Agenda and minutes

Licensing Committee - Wednesday, 2nd October, 2019 1.30 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Fenland Hall, County Road, March, PE15 8NQ

Contact: Linda Albon  Member Services and Governance Officer

No. Item


Previous Minutes. pdf icon PDF 171 KB

To confirm and sign the minutes of 23 July 2019.


The minutes of the meeting of 23 July 2019 were agreed and signed.


Review of the Cumulative Impact Assessment Policy (CIA) pdf icon PDF 3 MB

To update Members on the outcome of the public consultation in relation to the Cumulative Impact Assessment (CIA) Policy and for Members to consider the results of the consultation in relation to the CIA Policy and agree next steps with regard to the policy moving forward.


Members reviewed the Cumulative Impact Assessment (CIA) Policy report and results of the recent consultation presented by Michelle Bishop. 


Michelle Bishop introduced PC Grahame Robinson from Cambs Police and Joe Keegan from Public Health. 


Mr Keegan gave a short update to the submission from Public Health (Appendix D to the report) in support of keeping the policy. He stated that they are not anti-alcohol but the social impact of excessive use is well documented and seen in Wisbech, and drew Members’ attention to the statistics showing the strong link with deprivation, alcohol outlet density and consumption. Mr Keegan pointed out that life expectancy in Wisbech is four years less for a man than in other parts of the county. Furthermore he had provided statistical data at ward level to support the view of Public Health that out of 17 current off-licences in the current CIA area, nine are located in an area which is in the 10% most deprived in the country. Mr Keegan further pointed out that of the seven wards in Wisbech, five have the worst hospital admission figures in England, with Medworth ward being five times higher than the rest of Fenland. Data from the primary care network showed that alcohol related liver disease in Wisbech is three times higher than the South Fens area, thereby showing the real impacts of alcohol in the population of Wisbech.


Michelle Bishop thanked Mr Keegan. 


Councillor Maul asked Mr Keegan if he could check some of the statistics. He asked if the alcohol related figures in Medworth ward was based on people who actually lived in the ward. Mr Keegan replied that was the case. Councillor Maul stated that Medworth covers the town centre which is where the majority of outlets are so the higher figures would be expected. Mr Keegan said that people admitted to hospital stated that is where they reside, so these figures reflect the local population.


Councillor Hoy asked if the data was recent. Mr Keegan said that the data was four years old and although he had been unable to look at more recent figures in greater detail, he could not see there would be a massive difference. Mr Keegan added he has been involved in this area of public health for fifteen years and working on substance misuse for seven years, and the data trends have been similar in all that time. Councillor Hoy felt that the data should have been more recent and said that the policy does not work because the figures have got worse not better.


Michelle Bishop invited PC Robinson to give his representation. PC Robinson advised that he is not a statistician but the figures taken from police crime and incident data compared to previous assessments over the years do show a reduction.  However there has been significant change to staff and resources and new software has been introduced and there are different ways of recording certain crimes on it.  Also it should be noted that some people will  ...  view the full minutes text for item LIC8/19


Review of Gambling Statement of Policy Document - Gambling Act 2005 pdf icon PDF 2 MB

To update Members on the outcome of the public consultation for the draft policy document and for Members to consider the results of the consultation on the draft Statement of Gambling Principles for the period 2019-2022.


Members considered the Gambling Statement of Policy report presented by Michelle Bishop. 


Proposed by Councillor Topgood, seconded by Councillor Meekins, it was AGREED to recommend to full Council that the draft Statement of Gambling Principles be approved for the period of 2019-2022.