Agenda item

Land east of 13 Clare Street, Chatteris
Erection of 5 x 2-storey 3-bed dwellings and 1.8 metre high fence and brick walls involving partial demolition of 13 Clare Street

To determine the application.


The Committee had regard to its inspection of the site (as agreed in accordance with the Site Inspection: Policy and Procedure (minute P19/04 refers)) during its deliberations.


David Rowen presented the report to Members.


Members received a presentation in support of the application, in accordance with the Public Participation Procedure, by Matthew Hall (the Applicant’s Agent)


Matthew Hall clarified that pre-application advice was sought on this application and showed members a slide showing the original site plan submitted at pre-application and the site plan submitted with the application being considered today. He highlighted that the plans are almost identical to one another. He explained that Highways were in favour of the application and pre-application advice was received from Fenland District Council in October 2017 stating that officers favoured the application subject to consideration of the points raised. Discussions continued between officers and the Applicant and following this, changes were made to the garden areas, the driveway and clarification given regarding windows on the existing dwelling. He added that concerns had been raised regarding the provision for refuse collection and following correspondence, officers suggested indemnity insurance would need to be provided in relation to site entry, which was agreed by the Applicants. He highlighted that the concerns officers had during the pre-application stage had been addressed and all statutory consultees (including Highways) support the application.


Members asked Matthew Hall the following questions;


·         Councillor Mrs Laws asked for the date in which pre-application advice was sought. Matthew Hall confirmed this was 19 October 2017 with the full application being submitted in January 2018.


·         Members asked questions, made comments and received responses as follows;


·         Councillor Mrs Hay highlighted that Clare Street has issues with on-street parking and raised concern that the access is not suitable for entry to the development. She suggested access be considered from Haighs Close, Chatteris instead and suggested the Applicant explore this option.

·         Councillor Connor agreed and said he had serious concerns about the access and therefore does not support the application.

·         Councillor Mrs Laws highlighted that the pre-application advice indicated there was no concern with the development however this conflicts with the officer’s recommendation today. David Rowen said the pre-application advice did mention the issue of the relationship between the access and existing properties and said this still needs to be addressed in order for the application to be supported by officers.

·         Councillor Mrs Laws said that the Agent had indicated that nothing had changed between the pre-application advice received and submitting the full application, that would suggest the application be refused. She highlighted that the Agent had made the appropriate changes as per the pre-application advice given.


     The Chairman allowed Matthew Hall to comment. Matthew Hall explained that during the pre-application stage, the issue regarding neighbourhood amenity related to concern over the orientation of Plot 3 which has been amended accordingly. The pre-application advice also stated that the impact from the road on the amenity to 13 Clare Street, Chatteris needed to be addressed and Matthew Hall explained that he had amended the surface of the road to alleviate this and reiterated that the existing dwelling will have no additional windows overlooking the site either.

·         Councillor Connor said he had concern over the side entrance to 15 Clare Street, Chatteris and the overall narrowness of the access.

·         Councillor Sutton said members need to consider the grounds for refusal in case of an appeal. He said if the original pre-application advice had been negative towards development, the applicant may not have submitted a full application.

·         Councillor Mrs Newell stated that Clare Street is very narrow already and further issues would arise with the addition of another access. Whilst she supports the principle of development, the access is not right for the site.

·         Nick Harding clarified that no objection had been received from Highways in relation to the design of the access and reiterated that this was not the reason why officers recommend refusal. He said that officers recommend refusal based on the access having a negative impact on the adjacent properties amenities.

·         Councillor Mrs Laws said she takes on board Councillor Sutton’s comments regarding previous appeals and said she is mindful of this.

·         Councillor Mrs Davis thought construction traffic would have a big impact on the neighbouring property and highlighted the proximity to the adjacent property.

·         Councillor Mrs Hay agreed and said the neighbouring properties front door opens very close to the access road which will impact the residents of this property greatly.


·         Proposed by Councillor Mrs Hay, seconded by Councillor Connor and decided that the application be: REFUSED as per officer’s recommendation.


(Councillor Mrs Newell and Councillor Mrs Hay registered in accordance with Paragraph 14 of the Code of Conduct on Planning matters, that they were members of Chatteris Town Council but take no part in planning matters