Agenda item

F/YR17/0349/VOC Variation of conditions 2 and 3 of appeal reference APP/D0515/C/15/3008989 relating to planning permission F/YR14/0854/F to increase the number of static caravans from 5 to 8 and touring caravans from 1 to 5 (to be used by the occupiers of the static caravans only), and to allow each residential pitch to have one associated commercial vehicle not exceeding 3.5 tonnes in weight; The Spinney, Horsemoor Road, Wimblington, March

To determine the application.


The Committee had regard to its inspection of the site (as agreed in accordance with the Site Inspection: Policy and Procedure (minute P19/04)) during its deliberations.


David Rowen presented the report to members.


Members asked questions, made comments and received responses as follows;


1.    Councillor Marks asked for confirmation that the proposal is to allow one associated commercial vehicle per residential pitch. David Rowen confirmed this as correct.

2.    Councillor Skoulding asked for confirmation that the front boundary hedge is to be maintained to allow visibility for vehicles entering and leaving the site. David Rowen confirmed that condition 6 of the recommendation ensures maintenance of this hedge for this purpose (page 26 of the agenda pack).

3.    Councillor Murphy highlighted that when members had visited the site, it had been well maintained and tidy. He hoped that if members approve the application today, that this continues.

4.    Councillor Meekins stated that when members had visited the site, there had been vehicles onsite exceeding 3.5 tonnes in weight. David Rowen explained that this restriction had been imposed by the Planning Inspector and if vehicles are onsite that exceed this, appropriate enforcement action may be taken.

5.    Councillor Sutton asked for clarification on the weight of proposed associated commercial vehicles. He asked if this weight limit included the load on the vehicle or just the weight of the vehicle itself. David Rowen confirmed that the Planning Inspector had not specified this however if there were reports of vehicles exceeding this weight onsite, the matter would be investigated.

6.    Councillor Sutton said further clarification is required in relation to the maximum vehicle weight to avoid potential issues in the future. Nick Harding suggested that if members approved the application, delegated authority could be given to officers to undertake the necessary investigation into this definition via the DVLA.

7.    Councillor Marks asked if a condition could be added stipulating that an operating licence is required for those vehicles exceeding 3.5 tonnes in weight. Nick Harding explained that this could not be included in the planning permission as this is governed by separate legislation that cannot be duplicated as part of the planning process.

8.    Nick Harding confirmed that one definition is; the maximum authorised mass. Therefore the 3.5 tonne limit includes the vehicle itself plus whatever is on board the vehicle.

9.    Councillor Mrs French highlighted that if a motorhome is onsite this would exceed this weight limit. Councillor Connor confirmed that this would not be classed as a commercial vehicle.

10.Members asked for further clarification on the definition of the commercial vehicle weight. Nick Harding confirmed the following definition; commercial vehicles up to 3.5 tonnes are referred to as light commercial vehicles and covered under the category N1. Category N1 is vehicles designed and constructed for carriage of goods that have a maximum mass not exceeding 3.5 tonnes.

11.Councillor Benney confirmed that he was happy with this clarification.


Proposed by Councillor Sutton, seconded by Councillor Mrs French and decided that the application be GRANTED; as per officer’s recommendation. 


(Councillor Lynn joined the meeting at 1:13pm and took no part in the vote or discussion for this agenda item).

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