Agenda item

Land East and West of Isle of Ely Way, South of River Nene, Gaul Road, March
Change of use of agricultural land to surface water lagoon, and associated drainage works

To determine the application.


The Committee had regard to its inspection of the site (as agreed in accordance with the Site Inspection: Policy and Procedure (Minute P19/04)) during its deliberations.


David Rowen presented the application to Members which is for change of use of agricultural land to a surface water lagoon with associated drainage works.  At the present time the site is 5.75 hectares in size and is uncultivated land and the proposal is to take surface water from Willow Green residential development and utilise an existing ditch with some improvement works and a culvert under the A141.  There is a proposal of a vehicle access to the site from Gaul Road with an outfall ditch.  Mr Rowen advised Members that as part of the Willow Green planning permission in 2009 this drainage arrangement was indicated as part of that.  The lagoon has also been designed to accommodate any additional flows which would arise from further future development on Gaul Road as well as being intended to accommodate flows from the existing Middle Level drainage network.  Mr Rowen indicated to Members on the overhead presentation the lagoon configuration which is a series of ditches which would be allowed to flood in the middle in times of high water.  The scheme has been designed in conjunction with Middle Level Internal Drainage Board and once constructed this will be adopted by them.


Members received a presentation in accordance with the public participation procedure from Mr Hodson, the applicants agent who explained he has been dealing with the three outstanding elements one of which is the drainage scheme.  The highway works will commence on the 2 July and the Countryside Park which is part of the Section 106 Agreement which will be with the Planning Department in due course.


Councillor Mrs Laws asked for clarification with regard to the consultation on the design of the lagoon whether it will be sloped or stepped as she has concerns with regard to it being an area where children may be drawn to.  Mr Hodson stated that he was not the engineer who designed it but for most of the year it is anticipated it will remain dry, however this will be looked at.


Members made comments, asked questions and received responses as follows:


·         Councillor Sutton declared that he is a Member representative who sits on the Middle Level Internal Drainage Board but has taken no part in any of the discussions surrounding this application.

·         Councillor Mrs Hay commented that the traffic lights were approved in July 2016 and she cannot see the point of constructing the lagoon at the same time as the Gaul Road traffic lights as this will cause more traffic problems and she would feel happier if there was a condition that the construction of the lagoon should not start until after the traffic lights are in place.

·         Mr Harding stated that he does not believe that it would be an appropriate condition to place on any consent that is granted due to the fact that there has to be a request from the highway authority so we always have to have a reason for condition and if there has not been a recommendation from the highway authority that the works need to be staggered then it would not be an option to put on a condition.

·         Mr Harding stated that he thought it was highly unlikely that the commencement on the works to the lagoons would begin at the start of July and Mr Hodson confirmed that it would not begin at this time. 

·         Councillor Mrs Hay asked that why under section 10.3 in the Officers report does it state that the works will be ’concurrent ’ with the A141 Gaul Road Traffic Signal junction improvement works.


The Chairman invited Mr Hodson to return to the public participation table to answer the question raised.


·         Mr Hodson stated that it is a major piece of work and they will not be starting at the start of July as the road space has to be booked in with the Highways Authority in advance.

·         Mr Harding commented that if the Committee are minded to approve the application but are concerned about the timing of the works in relation to the separate junction improvements then the County Council Highways Authority and if they also share the concern and want a condition on, then the consent could be issued with that condition.

·         The Chairman asked whether the Committee are happy with the proposal for County Council Highways to be consulted with regard to the two pieces of work and wait for their comments and delegate that to Officers to deal with.

·         Councillor Mrs Davis asked whether it can be a requirement for the junction to be dealt with first.

·         Mr Harding stated that as he understood, Councillor Mrs Hay had concerns over the two sets of works taking place at the same time and that the junction works will be starting at the beginning of July 

·         The Chairman asked the Committee to clarify that they are happy for the Officers to correspond with the Highway Authority and come to a satisfactory resolve and delegate the powers on behalf of the Committee in consultation with the Vice Chairman and Chairman of the Planning Committee.

·         Councillor Mrs Newell commented that the Ward Councillor was very concerned of the danger of that junction and would agree with the Highways Authority being consulted.

·         Mr Nick Harding stated that the main concern that Councillor Count had was that this scheme would delay the implementation of the junction improvements.


The Chairman asked the Committee to confirm whether they are happy for Officers to consult with Highways and in consultation with the Chairman of Planning Committee and Councillor Mrs Hay, as she was the Committee Member who raised the issue.


Councillor Murphy commented that the application before them today has no objections from any of the relevant agencies and he can see no planning reason why this application should not be approved.

Proposed by Councillor Murphy, seconded by Councillor Mrs Laws and decided that the application be:


APPROVED as per the Officer’s recommendation with an informative recommending that the development does not take place at the same time as the Gaul Road junction works.