Venue: Council Chamber, Fenland Hall
Contact: Linda Albon Member Services and Governance Officer
No. | Item |
To consider an application for a new premises licence in respect of March Tandoori, 47 St Peters Rd, March, PE15 9NA
Additional documents: Minutes: Members considered an application for the review of a premises licence made under the provisions of the Licensing Act 2003 in respect of March Tandoori, St Peters Road, March.
The Chairman introduced the Panel and Officers. Others present were;
Mr Adeeb Ahmed – The Applicant.
Michelle Bishop presented the report to the Panel. She explained that whilst Cambs Constabulary had raised initial concerns during the consultation period, the applicant had agreed to install CCTV and a reduction in hours to alleviate these. The application had received 14 objections and attempts had been made to mediate with objectors. The applicant had agreed to reduce their alcohol serving times and whilst some objectors had agreed to this, there were still 9 outstanding objections.
Councillor Humphrey invited the applicant to present his case.
Mr Ahmed thanked the Panel for allowing him to speak at today’s hearing and explained that this was his first business venture. He stated that the Covid-19 pandemic had financially impacted the business and he had taken the opportunity to apply for a licence in an attempt to boost business. He confirmed that he had attempted to mediate with objectors and does not wish to cause them, or neighbouring properties, any issues. He asked the Panel to approve the application today and give him the opportunity to prove this.
Councillor Humphrey invited the Panel to ask questions;
1. Councillor Maul recommended that the applicant considers underage drinking measures and drew his attention to the Challenge 25 scheme. 2. Councillor Maul referenced the application and asked for confirmation that a Security Industry Authority (SIA) licence holder will be present on-site (page 21 of the agenda pack). Mr Ahmed confirmed that both he and his brother hold an SIA licence and will be on-site at all times. 3. Councillor Maul asked for assurance that SIA badges will be displayed. Mr Ahmed agreed to this. 4. Councillor Meekins asked if the premises provide a takeaway service only or seating area for customers. Mr Ahmed confirmed that the premises offers both services.
Councillor Humphrey invited the applicants to sum up their case.
Mr Ahmed confirmed that following conversations with the Police, he had installed additional CCTV cameras which now cover both inside and outside of the premises which should alleviate any concerns.
The Panel adjourned at 1.35pm for deliberation and reconvened at 2.04pm.
Councillor Humphrey thanked everybody for their time and patience and read out the decision notice. The Licensing Committee Hearing Panel GRANTED the licence as applied for, subject to the additional conditions agreed with the Police and that the outside area to close at 2230 hrs and the inside seating area to close at midnight, with the sale of alcohol to cease at those times at those two areas. |