Venue: Council Chamber, Fenland Hall, County Road, March, PE15 8NQ
Contact: Jo Goodrum Member Services and Governance Officer
No. | Item |
To confirm and sign the minutes from the meeting of 24 July, 2024. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of the 24 July were signed and agreed as an accurate record. |
To determine the application. Additional documents: Minutes: Gavin Taylor presented the report and drew members attention to the update report that had been circulated.
Members received a presentation, in accordance with the public participation procedure, from Will Hodgson, the applicant Mr Hodgson explained that Barratt David Wilson Homes already control 65% of the allocated site and he has been in discussions with both of the land owners involved with regards to bringing forward the whole site, which are subject to current separate planning applications, but he is committed to delivering and helping the other two applicants in delivering the whole allocation. He stated that, from the start, his strategy has been to ensure that the whole allocation can be delivered comprehensively and to achieve this he has ensured both of the access points have sufficient capacity to deliver the whole 600 to 650 units across the allocation.
Mr Hodgson explained that the proposal includes a comprehensive drainage strategy and there will be an equitable approach to the land split in order to determine how many dwellings are proposed on each parcel of land. He stated that the site will be delivered with both of the house building brands namely Barratt Homes and David Wilson Homes and the combination will bring forward a greater house type variety and will, therefore, provide the ability to deliver different design traits across the site.
Mr Hodgson made the point that, although subject to approval, the intention is to use Lambs Hill Drove as the construction access point and all construction vehicles would be limited through March Town Centre and up Wimblington Road, with the show homes and primary access for early parts of the site being off the Wimblington Road accessed at number 40. He added that he has listened to and responded to members, residents and statutory consultees throughout the planning application, and this will continue through the progression of the reserved matters stage.
Mr Hodgson stated that he is now proposing bus infrastructure measures along Wimblington Road and within the site itself along with better pedestrian and cyclist connectivity throughout the site and off-site highway improvements are being proposed along with a drainage strategy which avoids existing infrastructure issues on Barkers Lane. He explained that he is committed to delivering the scheme along with the Council and he sees it as a fantastic opportunity to create a legacy to support the growth of March.
Members received a presentation, in accordance with the public participation procedure, from Andrew Hodgson, the agent, along with George Beevor-Reid, their drainage expert present to answer any questions. Mr Hodgson stated that 425 houses are being delivered as part of the allocation and one of the points raised as part of the consultation with the public and with local members was the issue of foul drainage, which is referred to in the officer’s report where mitigation measures have been taken to avoid any further issues along Barkers Lane by implementing a separate pumping station which pumps along to The Avenue. He advised the committee that ... view the full minutes text for item P30/24 |
To determine the application. Additional documents: Minutes: Gavin Taylor presented the report and drew members attention to the update report that had been circulated.
Members received a presentation, in accordance with the public participation procedure, from Councillor Alex Miscandlon of Fenland District Council and Whittlesey Town Council. Councillor Miscandlon stated that whilst Whittlesey Town Council objected to the application, they are not against objecting to businesses in the area and actively encourage them, but the reason the Town Council objected to the proposal was due to the number of complaints that the Town Council received from residents of Eldernell Lane and residents residing in properties leading up to the application area. He stated that the application area is at the furthest point from the A605, and he explained that there are no passing places along Eldernell Lane or in the private road to allow vehicles to pass each other, which is quite dangerous and some vehicles who use the access road do so at significant speed.
Councillor Miscandlon explained that he was alerted to the issue by some of the residents of Eldernell Lane with regards to the attitude of some of the drivers that visit the premises, and the road is not suitable for speeding or heavy goods vehicles although they do use the road. He referred to the officer’s report and stated that the recommendation is for a 7.5 tonne lorry, but he is aware that there have been 18 wheeled vehicles with gravel using the roadway and there has also been a 9-metre transport vehicle for visitors using the road, which is 30 ft long and the turning into the private road from Eldernell Lane with a 30ft vehicle would be very difficult and as such in his view is not tenable.
Councillor Miscandlon explained that there is an alternative entrance located off the A605, which leads into the rear of the premises and that would not interfere with any of the residents in Eldernell Lane. He stated that he would like to see the application deferred to allow the outstanding issues to be remedied or refuse the application due to its non-compliance with highway safety.
Councillor Miscandlon made the point that he disagrees with the point made in the report that there are no highway safety issues due to the fact that the residents who live in the road feel that there are and are having to suffer a constant barrage from the vehicles who are using the road. He expressed the opinion that there needs to be a solution to this issue and the health and wellbeing of the resident who live there needs to be considered as they purchased their homes in this location to live a quiet rural life.
Councillor Miscandlon added that they are being interrupted in their leisure time by people coming down the lane, being verbally abusive to them, urinating in their driveways and conducting themselves inappropriately, which is not fair. He made the point that the applicant needs to be wary of who uses the facility ... view the full minutes text for item P31/24 |
To determine the application. Minutes: Gavin Taylor presented the report.
Members received a presentation, in accordance with the public participation procedure, from Chirs Walford, the agent and Angie Stewart, the applicant. Ms Stewart stated that she was pleased to see the changes that were recognised by the Planning Officer for two of the three reasons for refusal from the previous application have been addressed and are no longer an issue. She added that the current proposed site is located within Flood Zones 2 and 3 and the officer’s report refers to the Flood Risk Assessment which states that there is a low risk of flooding.
Ms Stewart made the point that the Council has stated that they have no strong objection to the proposed development on flood risk grounds, explaining that if the application is approved then flood risk mitigation measures will be implemented which have been suggested by the officer which will include finished floor levels to be set no lower than 300mm above ordnance data and the development should here at least two storeys and any future occupants would be requested to sign up to the Flood Line warnings direct and flood resilience and resistant measures to be incorporated into the proposed development. She explained that the reason for refusal for the current application is that the proposal does not pass the sequential exception test and she added that, with regards to the sequential test, officers identified four plots which are currently available within Tydd St Giles village boundary, but it is her understanding that three of the plots are not available, referring to F/YR23/0280/F, which is not on the market and maybe developed by the original applicant, F/YR23/0920/O which has been withdrawn following a Planning Committee refusal and F/YR22/0374/O which was an application which gained planning permission at appeal and has been sold subject to contract.
Ms Stewart advised that with regards to F/YR24/0030/O the application gained planning permission at committee and the land is currently for sale, but the plot has been recorded as being located beyond the built form of the settlement and is, therefore, an elsewhere location. She made the point that the Cambridgeshire Flood and Water Supplementary Planning Document alongside the Council’s approach to the sequential test for housing states that the sequential test should be applied on a district wide basis, and she added that it for this reason that she questions how the two plots can be sequentially compared.
Ms Stewart referred to the NPPF and made the point that it states that development should create spaces that are safe, inclusive and accessible and the plot has access to sustainable footpaths leading to village amenities including a school, park, pub, village hall and golf course. She made the point that as the applicant she has personal experience of specific housing needs that some people have such as wheelchair users, neuro development disorder or parents of children with special educational needs or life limiting illnesses.
Ms Stewart added that this is something that is quite dear to ... view the full minutes text for item P32/24 |
ENF/006/24/S215 To provide members of the Planning Committee an update regarding the site and to determine an appropriate course of action.
Minutes: Andrew Dudley, Planning Enforcement Officer, presented the confidential report to members.
Members asked questions, made comments and received responses.
Proposed by Councillor Mrs French, seconded by Councillor Booth and AGREED that prosecution of the owners and occupiers of the land be authorised, under Section 216 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended).
(Members resolved to exclude the public from the meeting for this item of business on the grounds that it involved the disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 7 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972) |