Agenda item

Pike Textile Display Limited, 16 North End, Wisbech, Cambridgeshire. Erection of 21 dwellings (outline application with all matters reserved)

To determine the application.


David Rowen presented the report to members.


Members asked questions, made comments and received responses as follows:


·         Councillor Murphy stated that in his opinion, as long as officers are in discussions with the Lead Local Flood Authority to ensure any issues and concerns are resolved, as well as officers finalising the details with regard to the section 106 agreement, he can see no reason why this application should be refused, it will bring much needed housing into Wisbech.

·         Councillor Sutton stated that he concurs with Councillor Murphy and added that whilst he appreciates it is an indicative plan, there needs some consideration given at the reserved matters stage with regard to the parking layout. He added that he will be supporting the officers recommendation

·         Councillor Lynn stated that this site has been left empty and derelict for a considerable amount of time. He added that he is pleased to see a decision is being reached with regard to the section 106 contributions.

·         Councillor Meekins stated that the development is in his ward and it is a good proposal which has been put forward. He added that with regard to flood risk  the last time the River Nene flooded in Wisbech was in 1978. Since then a wall was built to alleviate the risk of flooding again with further improvements to the wall made 10 years ago and there are water tight flood gates in the vicinity of the proposed site. Councillor Meekins highlighted that the proposed site is adjacent to the A1101, which is one of the main routes into Wisbech.  It is a very heavily used route but does not feel that there would be a significant impact on the traffic as a result of the development but does have slight concerns with regard to the sharp bend in the road to the right of the proposed development, which could cause some issue.

·         Councillor Meekins identified the commercial amenities adjacent to the proposed site and also the concerns, which have been highlighted to him, by local residents concerning the inconsiderate parking by customers visiting the businesses. He added that he is aware that there have been concerns raised concerning the additional increase in noise, as a result of the proposal, however in his opinion; he does not feel that this will be a problem.

·         Councillor Meekins stated that with regard to the section 106 contributions, he noted that Peckover School and Ramnoth School will receive a financial contribution and asked officers to clarify why Ramnoth School is receiving a higher contribution than Peckover, especially as children from this development would be unlikely to attend this school. He concluded that he warmly welcomes the application.

·         Mr Nick Harding, clarified that the site already has an existing access onto the highway and that was taken into consideration by the Highways Authority, who raised no concerns. He added that with regard to the section 106 contributions, both Peckover and Ramnoth Schools have both undergone significant extensions and under Government guidance the Authority can seek financial contributions for school extensions that have been forward funded by the Education Authority.


Proposed by Councillor Murphy, seconded by Councillor Meekins and decided that the application be APPROVED, as per the officer’s recommendation

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