Agenda and minutes

Planning Committee - Wednesday, 29th May, 2024 1.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Fenland Hall, County Road, March, PE15 8NQ

Contact: Jo Goodrum  Member Services and Governance Officer

No. Item


Appointment of the Chairman of the Planning Committee for the Municipal Year 2024/25


It was proposed by Councillor Mrs French, seconded by Councillor Purser and resolved that Councillor Connor be elected as Chairman of the Planning Committee for the municipal year.



Appointment of the Vice Chairman of the Planning Committee for the Municipal Year 2024/25


It was proposed by Councillor Connor, seconded by Councillor Purser and resolved that Councillor Marks be elected as Vice-Chairman of Planning Committee for the municipal year.



Previous Minutes pdf icon PDF 292 KB

To confirm and sign the minutes from the previous meeting of 1 May, 2024.


The minutes of the meeting of the 1 May 2024 were signed and agreed as an accurate record.



Land North of Stoneleigh, 22A Eaton Estate, Wimblington
Erect 45 dwellings involving demolition of existing dwelling and outbuildings.

pdf icon PDF 2 MB

To determine the application.

Additional documents:


Graham Smith presented the report to members and drew their attention to the update report which had been circulated.


Members received a presentation, in accordance with the public participation procedure, from Councillor Angela Johnson of Wimblington Parish Council. Councillor Johnson stated that the Planning Officer has explained that he is perplexed about the fact that the initial outline planning application granted in June 2020 for up to 30 family homes only raised concerns about access, increased traffic and road safety but, in her view, the long-term owner had always made it known to a lot of residents that he would like the land to be used for affordable housing after his death, with his family honouring that wish, selling the land and the landowner successfully applied for planning permission for up to 30 affordable houses, and then the land was sold onto the CHS Group. She stated that the land still had a few months of validity for outline planning permissions for up to 30 affordable homes was then sold onto Seagate.


Councillor Johnson questioned why the officer finds it perplexing when the planning application made by Seagate in 2023 for the revised figure of 45 homes, to be crammed into a slightly larger site, has raised such strong community and parish objections. She stated that in 2020 permission was granted for 88 dwellings and then in 2021 a further 21 dwellings and the figure has continued to rise, making the point that Wimblington is a growth village and has far outstretched its threshold with the built form in 2011 being 771 and the threshold was 116.


Councillor Johnson explained that, as of 8 March 2024, Wimblington has 350 new dwellings and more to be added and she made reference to LP4 with regards to the capacity of the sewerage network leading to the wastewater treatment works in Doddington, which still needs to be addressed. She added that Wimblington has a planning application which has been submitted for 40 affordable dwellings and this assists the village in reaching its threshold so, in her opinion, the planning officer’s comments with regards to housing needs is not comparable.


Councillor Johnson expressed the view that the Planning Committee are aware of the reason that the application has been deferred but those issues have not been addressed and have been papered over. She made the point that the Parish Council are perplexed due to the fact the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) have raised no objection in principle because the surface run off water from 45 dwellings and the surrounding areas will drain through permeable paving.


Councillor Johnson explained that the Highway Authority will not adopt this due to maintenance issues into a dry attenuation basin which is called that because Anglian Water will not adopt blue spaces and, in her view, the water will run into the ditches to the north of the site that run adjacent to the fields which the LLFA have deemed flood plains. She made the point that the  ...  view the full minutes text for item P4/24


91 High Street, March
Erect a 3-storey building comprising of 2 x commercial units (Class E and Sui Generis) and 7 x dwellings (5 x 1-bed flats and 2 x 2-bed flats) with associated waste and cycle storage involving demolition of existing 2-storey building within a Conservation Area

pdf icon PDF 6 MB

To determine the application.


David Rowen presented the report to members.


Members received a presentation, in accordance with the public participation procedure from Councillor Mrs French, the Ward Councillor for the application site. Councillor Mrs French stated that the application is for an existing business who are looking to expand, making the point that in the current economic climate, the business owner needs to be commended as there are not many businesses looking to grow. She added that, if approved, it would also mean the provision of one bedroomed flats which are very much needed and the current number of people who are on the waiting list for homes in Fenland is 1700.


Councillor Mrs French acknowledged that the application site is located within the Conservation Area of March but, in her view, the conservation policy is very out of date, making the point that many years ago she walked with the then Councillor Skoulding from St Peters Road to the marketplace where the Conservation Area ends and there were 342 illegal windows and other conservation contraventions and in her view the conservation areas all need to be reviewed in order that they are updated. She stated that the old Police Station is in need of attention as it has been neglected over the years and she added that the veterinary practice Amical should never have been allowed to be built in a Conservation Area.


Councillor Mrs French added that to the right of the Vets there are new flats being built at the present time along with further development across the road. She expressed the view that the application will not adversely impact the area and it will enhance the area by removing the car sales business which is not acceptable to be in a conservation area.


Councillor Mrs French asked members to approve the application, as it will enhance the business and provide flats that are badly needed which will provide new homes and be of public benefit. She made the point that the issues of noise and odour can be conditioned if the application is approved, and she asked the committee to support the application.


Members asked Councillor Mrs French the following questions:

·         Councillor Marks asked for clarity with regards to the number of Listed Buildings that there are near the site? Councillor Mrs French confirmed that there are three, Audmoor House, The Old Courthouse and The Maze. Councillor Marks asked whether Amical Vets is listed, and it was confirmed that it is not listed. 

·         Councillor Marks made the point that The Old Courthouse is now a snooker hall which is almost derelict and there are new properties which are located in the car park of Amical vets which will change the street scene. He added that there are further properties being built further down the road and added that the building next door to the application site looks to be modern in his opinion and it was confirmed it was about 22 years old. Councillor Marks expressed the opinion that  ...  view the full minutes text for item P5/24


Land North of Cherrytree House, Fallow Corner Drove, Manea
Permission in principle for up to 5 x dwellings pdf icon PDF 2 MB

To determine the application.


David Rowen presented the report to members.


Members received a presentation, in accordance with the public participation procedure, from Matthew Hall, the agent. Mr Hall referred to the officer’s summary which make the point that the site is relatively open in nature to the east which, in his opinion, is incorrect referring to the map displayed on the presentation screen which highlights the application site marked in red and whilst he agrees with the officer’s statement that to the north and the east of the site it is open Fen land explained that the site is surrounded by vegetation and residential development and the existing commercial business. He explained that on the site at present there are former pig sheds which have been on the site for 50 years and there are other sheds and outbuildings which have been on the site for at least 12 years, making the point that when you look at the map the site appears to be the last site along Fallow Corner Drove before it leads in to open Fen land.


Mr Hall referred to the photos on the screen and stated that in photo 3 it shows the eastern boundary and the vegetation which is to be maintained and then there is open Fen land, with photo number 4 showing the application site and boundary and then it steps into open Fen land. He made the point that there have been numerous applications passed in Fallow Corner Drove under the current Local Plan in the last ten years and there is one objection to the application which raises concern about the road, however, Fallow Corner Drove is used by farms and adjacent businesses and is a road adopted by the County Council.


Mr Hall explained that there is an existing access to the site which is going to maintained and widened out to allow two cars to be able to pass to the private driveway, with the Highway Authority having no objection to the proposal, and he explained that when reviewing photo number 4, a key point to consider is that the site, in his opinion, is just on the island of Manea as the road and land levels drop away by one metre. He made the point that when considering drainage, directly to the north of the site there is a riparian ditch and to the east and south there is also a riparian ditch where the existing treatment plant to the existing property discharges into, with a swale shown on the site plan which is indicative, however, it will be designed to greenfield run off rates so that the existing rate of surface water going into the ditches will not see an increase.


Mr Hall referred to the indicative layout and stated that the application is for four 5 bedroomed properties with large gardens, garages and access to them off of a private driveway. He added that the vegetation is being kept and will also see additional planting and he made  ...  view the full minutes text for item P6/24


Land North of 22C School Lane, Manea
Erect 1 x dwelling (outline application with matters committed in respect of access) involving the demolition of existing garage pdf icon PDF 2 MB

To determine the application.


David Rowen presented the report to members.


Members received a presentation, in accordance with the public participation procedure, from Matthew Hall, the agent. Mr Hall stated that the application is for a detached bungalow within the built-up form of Manea and the officer’s report makes reference to tandem development and this form of development is immediately adjacent to the application site. He added that there is tandem development immediately adjacent to the village hall and on the opposite side of School Lane there are numerous areas of tandem development.


Mr Hall stated that within the executive summary it states that there is not a strong building line along School Lane and referred to the presentation screen, explaining that the site is clearly within the built-up form of Manea and directly to the west on the left-hand side, in his opinion, tandem development is clearly visible. He made the point that on the opposite side of School Lane, all of the area has been developed over the last 25 years, with behind the application site, Scholars Close is located, and that was built out seven years ago and was previously open Fen land but, in his opinion, the application site is sandwiched by residential development.


Mr Hall explained that as the proposal is for a bungalow it would ensure that there are no concerns regarding overlooking or overshadowing and the officer’s report also states that there would be no adverse impact on neighbouring amenity areas. He made the point that in the officer’s report it explains that there is one support letter from Orchard Close in Elm, however, he stated that this is incorrect and should state Orchard Close in Manea which is to the south of School Lane, with all of the support letters being from people in Manea who have raised various points including the fact that School Lane is not a through road and the north side has been neglected in terms of development compared to the south side, with the application also being located in Flood Zone 1.


Mr Hall expressed the opinion that both the existing bungalow and the proposed bungalow would have a third plot area as per the Local Plan and in the officer’s report at 9.9 it states that the application site incorporates a substantial amount of land which currently serves 22c and, therefore, in his view, it is quite a large site. He made the point that he is often asked to consider the character of the area and the street scene, and he stated that should the application be approved and built out then, in his opinion, it would not be detrimental to the street scene because it would not be visible.


Mr Hall added that all consultees including Highways and Environmental Health support the proposal for a small bungalow in Flood Zone 1, which is located in the built-up form of Manea with no technical objections, and it has the support of the Parish Council.


Members asked questions, made comments,  ...  view the full minutes text for item P7/24