Venue: Council Chamber, Fenland Hall, County Road, March, PE15 8NQ
Contact: Jo Goodrum Member Services and Governance Officer
No. | Item |
To confirm and sign the minutes from the previous meeting of 13 December 2023 and 10 January 2024. Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the previous meetings of 13 December 2023 and 10 January 2024 were signed and agreed as an accurate record. |
To determine the application. Additional documents: Minutes: Nikki Carter presented the report to members and drew members attention to the update report that had been circulated.
Members received a presentation, in accordance with the public participation procedure, from Lee Bevens, the agent. Mr Bevens stated that he had originally planned to provide justification for the scheme for up to 12 persons to include the associated works for a House of Multiple Occupancy (HMO) at 7 Station Road Manea and had written a long statement in support of the proposal as members may or not be aware that the former Classics restaurant with the associated bed and breakfast business had accommodation for up to 9 people on the first floor. He stated that he had a detailed discussion earlier that day with Councillor Charlie Marks to discuss the concerns that he still feels exist with the proposal and following positive discussions to find a common ground that would suit both Councillor Marks and the applicant, which included the sensitive nature of the site and its location in a residential area.
Mr Bevens explained that the suggestion reached is to agree to a maximum of nine persons in the HMO for the first 12 months and after that time the Housing Compliance Manager, Jo Evans, would review the project to assess how the HMO is being operated and then hopefully grant the additional 3 persons which would still mean a maximum of 12 residents in the HMO. He thanked Jo Evans, the Housing Compliance Manager, and Nikki Carter, the Planning Officer, for the support and input with the scheme to date and he asked the committee to support the amendment to the scheme and grant approval for a 9 person HMO with a review in 12 months to increase it to a 12 person HMO.
Members received a presentation, in accordance with the public participation procedure, from Councillor Charlie Marks, the ward councillor. Councillor Marks confirmed that he has been in discussion with Mr Bevens earlier that day and, in his opinion, the outcome that has been reached is a compromise. He explained that the residents of Manea are not happy with a 12 person HMO, but as there are 9 already in place, in his opinion, he can see no reason why this cannot be considered as a good way forward and will give the HMO Officer the opportunity to review the premises over the next 12 months and work with the owner.
Councillor Marks stated that, therefore, at the current time he will support this.
Members asked Councillor Marks the following questions: · Councillor Hicks asked whether Councillor Marks has engaged with any of the local residents with regards to the proposal? Councillor Marks stated that he has had various communication with various residents and all of the residents have been very aware of the number of occupiers proposed in the application for the HMO as 12. He added that there has been 8 or 9 letters of support and also 27 letters of objection with regards to ... view the full minutes text for item P97/23 |
To determine the application. Additional documents: Minutes: Nikki Carter presented the report to members and drew members attention to the update report that had been circulated.
Members received a presentation, in accordance with the public participation procedure, from Peter Bryant, an objector to the proposal. Mr Bryant stated that he is attending the meeting to represent the hamlet of Colletts Bridge but stressed that his comments are not nimbyism, however, the community is asking the Council to uphold the Local Plan, and care about highway and flooding safety. He added that the emerging Local Plan has no bearing, but that a small village has a target of 9% growth within it and LP65.01 is for a 37% growth in the new plan which is clearly unsuitable and disproportionate.
Mr Bryant stated that with regard to the current Local Plan the proposal fails all elements of LP3 as it is for5 properties, not a single dwelling, and it is a mini estate, not an infill, and it is not part of an otherwise built-up frontage. He made the point that over many applications and 3 appeals (most recently last November) both the Council and Planning Inspectorate officers have described the western side of Colletts Bridge Lane to be predominantly open to the surrounding countryside with a handful of sporadic dwellings, with the latest appeal ruling that development on the west side of Colletts Bridge must be in keeping with this and not cause harm and, in his view, a mini estate would do dramatic harm to both character and appearance.
Mr Bryant referred to the presentation screen and stated that it shows the level of opposition to the application from local residents, both Ward Councillors and the Parish Council. He made the point that the community wants to protect the character and appearance, and flood and highway safety and, in his view, their opinions should be heard.
Mr Bryant explained that the previous slide showed a map which covered an area that is only a few hundred metres wide, and the map highlights the 5 distant residential supporters who mostly failed to address planning policy and issued generic expressions of support. He stated that when considering flooding, the site floods all year round and local knowledge asserts the site is semi-permanently flooded and waterlogged which is supported by the Middle Level Commissioners report where it mentions high water-table and low infiltration rate.
Mr Bryant explained that the area is covered in reeds, which by definition are wetland plants and it is the natural water run off for the roads on two sides, with the closest property having flooding problems to the point where their ground floor bathroom becomes unusable, and the application would seriously worsen these conditions and the submitted drawing indicates that over half the surface of the site would be built on. He explained that when considering highway safety, the opposite highway splay is incorrect on the diagram as it goes through a hedgewhich is over 1m, and the hedge is not in ... view the full minutes text for item P98/23 |
To determine the application. Additional documents: Minutes: David Rowen presented the report to members and drew members attention to the update report that had been circulated.
Members received a presentation, in accordance with the public participation procedure, from Matthew Hall, the agent. Mr Hall stated that the officer’s report states that the principle of residential development of the site is acceptable subject to other details and added that the site history within the officer’s report shows a previous refusal on the site in 1987, and the other application site referred to in the history is on the other side of the road and was 16 years ago and, therefore, since 1987 there have been no other refusals or applications on the site. He explained that within the officer’s report it states that there have been two applications withdrawn at the site, with one of those being due to biodiversity, and he has commissioned an ecology report which was by a different company, however, that company did not respond to any of the questions and has now ceased trading.
Mr Hall explained that a second ecology report has been submitted and when reviewing the comments from the County Council’s Ecology Department, they have recommended conditions, which he has spoken to the applicant regarding these, and he is happy to agree to those and they can be accommodated on the site. He referred to the presentation screen and he highlighted the red line which identifies the site, explaining that directly to the north of the site within the last two years there has been a planning in principle application for up to nine dwellings which has been approved but has not yet been built out and it is clear to see that it is clearly in the built-up form of Wisbech.
Mr Hall stated that the application has the support of Wisbech Town Council, is sited within Flood Zone 1 and the Highway Authority have made no objection to the proposal, with the entrance to the site being tarmacked which will benefit not only the site but also other users of the site as there are two further dwellings beyond this site off the access along with a former nursery. He explained that he also proposes to widen the access in front of the site to a width of 5.5 metres which would then provide a passing place which would benefit the site along with the other users of the access.
Mr Hall referred to the photos and highlighted that the car shown in the photographs should not be parked there and the access according to Land Registry is for the full width and the trees shown in the first photo all form part of the access which is approximately 6 metres wide although it does narrow down as David Rowen explained.
Members asked Mr Hall the following questions: · Councillor Marks asked whether some of the trees are going to be removed as he has stated that the access is going to be 6 metres wide? Mr Hall stated ... view the full minutes text for item P99/23 |
To determine the application. Additional documents: Minutes: David Rowen presented the report to members and drew members attention to the update report that had been circulated.
Members received a presentation, in accordance with the public participation procedure, from Alan Bedford, the applicant. Mr Bedford stated that he is sure that members are aware of the current difficulties that small businesses are suffering, explaining that he has 40 years in the construction industry mainly in the Fenland area working for a variety of companies. He explained that the one thing that the companies all had in common is that they needed to grow and diversify and unfortunately some businesses were unsuccessful and ceased to trade.
Mr Bedford stated that based on this knowledge it has become clear that Fen Plant requires the opportunity to explore all possible revenue streams as potential ways to expand and diversify the business and in order to achieve this, the first thing that is required is for the business to be able to expand the project range due to the fact that he has reached full capacity at the current rented location he occupies, with the proposed site being the only financially viable location in the local Whittlesey area. He added that he is proposing to reuse and repurpose existing local infrastructure which would otherwise become a derelict eyesore.
Mr Bedford expressed the view that the proposal is an environmentally friendly solution, and the proposed location offers his business the best possible chance to achieve its goals in the medium to long term which would include the potential to generate additional employment whilst maintaining all of the services in the local area, with an additional benefit being due to the fact that the site is available to purchase and in turn will give him increased financial stability. He stated that he is aware of the fact that the officer’s recommendation is one of refusal partially due to the earth bund which has been proposed to surround three sides of the location, but the reasons for the earth bund is threefold with the first reason being that it will be used for security purposes and, in his opinion, the earth bund will offer a suitable security method and be in keeping with the local area, with it being planted with locally sourced plants on completion and has been chosen over unsightly security fencing which is the only other alternative.
Mr Bedford explained that the second reason for the bund is that it will encourage the creation of additional habitats to flourish and lastly, he stated that all levels of industrial operations do generate a certain level of noise and dust and, therefore, the bund will go someway to reduce any possible impact on the surrounding area, with his business operation having less impact or no more than the current or original agricultural use. He stated that the only other reason for refusal that he is aware of is the road junction which the Highway Authority has recommended small alterations to which he has agree ... view the full minutes text for item P100/23 |
F/YR23/0460/FDC To determine the application. Additional documents: Minutes: Nick Harding presented the report to members.
Members received a presentation, in accordance with the public participation procedure, from Matthew Hall, the agent. Mr Hall stated that the committee will remember the application when it came before them in October and was deferred. He added that there is one reason for refusal and that is that the site is located in Flood Zone 3 but expressed the view that there have been numerous sites in Fenland which have been approved previously in Flood Zone 3 providing that the Environment Agency raise no objections and they have not raised any with this application.
Mr Hall expressed the opinion that the objection in the officer’s report already confirms that the principle of residential development of this site is acceptable, that the site is infill development and is within the continuous built-up form of Murrow and would not have an adverse impact on the visual amenity. He made the point that there have been no objections to the application from any consultees, neighbours or any persons in Murrow and the application has the support of the Parish Council, Environment Agency, Tree Officer and Highways Officer.
Mr Hall referred to the presentation screen and stated that on the map the red line identifies that the proposed site falls within the built up form of Murrow as the officer has stated, with to the northwest of the site there is a thin strip of land on which a dwelling was approved in 2016 and 2019 under the current Local Plan and the site falls within Flood Zone 3. He stated that, at the meeting in October 2023, members of the committee requested further information with regards to the surrounding properties, making the point that the applicant was Fenland District Council for the dwellings in Inhams Close and Pentelow Close and those buildings were built out with a few only being in private ownership and others owned by Clarion Housing.
Mr Hall explained that all of those properties are located in Flood Zone 3 and discussions have taken place with Anglian Water who have an asset to the west of the site, and they are happy with the proposal. He expressed the view that the site should be approved against the recommendation of the officer as there have been no objections from the Environment Agency and the principle of development is policy compliant, it is infill development and the other sites on adjacent roads in Murrow in Flood Zone 3 have also been approved under the current Local Plan, with an independent Flood Risk Assessment being approved by the Environment Agency. He made the point that the proposal will provide ideal starter homes within the built-up form of Murrow.
Members asked Mr Hall the following questions: · Councillor Marks asked that as the proposal is in Flood Zone 3 could Mr Hall provide the details with regards to what mitigation can be put in place as there have been dwellings in Manea which have been raised two ... view the full minutes text for item P101/23 |