Agenda item

F/YR19/1031/O - Erect up to 3no dwellings (outline application with matters committed in respect of access) - Land North West of 24 Willey Terrace, Doddington Road, Chatteris, Cambridgeshire

To determine the application.



The Committee had regard to its inspection of the site (as agreed in accordance with the Site Inspection: Policy and Procedure (minute P19/04)) during its deliberations.


David Rowen presented the report to members.


Members received a presentation in support of the application, in accordance with the Public Participation Procedure, from Gareth Edwards (Agent).


Gareth Edwards thanked members for the opportunity to speak and stated that development of the site will match the dwellings opposite to complete the built form of the area. He reminded members that under the Local Plan, Chatteris is considered an important area of development for the district.


He stated that the three plots will appeal to local self-build developers as there is currently a shortage of suitable building plots in Chatteris. He confirmed that the applicant has agreed to install hedging to the boundary to prevent future spread of development and the application has received no objections from statutory consultees. He added that the site is not currently used for agricultural purposes and will provide a diverse housing mix to the town. He asked members to approve the application.


Members asked Gareth Edwards the following questions;


1.    Councillor Hay asked why the applicant has only applied for planning permission on a small portion of the site. Gareth Edwards confirmed that this was to ensure development matches the built form of the properties opposite. He reiterated that the applicant proposes boundary hedging to stop further spread of development.


Members asked questions, made comments and received responses as follows;


1.    Councillor Benney agreed that this would complete the built form of the road and will improve the appearance of the surrounding area. He welcomed quality development in Chatteris and said the town needs developments like this.

2.    Councillor Meekins disagreed and highlighted that the drawings show that the site will extend the built form of the properties opposite.

3.    Councillor Murphy stated that the road currently has a ‘stop line’ of development and this should be adhered to. He stated that if planning permission is granted for three dwellings, this will no doubt spread over time. He agreed with officer’s recommendation to refuse planning permission.

4.    Councillor Sutton agreed that the site would complete the built form and questioned why an application had not been submitted to develop the whole site as this would have been appropriate.

5.    Nick Harding informed members that he would need them to provide planning reasons if they are minded to approve planning permission. He reminded members that Highways do not approve the proposed access and footway and recommended that if members grant planning permission, it is subject to a satisfactory plans being submitted by the applicant.

6.    Councillor Marks asked if a condition could be added to planning permission in respect of street lighting. Nick Harding confirmed that this would be the decision of CCC.

7.    Councillor Sutton asked why the development would require a footpath as there is one the opposite side of the road. David Rowen explained that there is a footpath that serves the adjacent plots and this should be extended to serve the new dwellings.

8.    Councillor Mrs Mayor highlighted that if the footpath is to be extended this would need to be agreed with the relevant Internal Drainage Board as there is a ditch to the front of the plot.


Proposed by Councillor Hay and seconded by Councillor Meekins that the application be refused as per officer’s recommendation.


A vote was taken and the proposal failed.


Proposed by Councillor Benney, seconded by Councillor Marks and decided that the application be APPROVED; against officer’s recommendation.


Members approved the application against officer’s recommendation for the following reasons; the development will complete the built form of the dwellings opposite and the detriment of the development is outweighed by the benefit it will bring.  


Members agreed to delegate authority to officers to formulate conditions and dependent upon an acceptable revised plan being submitted illustrating footpath provision along site frontage.


(Councillors Benney, Hay and Murphy declared an interest by virtue of the fact that they are members of Chatteris Town Council but take no part in planning matters)

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