Agenda item

Reserved Matters application relating to detailed matters of layout, scale, appearance and landscaping pursuant to outline permission F/YR15/0134/O and F/YR17/1231/VOC for the erection of 220 dwellings and garages comprising of 4 x 1-bed; 34 x 2-storey 2-bed; 127 x 2-storey 3-bed; 47 x 2-storey 4-bed and 8 x 3-storey 4-bed with associated works, play area, substation and ponds;Land North Of Whittlesey East Of, East Delph, Whittlesey, Cambridgeshire

To determine the application


The Committee had regard to its inspection of the site (as agreed in accordance with the Site Inspection: Policy and Procedure (minute P19/04)) during its deliberations.


Gavin Taylor presented the report to members and drew their attention to the update report which had been circulated.


Members received a presentation in support of the application, in accordance with the Public Participation Procedure, from Anne Dew (Persimmon Homes) and Rob Hill (Infrastructure Design Ltd)


Anne Dew introduced herself as Planning Manager for Persimmon Homes and introduced drainage expert, Rob Hill, from Infrastructure Design Ltd. She stated that the site benefits for outline planning permission with part of the outline consent requiring consideration for drainage. A subsequent Flood Risk Assessment was submitted and approved. This application is submitted to agree the reserved matters relating to layout, scale, appearance and landscaping of the proposed development as well as the discharge of a number of conditions, including the condition relating to surface water drainage.


She explained that throughout the process Persimmon Homes had engaged with the Council, Cambridgeshire County Council (CCC) Highways, the lead Flood Authority and North Level Internal Drainage Board (IDB) and the scheme has been amended throughout the planning process to consider the comments made by these consultees. She highlighted that the report raises no concerns in relation to access, density, amenity or safety and accords with policies in the Local Plan.


In relation to the drainage, condition 12 of the planning permission deals with this issue and requires that this is carried out in accordance with the approved Flood Risk Assessment. She added that the lead Flood Authority and North Level IDB support this.


Anne Dew highlighted that the scheme will bring many benefits to Whittlesey, with the provision of 20 affordable homes being agreed with the Council. The scheme will provide 1.95 hectares of open space and a network of paths that will benefit existing residents of Whittlesey too. She explained that as part of the Section 106 (S106) associated with the outline consent, the development will provide contributions towards bus shelter improvements, cycle plans, school travel plans and enhancements to Whittlesey Train Station. Contributions will also be made in relation to primary and secondary schools and Whittlesey Library.


In conclusion, this is a policy compliant scheme which complies with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and the Local Plan and has the support of consultees.


Rob Hill explained that since the original Flood Risk Assessment, amendments have been made that the final outfall is now west of the B1040 into the IDB-managed watercourse system.


He highlighted that originally a Pond was proposed to be adjacent to the Play Area on the site but this has now been removed and the development will benefit from buried pipes and crates throughout the site. He informed members that the design has been modelled for a variety of ‘storm events’.


Rob Hill explained that to manage the issue of flooding the properties are all set 600ml above sea level and whilst pumps were initially considered, this solution was deemed a better alternative as overspill will be taken to the existing ditches and pumps can be subject to mechanical failings.


He informed members that the maintenance of the site’s pipe network will be managed by Anglian Water as part of the Section 104 Agreement and the maintenance of the Ponds will be the responsibility of a management company.


Members asked Anne Dew and Rob Hill the following questions;


1.    Councillor Murphy asked for confirmation that there will be Play Areas on the development. Anne Dew confirmed this.

2.    Councillor Murphy asked for confirmation that these Play Areas will be managed by a management company and their maintenance will not be the responsibility of the Council. Anne Dew confirmed that this was correct. Councillor Murphy asked that this assurance was noted in the minutes.

3.    Councillor Connor explained that Councillor Mrs Kay Mayor had submitted representation to the Planning Committee as she was unable to attend today’s meeting. He asked for assurance that there will be on-site parking for construction workers to avoid any issues with parking in neighbouring streets. Anne Dew confirmed that as part of the Construction Management Plan, an area will be identified in the development and set aside as a parking area for construction vehicles.

4.    Councillor Connor asked if there would be a wheel-wash facility and sweeper provided to ensure the existing highways remain clear from mud and debris during construction. Anne Dew confirmed that the Construction Management Plan would include this provision too.

5.    Councillor Connor asked that at the entrance of the site, the developer’s contact details are displayed so members of the public can report any issues where necessary during construction. Anne Dew agreed to this.

6.    Councillor Connor asked for confirmation of the site’s opening hours. Anne Dew confirmed that no work will take place on Sundays or Bank Holidays with work only taking place on weekdays and Saturday mornings.


Members asked questions, made comments and received responses as follows;


1.    Councillor Lynn said whilst he had had concerns over the volume of access traffic to the site, housing is a necessity and as long as the conditions are met, he supports the proposal.


Proposed by Councillor Lynn, seconded by Councillor Meekins and decided that the application be GRANTED; as per officer’s recommendation.

Supporting documents: