Agenda item

East Wisbech Strategic Allocation - Broad Concept Plan

To seek approval in principle for a Broad Concept Plan for East Wisbech.


Members considered the East Wisbech Strategic Allocation - Broad Concept Plan report presented by David Rowen. He explained that a full public consultation was undertaken with over two-hundred people attending the consultation event at Walsoken Village Hall. He informed Members that the results of this are summarised in the report along with responses from the consultations with Statutory Bodies.


Members received a presentation, in accordance with the Public Participation Procedure, from John Maxey.


John Maxey made the Committee aware that the report has the endorsement of both Councils and Landowners too. He said the purpose of the East Wisbech Broad Concept Plan (BCP) is to aid delivery and he is working on delivery of the scheme with a Developer and has the support of Landowners on this. He highlighted the importance of the report and explained that approving it will allow a framework to be put in place prior to planning applications being submitted. He explained that delivery of all the areas in the report will be challenging in regards to viability as additional infrastructure will be required, however there is outside funding available for this. He said he fully endorses the report and reiterated that it is fully supported by the Landowners and asked the Committee to approve the plan today.


Members asked John Maxey the following questions;


·         Councillor Sutton agreed with John Maxey’s comments and asked if the provisional drawings will be submitted to the Cambridgeshire Quality Charter Group as, even though there is a cost, their comments could be invaluable. John Maxey agreed to pass this request on. 

·         Councillor Connor asked John Maxey if provisions were in place for additional Doctor and Dentist Surgeries within the plan. John Maxey confirmed that discussions had taken place with the NHS regarding this and confirmed that the NHS had no plans to seek to provide additional Doctor Surgeries in Wisbech. He explained that they had tried to engage with the NHS and made it clear to them that there was scope to provide space for these within the plan however as Doctor Practices are private businesses that need the support and funding of the NHS, we cannot dictate that these are provided. He said that as a resident of Wisbech he is aware of the difficulties in obtaining doctor appointments however the NHS have said they will consider reinforcing services in existing practices as oppose to opening new ones. He reiterated that the provisions and space are available within the plan, if there is demand from the NHS.

·         Councillor Laws thanked John Maxey for his comments regarding the NHS practices and said she hoped that the NHS would not suddenly ask for the provisions later on in the development process. She asked if John Maxey could provide assurance that he will continue to engage with the NHS throughout the process to avoid this happening. John Maxey said this would be difficult but when an outline application is submitted for the scheme, the NHS will be a formal consultee and this would be discussed with them again. He explained that if the NHS required this, it would form part of the overall Section 106 requirement for the scheme but highlighted that there will not be sufficient funding for all Section 106 requirements and said decisions will need to be made in regards prioritising these requirements. He said this can be discussed at the outline planning application stage and said viability will be considered at this stage too. He concluded that viability may have to be considered on a phase-by-phase basis as requirements can change during development.


Members asked questions, made comments and received responses as follows;


·         Councillor Sutton said that after over two years, it was brilliant to see the report finalised. He reminded members of another planning application where the NHS had had provisions provided but had no use for them and said Members should remember that we cannot do anything about this.

·         Councillor Mrs Laws said that although most of the scheme is located in Flood Zone 1, there are areas in Flood Zones 2 & 3 and asked for assurance that each planning application will consider this. David Rowen confirmed this.

·         Councillor Mrs Laws said a great deal of work has gone in to the scheme and thanked officers, agents and landowners for their work on this.

·         The Chairman commended the work carried out by officers and agents.

·         Councillor Sutton said it was pleasing to see the interaction between Kings Lynn & West Norfolk Council and Fenland District Council and said a common-sense approach had clearly been taken when considering policies within the plan. He hoped it would not be too long until the Committee consider the full planning application.


Proposed by Councillor Mrs Laws, seconded by Councillor Sutton and decided that the East Wisbech Broad Concept Plan be APPROVED as per the Officer’s recommendation.