Venue: Via Zoom
Contact: Linda Albon Member Services and Governance Officer
No. | Item |
Due to the COVID-19 outbreak and the restrictions by the Government on gatherings of people, this meeting will be conducted remotely using the Zoom video conferencing system. There will be no access to this meeting at the Council offices, but you can view the meeting on YouTube, apart from any items marked confidential.
Appointment of Chairman |
To receive apologies for absence. |
To report additional items for consideration which the Chairman deems urgent by virtue of the special circumstances to be now specified. |
Members to declare any interests under the Local Code of Conduct in respect of any item to be discussed at the meeting. |
CONFIDENTIAL - ITEMS COMPRISING EXEMPT INFORMATION To exclude the public (including the press) from a meeting of a committee it is necessary for the following proposition to be moved and adopted: “that the public be excluded from the meeting for Items which involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended) as indicated.”
Appointment of a Corporate Director. Confidential Report to follow. |