Councillor Sennitt Clough presented information on a Regional Flag Design Competition as follows.
· She had recently had a meeting with the Flag Institute to clarify a couple of questions that have arisen since this idea went to Full Council.
· The first concerns the Fenland District Council Flag which came into being in the 1970’s after the last big boundary change, this is not a community flag but a Council banner so that flag would not be able to represent a community or a region and there were also some issues with it being incorrectly adapted from the crest on the carpet in the Council Chamber.
· The second question concerns the flag that was proposed at the last Full Council Meeting that was designed within the last few years by a person from Ely. This flag design has not been accepted by the Flag Institute as their preference is where no historical design exists for a community flag the development of a design is through public competition, this maximizes public involvement in the process and mandate for future adoption. The Flag Institute also make reference to any design meeting standards.
Members made comments, asked questions, and received responses as follows:
· Councillor Hicks stated that he felt this was a good idea and has had lots of positive comments from residents about a regional flag.
· Councillor Purser stated he agreed this was a good idea and would give a regional identity. He continued he felt there should be a couple of items included within the competition to reflect the Fenland history, like the Fen Tigers, and that this is the only area in the Country where the motto is in Dutch as it was the Dutch who drained the Fens many years ago and there are also several historical figures which originate from the Fenland area who could be included as well as the local farming.
· Councillor Nawaz agreed with the proposal but stated there is only so much that can be reflected within a flag and looks forward to seeing what would come out in the public consultation. He continued to ask who will have ownership of the flag? Will it be the Fenland District as it exists now or a broader Fenland area which reaches beyond the Fenland Council, and will they be involved in the public consultation how will the changes to Local Government impact on this project? Councillor Sennitt Clough responded the idea would be that this is a flag that represents the Fens as a region because it would not be tied to the District, the Council would be working with the Flag Institute and they would guide the Council of all on the policies and procedures to get it officially accepted by the Flag Institute if this project goes ahead and would be run outside of any Council role and governed by the Flag Institute.
· Councillor Hicks stated that Fenland is a very big area, would there be a consideration for an area to be ring fenced so there is a boundary within the flag.
· Councillor Purser commented that not everyone has been in favour of the flag, but he displays a Cambridgeshire pin on his jacket and is proud to wear it as a Fen man and felt the flag would bring a sense of pride to the area.
· Councillor Count stated that he could take pride in a place without having a flag to wave around and he finds the more that branding is advertised, the more diversity it can encourage. He continued when looking at the Fens probably for most people the reason the name is still alive is because there is a Fenland District Council but the geography is very different as it is to do with the watery mess that was here before the Dutch drained it and the Fenland residents were nicknamed the Fen Tigers by the Dutch at that point in time. Councillor Count added there is a lot to be proud of in this area and that would not change for him whether there is a flag or not, but he does worry that when tax payers entrust the Council with their money and there is officer time spent in committees talking about this what is going to be gained and what value will it bring to the area as he did not think it was cultural or heritage and he felt it was empire building for a few individuals. Councillor Sennitt Clough responded she felt that because there was so much community chatter about this issue, she felt it was the right item to bring to this committee to have an open and frank discussion about it.
· Councillor Foice-Beard asked who will be collating and judging the designs if this project was to go ahead? Councillor Sennitt Clough responded if this was to go ahead that would be the next round of conversation to be had after it is decided if it is something the Council wishes to take forward.
· Councillor Hoy stated that she was aware that there had been some community chatter but warned against over doing the idea as she knows in Wisbech the main issues raised are the Casino building, crime, street drinking and drugs in the area and agreed with Councillor Count that there is too much time being spent on a flag when there is so many more important jobs to be done first.
· Councillor Hicks responded that was the opposite to what her hears in his ward of March Town and felt the other issues mentioned are for other meetings and not to be addressed at the Culture, Arts and Heritage meeting.
· Councillor Nawaz commented that the price of things is not everything and price is different from value, and the value that anything embodies is very subjective and lies within the hearts of the individuals and he recommended that this should go out to public consultation as it would be useful to know how much time, money and budget will be thought about as this may well add as a distraction from those bigger issues mentioned even if it is momentarily.
· Councillor Count added that he agreed with virtually all that has been discussed and if this was to go through, he was quite prepared to go ahead with it.
· Councillor Sennett Clough stated that she would go back to the Flag Institute with the views shared at this meeting and bring some further updates to the following meeting to discuss further.
Members noted the information reported.