Agenda and minutes

Planning Committee - Wednesday, 26th June, 2024 1.00 pm

Venue: The Boathouse Business Centre, Wisbech PE13 3BH

Contact: Jo Goodrum  Member Services and Governance Officer

No. Item


Previous Minutes pdf icon PDF 335 KB

To confirm and sign the minutes from the previous meeting of 29 May 2024.


The minutes of the meeting of 29 May 2024 were signed and agreed as an accurate record.


Land North Of Tydd Steam Brewery, Kirkgate, Tydd St Giles
Erect 4 x dwellings (outline application with all matters reserved) pdf icon PDF 792 KB

To determine the application.


David Rowen presented the report to members.


Members received a presentation, in accordance with the public participation procedure, from Reverend Helen Gardener, the applicant and Liam Lunn-Towler, the agent.


Mr Lunn-Towler stated that applicant is a charity based in Tydd St Giles and part of that charity’s objective is to manage land for the benefit the Parish of Tydd St Giles so the application seeks to develop land for market dwellings to increase its value and then the land will be sold on meaning that the money obtained through that sale will then be available for the charity to fulfil its objective. He stated that the charity has already received some interest in the land.


Mr Lunn-Towler explained that historically the charity has supported various groups and individuals which include student grants, equipment for the church, swimming lessons for the school and a wheelchair for an individual as well as property adaptations. He made the point that the application is, therefore, considered to deliver a community benefit should it be approved and to outweigh the conservation concerns.


Mr Lunn-Towler made reference to the officer’s concerns with regards to the character of the proposal and stated that Kirkgate Street has undergone significant growth over the last 10 years and since 2016 the land east of the application site has been developed on both sides of the road for residential properties resulting in land surrounding the Listed Building being developed for residential use and, in his opinion, the character in this area has already been established and the proposal seeks to integrate into that. He expressed the view that the proposal aims to keep the majority of the existing trees on the boundary line adjacent to Kirkgate to maintain a key feature, which will be required to facilitate the new access points and he made the point that the application is considered to enhance the area and provide a community benefit to outweigh the officer’s recommendation.


Reverend Gardner stated that she is one of the Trustees of the Brigstock and Wren Charity and is the ex officio due to her status as the Vicar of Tydd St Giles, with the purpose of the charity being to support the residents of the Parish of Tydd St Giles, along with Four Gotes, Foul Anchor and Tydd Fen. She stated that the charity helps individuals in need to pay for items, services, facilities, and educational costs and it also assists organisations that benefit the residents of the parish and for the relief of need.


Reverend Gardner provided a summary of the more recent payments that have been made which included a £5,000 grant to Kinderley Primary School to go towards swimming and she explained that they have recently received a good rating from Ofsted who had commented that the whole school being offered swimming lessons was one of the contributing factors that went towards the school being offered the good grade and the head teacher has passed on their thanks to the charity. She explained  ...  view the full minutes text for item P9/24


Land East of 156 High Road, Newton-in-the-isle,
Erect 6 x dwellings (2-storey 4-bed), and the formation of 2 x accesses and a pedestrian footpath pdf icon PDF 2 MB

To determine the application.


David Rowen presented the report to members.


Members received a presentation, in accordance with the public participation procedure, from David Pritchard, an objector to the proposal. Mr Pritchard explained that he was addressing the committee on behalf of some of the objectors to the proposal as well as being an adjacent landowner to the development, and he was not made aware of the planning in principle (PIP) application and was also not able or aware until afterwards to submit his objections. He stated the district plan requires new properties to be in the existing developed footprint and under LP12 and LP3 the new developed footprint is quite easily seen and defined by the draft 2022 plan which has been identified in the red line plan.


Mr Pritchard stated that the applicant has described the proposal as an infill development, and he expressed the view that an infill site is a gap between buildings in an area which is already built up and the area should no longer be larger than a gap to accommodate a maximum of two properties and, therefore, in his opinion, it is not infill development. He explained that LP3 defines Newton as a small village and in this type of settlement the Local Plan states that developments will be considered on their own merits but will normally be of limited nature and normally be limited in scale to residential infilling.


Mr Pritchard made the point that LP12 requires a community consultation if the development exceeds the growth threshold and he stated that in the Fenland Plan Clause 23, Table 9 it states that Newton is a small village type B which requires an additional 6 dwellings and that has already taken place following planning approvals. He explained that since then there have been other suitable sites including the Shrubberies, the Old Colville Site and the Woadmans Arms site, which are all potential development sites, however, no consultation has taken place.


Mr Pritchard referred to LP12 of the Local Plan which concerns the rural development policy and states that the development would be supported if it contributes to the sustainability of the settlement and also states that where a development proposal results in a loss of high-grade agricultural land, comprehensive evidence is provided to justify the loss. He explained that comments were made on the original proposal including the fact that the site falls within Flood Zone 3, which is the highest risk of flooding, and all alternative avenues should be pursued before being built on.


Mr Pritchard made the point that the site is located on a 60mph busy road and adjacent to a corner including a blind road with Rectory Cottage on Rectory Road. He added that the existing linear form of development would be continued along the road frontage and result in extended ribbon development.


Mr Pritchard expressed the opinion that the development would have an impact on the setting of the village church, which is Listed, and it would also have an adverse  ...  view the full minutes text for item P10/24


Land North West of 41 King Street, Wimblington
Erect 3 no dwellings (1 x 2-storey 4-bed and 2 x single-storey 3-bed) and associated works with access from Willow Garden pdf icon PDF 2 MB

To determine the application.


David Rowen presented the report to members.


Members received a presentation, in accordance with the public participation procedure, from Liam Lunn-Towler, the agent. Mr Lunn–Towler stated that during the application process the scale of the dwellings were reduced following discussions with the Planning Officer which has enabled a recommendation of approval. He explained that the application is before the committee due to the number of neighbour objections with the main reason of objection being down to the highways concerns.


Mr Lunn-Towler explained that during the application process in the middle of November he received concerns from the Highway Authority with regards to access and then very shortly after that those issues were resolved and found to be agreeable with them. He stated that the amended drawing and highways comment was not uploaded until early March and during that time lapse the neighbours raised objections with regards to the initial highways concerns.


Mr Lunn-Towler expressed the view that the application is considered to be in the heart of the village, within walking distance of local amenities and is surrounded by residential properties and as a result the proposal is a logical development which produces a minimal impact and supports local services. He explained that the Parish Council have raised no objection to the proposal and the applicant and family are long term residents of the village who are looking to develop the land for their families’ homes.


Mr Lunn-Towler expressed the opinion that the development is within a residential area and the design of the dwellings is supported by officers and he asked the committee to support the proposal.


Members asked Mr Lunn-Towler the following questions:

·         Councillor Connor referred to paragraph 5.1 where Wimblington Parish Council have stated that the three large scale dwellings are not in keeping with the surrounding area of both new developments and pre-existing historic dwellings along Kings Street, with them also making reference to the close boarded fencing and the effect on natural light. He added that on 17 May Wimblington Parish Council have added a further comment which states that they have had the opportunity and ability to compare the old and the revised plans and they have no further objections to this application. Councillor Connor referred to 5.3 of the report where it details a shared access and stated that it is imperative that a Section 38 Agreement is in place as he wants the roadway adopted by the Highway Authority. He added that the Highway Authority have numerous Section 38 Agreements which are outstanding, and he would like to see that the applicant and agent give concrete assurances that they will take steps to get the road adopted. Mr Lunn-Towler stated that he has no control with regards to what Reason Homes do to that road, but he can deliver what has been proposed but they have not proposed that it will be to an adoptable standard. Councillor Connor made the point that at 5.3 it states that it is the developer’s intention  ...  view the full minutes text for item P11/24


2 Market Street, Whittlesey.

To provide members of the Planning Committee an update regarding the site and to determine an appropriate course of action.


David Rowen presented the confidential report to members.


Members asked questions, made comments and received responses.


Proposed by Councillor Mrs French, seconded by Councillor Connor and AGREED that prosecution of the owners and occupiers of the land be authorised, under Section 179 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended).


(Members resolved to exclude the public from the meeting for this item of business on the grounds that it involved the disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 7 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972)