Agenda and draft minutes

Conduct Committee - Thursday, 13th July, 2023 2.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Fenland Hall, County Road, March, Cambs, PE15 8NQ

Contact: Jo Goodrum  Member Services and Governance Officer

No. Item


Appointment of the Chairman for the Municipal Year


It was proposed by Councilor Gowler, seconded by Councillor Purser and resolved that Councillor Count be elected Chairman of the Conduct Committee for the municipal year 2023/24


Appointment of a Vice-Chairman for the Municipal Year


It was proposed by Councillor Count, seconded by Councillor Mockett and resolved that Councillor Gowler be elected Vice-Chairman of the Conduct Committee for the Municipal Year 2023/24.


Previous Minutes pdf icon PDF 189 KB

To approve and sign the minutes of the meeting held 4th December 2020


The minutes of the previous meeting of 4 December 2020 were confirmed as a true and accurate record.


Co-Option of Town and Parish Council Representatives pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Fenland District Council is entitled to co-opt up to two representatives from Town and Parish Councils within the District to support its programme of work. The Committee currently has two vacancies therefore applications for this position have been sought from Town and Parish Councils.


Members considered the recommendation as to the Co-Option of Town and Parish Council Representatives report.


Proposed by Councillor Count, seconded by Councillor Purser and AGREED to recommend to Full Council the co-option of the two applicants to the vacant Town and Parish Council Representative vacancies on the Conduct Committee for a term of four years.