Venue: Council Chamber, Fenland Hall, County Road, March, PE15 8NQ
Contact: Jo Goodrum
Member Services and Governance Officer
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To receive apologies for absence.
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Previous Minutes PDF 279 KB
To confirm and sign the minutes
from the previous meeting of 27 November 24..
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To report additional items for consideration which the Chairman deems urgent by virtue of the special circumstances to be now specified
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To receive Members declarations of any interests under the Local Code of Conduct or any interest under the Local Code of Conduct or any interest under the Code of Conduct on Planning Matters in respect of any item to be discussed at the meeting.
5. |
F/YR23/0550/F Phase B Land East Of, Berryfield, March Erect 18 x dwellings (12 x 2-storey, 4-bed and 6 x 2-storey, 3-bed) with associated infrastructure and the formation of 2 x balancing ponds and public open space PDF 5 MB
To determine the
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F/YR23/0940/F Land West And South Of 74, West Street, Chatteris,br/>Erect 70 x dwellings (29 x 2-bed 2-storey, 29 x 3-bed 2-storey, 6 x 4-bed 2-storey and 6 x 2-bed single-storey) PDF 6 MB
To determine the
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F/YR24/0365/F Sims Contract Furniture Limited, Plash Farm House, Plash Drove, Tholomas Drove Wisbech Erect 1 x dwelling (2 storey, 4 bed) with a 1.8m (max height) front boundary wall (in association with existing business) and the formation of an access, involving the demolition of existing outbuildings PDF 1 MB
To determine the
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F/YR24/0339/O 12 School Lane, Manea, March, PE15 0JN Erect up to 2 dwellings (outline application with matters committed in respect of access) involving demolition of existing outbuilding and part of existing dwelling PDF 1 MB
To determine the
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F/YR24/0813/O Land East Of, 64 - 72 Sutton Road, Leverington Erect 1 self-build dwelling (outline application with all matters reserved) PDF 1 MB
To determine the
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F/YR24/0211/O Land North Of, 35 Whittlesey Road, March Erect of up to 19 x dwellings involving culverting the drain for access (outline application with matters committed in respect of access) PDF 3 MB
To determine the
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F/YR24/0557/F Land South Of Swan Cottage Benwick Road Accessed From, Dykemoor Drove, Doddington Erect a hay store, 1.5m high weld mesh and 1.8m high close board boundary fencing (retrospective) PDF 942 KB
To determine the
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F/YR24/0783/O Land North East Of Highfield Lodge, Doddington Road, Chatteris Erect up to 2 x dwellings (outline application with all matters reserved) PDF 889 KB
To determine the
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Items which the Chairman has under item 3 deemed urgent