Agenda item

Statement of Community Involvement

To seek comments on the draft Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) prior to it being considered by Cabinet for adoption.


Mr Harding presented the Statement of Community Involvement to Members which sets out the District Council’s approach to community engagement in respect of dealing with planning applications, the local plan and other planning policy documents that we may send out for consultation and the production of neighbourhood plans.  Under new government legislation the Local Authority is required to periodically review our Statement of Community Involvement and our current version was adopted in 2013, it is now due for review.  Mr Harding advised Members that the document has not changed significantly since the 2013 version was produced and he highlighted the approach in terms of consultation on planning applications it remains the same as it is at present in terms of how far we circulate neighbourhood notification letters, in what circumstances we advertise site notices and in what circumstances we advertise in the local newspaper.  There is an area where there is a change is in respect of neighbourhood plans and that is to ensure we are compliant with what is set out in the new legislation in connection with neighbourhood plans. Mr Harding asked Committee Members to consider the document and if there are any suggested revisions to it then these will be passed on to Cabinet for its consideration before the matter goes out to public consultation.


Members made comments, asked questions and received responses as follows:


·         Councillor Sutton commented that the one complaint he is often contacted about is to do with boundary issues and he wonders whether this can be considered within the document.

·         Councillor Mrs Davis agrees as she also receives the same queries and complaints.

·         The Chairman agreed and wonders whether it will prudent for Officers to consider a circle within a specific radius around the property is notified. County Council operate this scheme with a 250 yard radius.

·         Mr Harding commented that County Council do not deal with many planning applications and those that they do deal with are often waste applications and school applications.  Mr Harding commented that the printing and post cost implications need to be considered if the radius is extended, in terms of the number of properties, road, frontage and common boundary consultations and he suggested that it may be worth considering consulting the one that abuts the property and then the next property.

·         Councillor Mrs Laws commented that maybe affixing notices to street lights could be considered.

·         David Rowen commented that it is worth noting that the Development Management Procedure Order states what the Local Authority statutorily has to do in terms of neighbourhood notifications which is properties that immediately join the application site.

·         Mr Harding stated that the issue with notices on street lights is that the letters are sent out first they will be dated which stipulate 21 days to respond and the site notice may not be displayed at the same time and will have a different date on it, which can cause confusion.

·         Councillor Mrs Davis commented that at the bottom of page 126 there is an anomaly with regard to the statement which mentions the planning applications that the Committee determines and requires a slight alteration.  Mr Harding noted the comments and agreed to amend the document.

·         Mr Harding confirmed with Members that as a result of their discussions surrounding the Statement of Community Involvement, he has ascertained that the section within the document concerning the Member call in arrangement needs to be made clearer. 


Members agreed to approve the Statement of Community Involvement subject to the agreed amendment for submission to Cabinet.