Agenda item

Land North of 17 Doddington Road, Benwick

Erection of up to 15no dwellings (outline application with matters committed in respect of access) involving demolition of buildings

To determine the application


The Committee had regard to its inspection of the site (as agreed in accordance with the Site Inspection Policy and Procedure (minute P19/04 refers)) during its deliberations.


Gavin Taylor presented the report to members.


Members received a presentation in support of the application, in accordance with the Public Participation Procedure, from Lee Bevens, the Agent.


Mr Bevens stated that the scheme is a culmination of 2 years of work and looks to address the reasons for refusal of a previous scheme to find a cost effective and sensible solution to an overgrown site that has the potential to provide much needed low cost housing. He stated that Cambridgeshire Highways have no objections and other issues have been addressed and the number of dwellings proposed is a maximum. The officer has raised reasons for refusal which include Policy LP3 which states that the development will be considered on its merits and he believes that the proposal has met all the criteria to be approved under the policy. 


Mr Bevens expressed the view that the proposal can provide small, lower cost market housing, where there is a need. Access is the only matter committed and there are no objections from highways. The proposal will address the fact that Benwick has not met its housing allocation in the latest threshold statement with 18 dwellings still outstanding. He added that there is good visibility in and out of the site and the proposed scheme will avoid piecemeal development in the village and will also support local businesses with new customers. He commented that all sites in Benwick are liable to flooding as it lies within flood zone 3 with the proposal improviNg the overgrown site which has been subject to complaints and anti-social behaviour.


Mr Bevens stated that his clients have agreed to the Section 106 contributions which will benefit the village in terms of open space money and an infill only development would land lock the full potential of the site. He made the point that under LP14 a detailed flood risk assessment and sequential test have both been submitted and the sequential test had been met, with Benwick lying largely in flood zone 3 and there are no other undeveloped unavailable sites in the village. He added that if housing is to be provided in Benwick then every site would fail the sequential test which would mean that the housing targets would not being met. He referred members to an approval of a development in Turves in 2018 where the officer noted that because the entirety of Turves is located within flood zone 3 at the time of its designation as a small village that the development should go ahead and it was approved.


Mr Bevens referred to surface water provision with there being levels of hierarchy that should be met, the first is to use infiltration, then to use water courses and the third is to use sewers with the preferred route being via a water course which runs along the side Doddington Road and some residents have voiced their concerns over this, however the adjacent Heron Way scheme runs into Anglia Water sewers and discharges into a water course outside number 22 Doddington Road. There are ongoing discussions taking place with the drainage consultant and the Lead Local Flood Authority along with Anglia Water and it is hoped a successful surface water solution can be achieved.


Mr Bevens concluded that out of the nine villages identified under LP3 of the Local Plan, Benwick has the highest outstanding number to achieve of 18 dwellings. Some similar sized villages have substantially exceeded their numbers in their allocations, such as Guyhirn, Murrow and Newton.


Members asked Mr Bevens the following questions:


·         Councillor Lynn asked for clarification with regard to the report which states that the proposal is on archaeological ground and asked whether a survey has been carried out. Mr Bevens confirmed that discussions are yet to take place with the County Council, however, it would be expected that conditions would be applied to reflect this should the outline consent be approved.

·         Councillor Lynn asked for clarification with regard to drainage. Mr Bevens stated that if infiltration cannot be met then the obvious place for surface water to go will be the open ditch that runs along the side of Doddington Road. The Anglian Water sewer that runs through Doddington Road discharges into the open water course and there is riparian ownership of the ditch along with the Internal Drainage Board and there would need to be an agreement to enter the open ditch. The other alternative is to agree with Anglian Water to enter the sewer which ultimately enters the ditch.


Members asked questions, made comments and received responses as follows:


·         Councillor Hay expressed the view that if the application was for 1 or 2 dwellings between the existing houses then it could be classed as infill, however, in her opinion the 15 houses should be classed as back land development. The application is also very similar, if not identical, to an application that was refused in May 2018 and the Parish Council have clearly stated that they believe it is over development and is not supported. They also have concerns over the sewerage and the location is unsustainable due to lack of infrastructure.


Proposed by Councillor Hay, seconded by Councillor Bristow and decided that the application be REFUSED as per the officer’s recommendation.


(Councillors Benney, Clark, Connor, Lynn Marks, Meekins, Murphy and Mrs Bligh registered in accordance with paragraph 2 of the Code of Conduct on planning matters, that they had been lobbied on this application)


Supporting documents: