Venue: Council Chamber, Fenland Hall, County Road, March, PE15 8NQ
Contact: Linda Albon Member Services and Governance Officer
No. | Item |
Appointment of the Chairman for the Municipal Year Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Mrs Mayor, seconded by Councillor Connor and resolved that Councillor Humphrey be elected as Chairman of the Licensing Committee for the Municipal Year. |
Appointment of a Vice-Chairman for the Municipal Year Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Connor, seconded by Councillor Humphrey and resolved that Councillor Skoulding be elected as Vice-Chairman of the Licensing Committee for the Municipal Year.
To confirm and sign the minutes of the previous meeting held 10 February 2021. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of 10 February 2021 were confirmed and signed. |
Review of Gambling Statement of Policy Document PDF 3 MB For Members to consider and approve the draft policy document for consultation with Responsible Authorities and others. Minutes: Members reviewed the draft Gambling Statement of Principles 2022-2025 Licensing Policy presented by Michelle Bishop.
Councillor Lynn gave his thanks for the work that had been done on the policy document and said the committee should accept the changes.
Councillor Humphrey commented that as Chairman both he and Councillor Lynn, as Portfolio Holder, had already approved the draft report. He said it reinforced his thoughts that the policy could have been approved for public consultation before coming to the Licensing Committee. Councillor Meekins asked if that was the case, had it been necessary for the committee to meet? Councillor Humphrey said that currently the constitution provides that the draft policy must be brought before the committee prior to consultation, and therefore the fact that members had met this morning was the right and proper thing to do and it would require a constitutional change otherwise. Michelle Bishop advised that the suggestion of a constitutional change would be something she would take forward.
Members AGREED:
· to approve the draft policy document under the Gambling Act 2005 as detailed within the report for a consultation period of no less than four weeks; and · that officers report back to committee with the outcomes of the consideration to agree a final version to be referred to full Council for adoption.
Councillor Humphrey reminded members that it is a constitutional requirement that the committee undertake licensing training each municipal year to be able to take part in decision making at meetings and hearings. Although several training sessions had already been arranged, there were still some members who had been unable to attend. He therefore encouraged those members to fulfil the constitutional requirement when the next opportunity arises and asked for this request to be included within the minutes.