Safety Team have carried out a consultation with the public and key stakeholders as well as reviewing data to determine whether the PSPO should be extended for a further three years. She made the point that the report outlines the issues, the consultation process outcomes and the role the PSPO plays in Police enforcement.
Members made comments, asked questions and received responses as follows:
· Councillor Tierney stated that he championed introducing the PSPO when it was first introduced but he did say at the time that he did not think it was going to work as a new policy was being introduced with no means of enforcing it. He expressed the view that these new powers become available, the public demand something is done and the Council responds correctly but if there is no structure in place to enforce any of it, it all becomes useless and it is useless, it does not work as nobody will enforce it and the only people who have the power to enforce it are the Police and they will not do it as they are too busy, have to put their resources elsewhere and the areas where PSPOs are put in place people are still drinking in them and creating anti-social behaviour. He believes that no one has been enforced or charged since the introduction of the PSPO but he is still going to support renewing it as if you do not renew it people will say why would you not back this clear policy to counter it and he finds it is a difficult situation where members have to support policies where there is no enforcement undertaken and the Government should be challenged to say with these powers in place who is going to enforce it in future and how are the Police going to be encouraged to keep the law and how are they going to be resourced to do this. He stated that he did want to point this out as if it keeps get nodded through without pointing out the weaknesses then he does not think members are doing their job.
· Councillor Mrs Laws added that a lot of time, effort and work goes into these policies, which is not good if they are not enforced but it has to be reviewed on the understanding that nobody is enforcing it.
· Councillor Miscandlon agreed with the comments of the other councillors but stated ... view the full minutes text for item 21