Agenda and minutes

Cabinet - Monday, 15th July, 2024 2.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Fenland Hall, County Road, March

Contact: Linda Albon  Member Services and Governance Officer

No. Item


Previous Minutes pdf icon PDF 194 KB

To confirm and sign the minutes of 20 May 2024.


The minutes of the meeting held 20 May 2024 were agreed and signed.


Council Revenue and Capital Outturn 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 240 KB

To inform Cabinet of the income and expenditure (known as “Outturn”) for the Council for 2023/24 and reasons for variations.


Members considered the Council Revenue and Capital Outturn 2023/24 report presented by Councillor Boden.


Councillor Mrs French thanked both Councillor Boden and officers for the work they had done. Councillor Boden thanked Councillor Mrs French but stated that much of the work was undertaken by the officers and he gave his thanks to the Finance Team for the report which, as ever, had been produced professionally and very clearly.


Proposed by Councillor Boden, seconded by Councillor Mrs French and AGREED that:


(i)           The Outturn for the Council’s General Fund services in 2023/24, as detailed at Appendix A and Section 2 of the report, be noted and that Members note the transfer of the deficit to the Budget Equalisation Reserve;

(ii)          The reasons for the variations from revised estimate be noted;

(iii)        The current position on the Cambridgeshire Horizons Reserve, as detailed in Section 3 of this report be noted;

(iv)        The proposed Capital Funding schedule for 2023/24 at Appendix B(i) be approved. 


Investment Board Update and review of the Commercial and Investment Strategy pdf icon PDF 277 KB

An update of the work of the Investment Board from August 2023 to April 2024.



Members considered the Investment Board update and review of the Commercial and Investment Strategy report presented by Councillor Boden.


Councillor Boden stated that due to commercial confidentiality he could not provide too much detail, but Fenland Future Ltd is likely to shortly instruct their development partners to commence The Elm’s full planning application and starting the full planning application process for at least Phase 1 of the Nene Waterfront.


Councillor Tierney said that some people may find the work of the Investment Board slow and methodical but that is an asset. The decisions being taken are sensible, at the correct pace and the correct level of risk. This is ultimately public money and public investment.


Councillor Boden thanked Councillor Tierney saying that some councils have put themselves in a terrible financial position by overstretching themselves. When it comes to outside commercial investments, Councillor Boden has received 72 propositions and ended up with one through being cautious.


Proposed by Councillor Boden, seconded by Councillor Benney and AGREED to note the report of the Investment Board and to note the ongoing review of the current Commercial and Investment Strategy as determined by the constitution and delegated to the S151 officer for tabling at a future meeting.


Productivity Plans pdf icon PDF 219 KB

To endorse the Productivity Plan which must be published on the Fenland District Council website by 19 July 2024.



Members considered the Productivity Plan report presented by Councillor Boden.


Proposed by Councillor Boden, seconded by Councillor Benney and AGREED to approve the FDC Productivity Plan.


Defra Capital Funding Food Waste Vehicle Purchase pdf icon PDF 128 KB

To approve the procurement of food waste vehicles in line with legislative changes and to delegate the procurement to the relevant director through existing procurement frameworks.



Members considered the Defra Capital Funding Food Waste Vehicle Purchase report presented by Councillor Murphy.


Councillor Miscandlon asked if the public will be suitably notified of this new system of waste collection. Councillor Murphy confirmed that this would be the case.  


Proposed by Councillor Murphy, seconded by Councillor Tierney and AGREED:


(i)           To note that following a successful appeal, Defra’s capital funding has improved to £1,06,991; an increase of £235,176 on the initial amount.

(ii)          That the Council is committed to the procurement of appropriate vehicles in a timely fashion to allow for the commencement of weekly domestic food waste collections from April 2026.

(iii)        Delegation to the Corporate Director and Section 151 Officer, in consultation with the Finance Portfolio Holder, for the authorisation to secure through appropriate procurement the vehicles required to complete the weekly food waste collections.

(iv)        To note that the legally required changes to food waste collection, along with other Environment Act amendments, will result in future Cabinet or Council meetings being presented with updates on Fenland’s Waste Strategy, Waste Service Standards, and other reports over the coming 12 months.


Consultation Strategy 2024-27 pdf icon PDF 275 KB

To consider the approval of the Consultation Strategy 2024-27.



Members considered the Consultation Strategy 2024-37 report presented by Councillor Tierney.


Councillor Boden commented that he is pleased with the report, it shows a light touch where it is appropriate and provides flexibility. 


Proposed by Councillor Tierney, seconded by Councillor Seaton and AGREED to approve the Consultation Strategy 2024-27.


Appointment to Outside Bodies pdf icon PDF 177 KB

To review and agree the list of outside bodies and nominations for representatives on those organisations for 2024/25.



Members considered the Outside Bodies report presented by Councillor Boden.


Councillor Boden pointed out that a new Appendix A had been tabled with some further changes, which he read out.


Councillor Mrs French asked if the Fenland Twinning Association had now folded. Councillor Miscandlon responded that unfortunately the FTA had ceased as principal members were in ill health and felt they could no longer continue, combined with no new members coming forward. However, it could potentially restart should there be interest in the future. Councillor Tierney suggested that this is a sign of the times, twinning associations are becoming outdated with the advent of social media and many twinning associations are in a similar situation.


Proposed by Councillor Boden, seconded by Councillor Mrs French and AGREED:


(i)           the appointments set out at revised Appendix A of the report, along with proposed additional changes to the revised Appendix A as read out in the meeting as follows:


Cambridgeshire Health & Wellbeing Board – Cllr Nawaz substantive member rather than Cllr Wallwork, and


Combined Authority Environment and Sustainable Communities – Cllr Tierney substantive member, with substitute being Cllr Mrs Laws.


(ii)          to note where requirements to provide representatives to outside bodies cannot currently be fulfilled.

(iii)        To delegate to the Corporate Director and Monitoring Officer, in consultation with the Leader of the Council and Group Leaders, the addition or deletion of outside bodies as the need arises during the municipal year and appointment of members to vacancies on outside bodies during the municipal year.

(iv)        To provide a steer as to who can represent FDC on Outside Bodies.


Wisbech High Street Update pdf icon PDF 122 KB

A monthly update regarding ongoing construction work at 24 High Street and progress regarding the options for 11-12 High Street, Wisbech.


Members considered the Wisbech High Street update report presented by Councillor Seaton. 


Proposed by Councillor Seaton, seconded by Councillor Mrs French and AGREED to note the monthly update relating to the works at 24 and 11-12 High Street, Wisbech. 


Draft 6 Month Cabinet Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 78 KB

For information purposes.


Councillor Boden advised that a special Cabinet meeting may need to be held in August as a matter of urgency, otherwise the draft Forward Plan was noted for information.


Options for the Renewal of a Lease of Operational Land in Wisbech (Confidential Report)

An update regarding the renewal of a lease of operational land in Wisbech.


Officers considered the confidential Options for the Renewal of a Lease of Operational Land in Wisbech report presented by Councillor Mrs French.


Proposed by Councillor Mrs French, seconded by Councillor Boden and AGREED to the revised recommendation in the confidential report.


(Members resolved to exclude the public for this item of business on the grounds that it involves the disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972).