Agenda item

Member's Allowances Scope

For Council to agree the scope and terms of reference for the forthcoming review of the Member Allowances Scheme by an Independent Remuneration Panel.



Members considered the Members' Allowances Scheme Review Scope Report presented by Councillor Boden.


Members made comments asked questions and received responses as follows.


1.    Councillor Booth said in the previous review it was recommended we look at this, but he does not believe there have been many changes since the last review was completed. He would suggest that we postpone this review until the year before the next municipal elections and then go to the electorate with the review. We will also have a better idea of the work of the Investment Board, which has barely started and with everything else officers are dealing with now considering the pandemic, this is something we can do without at the moment.

2.    Councillor Boden said there is little point in having an independent review body unless we decide to follow up on their recommendations. They made a conscious decision not to make any changes hoping that in 18 months’ time it would be possible for them to make a more rational decision, which he finds perfectly reasonable. Therefore, he feels that we should go ahead with the review, also there does not have to be a cycle of when they take place and it should not be manipulated for political purposes.  He proposes we go ahead with the recommendation that came from the independent review panel.

3.    Councillor Booth said he did not suggest a delay for political purposes but if we delay it for 18 months the electorate will know what the allowance is.  Regulations state that this can be done once every four-year term.

4.    Councillor Boden agreed that Councillor Booth is correct regarding the legislation, but we do have the recommendation from the independent panel that they wanted this review to take place after 18 months. He clarified that he meant that political considerations and electoral timetables should not come into the calculation and was not implying that Councillor Booth himself was being political. Nevertheless, we should follow what the panel suggested, and we have no reason not to do so. We must have a very specific reason to go against their recommendations.

5.    Councillor Tierney said that it was important to note that just because there is a review pending it does not mean that members are looking to have their allowances increased. It is almost universally agreed within this authority that although members work hard, they do not want any more money and are not seeking a rise in allowances.

6.    Councillor Booth thanked Councillor Boden for clarifying his remark regarding political considerations and that it was not aimed at him. He did point out that he was thinking in terms of the work of the Investment Board which was one of the reasons for holding off the review, and as their work had been held up due to the pandemic this was why he had suggested the postponement.


Proposed by Councillor Boden, seconded by Councillor Mrs French and decided that Council AGREE the scope of the Member Allowances Scheme review as set out within the report. 



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