Agenda item

F/YR19/0509/F - Erect 5-storey mixed use development (1 x retail unit to ground floor and 11 x 1-bed and 4 x 2-bed flats to remaining floors) involving demolition of existing derelict structures in a Conservation Area; 11 - 12 High Street, Wisbech, Cambridgeshire

To determine the application.


The Committee had regard to its inspection of the site (as agreed in accordance with the Site Inspection: Policy and Procedure (minute P19/04)) during its deliberations.


Sheila Black presented the report to members.


Members received a presentation in support of the application, in accordance with the Public Participation Procedure, from Matthew Brint (Project Manager) and Lianne Toothill (Architect).


Matthew Brint explained that extensive work has been undertaken with the Council’s Planning team to adjust the design of the building and their comments have been considered to make the scheme acceptable.


Lianne Toothill stated that it had been a pleasure to work on such a project that has real potential to create an improvement for the town centre in Wisbech. She explained that she had worked in collaboration with her clients the Planning team and the Council’s conservation officer to produce the scheme members are considering today. Consideration had been given to the key views of the development as well as the impact of the building on the current landscape. The materials proposed are in proportion and keeping with the history of the building whilst the rear elevation proposes a more appropriate modern look. She stated that the development will inject new life in to the town and asked members to support the application.


Members asked Matthew Brint and Lianne Toothill the following questions;


1.    Councillor Lynn thanked both Matthew Brint and Lianne Toothill for their work on this proposal.

2.    Councillor Sutton highlighted that during her presentation, Sheila Black had stated that the retail façade may be altered. He asked for clarification on this. Sheila Black explained that the retail frontage may change if the shop is split into two separate retail units. Matthew Brint added that the proposed frontage has been designed in accordance with the Council’s Policy on shop fronts and potential retailers will need to comply with this policy too.


Members asked questions, made comments and received responses as follows;


1.    Councillor Mrs French said she supported the application and is keen to see the development start.

2.    Councillor Sutton asked for clarification on the figures provided as part of the viability assessment (10.56 of the report). He queried this and asked for the formula used as the figures do not correlate. Sheila Black confirmed that the figures were provided by the Council’s S106 Viability Officer.

3.    Councillor Meekins praised the design and said it was sympathetic to the surrounding buildings. He added that whilst extra height is proposed to the existing roof line, the adjacent buildings are all of differing heights and therefore there will be no detrimental impact on the surrounding area.


Proposed by Councillor Mrs French, seconded by Councillor Skoulding and decided that the application be GRANTED; as per officer’s recommendation.


(Councillor Hay and Councillor Murphy declared an interest by virtue of the fact that they were members of Cabinet and had been involved in a decision in relation to this proposal. They took no part in the discussion or vote for this item)


(Councillor Meekins and Councillor Lynn declared an interest by virtue of the fact that they are members of Wisbech Town Council but take no part in planning matters)



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