Agenda item

Council Tax Support Scheme

For Council to consider the Cabinet recommendations in relation to the Council Tax Support (CTS) Scheme to take effect from 1 April 2021.



Members considered the Council Tax Support Scheme 2021/22 report presented by Councillor Boden. 


Members made comments, asked questions and received responses as follows:


·         Councillor Booth is concerned that when this came to Overview & Scrutiny it was said this was not the right year to change. It hits those on the lowest incomes, and this can also be seen in the responses. It is hitting the poorest in society working within the constraints of COVID-19. He believes this has been rushed through and we do not seem to have taken the consultation comments on board. He would propose that we amend the recommendation so that it says it remains at 14% for this year.

·         Councillor Yeulett said he would not support this recommendation; the public consultation was against it and the O&S Panel recommended no increase. It is an additional burden on those already suffering the most from COVID-19 and lockdown.

·         Councillor Cornwell said he cannot support this. The O&S Panel were given a clear explanation of what is going on and this is not the right year to make any changes on the basis that everybody is going through a difficult time. Read the consultation results; it is quite clear that people are struggling, and we must do our bit to help them.

·         Councillor Bligh said she agreed with the previous speakers; this is a year nobody expected, and we should leave it alone.

·         Councillor Rackley said as ward councillor for Waterlees, the most neglected ward in Cambridgeshire, he cannot support the recommendation.

·         Councillor Sutton said he supports all previous speakers. It seems so harsh in this particular year when there are scores of people already struggling. When furlough finishes there may be more people facing redundancies and he could not face people in that position if he supported this.

·         Councillor Mrs French said that Cambridge County Council have been doing fantastic work over the last year and have helped support some 32,000 people across the county. She will be supporting this motion.

·         Councillor Hoy said that nobody will be voting for this with any joy, but she has to support this as the money needs to come from somewhere. If not, what cuts do we make to cover this? If we put up council tax, everyone else will be paying and just because people do not receive council tax support, it does not mean that they are not struggling too.

·         Councillor Wallwork agreed with Councillor Hoy, this is a difficult subject, and nobody wants to pay more money. When people receive benefits, there is a support network available but there are other people who have been massively affected financially but get no support. Therefore, everyone must share the burden at this time, particularly if we want public services and are not willing to cut them.

·         Councillor Bligh said although she agreed with Councillors Hoy and Wallwork, she does not feel that this year is the year to be increasing the contribution.


Councillor Booth proposed an amendment to keep the contribution rate at 14%.   


Councillor Boden was given the right to respond. He said that we do have to look at how we got to 14% initially. When we moved from having council tax benefit to council tax support, we were able to subsidise the amount which was expected to be paid by anyone in receipt of council tax support. Those conditions have now finished but we do have the problem of disparity between those who qualify for council tax support and those who do not, and it is a matter of getting the balance right. The amount proposed is the correct balance and he would recommend members support it. 


It was proposed by Councillor Booth, seconded by Councillor Bligh that the council tax support contribution rate remain at 14%.


A recorded vote was taken on the proposed amendment.


In favour of the amendment: Councillors Bligh, Booth, Cornwell, Marks, Maul, Meekins, Sutton, Wicks, Wilkes and Yeulett


Against the amendment: Councillors Benney, Boden, S Clark, J Clark, Connor, Count, Mrs Davis, Mrs French, Miss French, Hoy, Humphrey, Mrs Laws, Lynn, Mason, Miscandlon, Murphy, Purser, Rackley, Seaton, Tierney and Wallwork


Abstained: Councillor Hay


The amendment failed.


Proposed by Councillor Boden, seconded by Councillor Mrs French and AGREED that:


(i)           The contribution rate for working age claimants be increased from 14% to 20% with effect from 1 April 2021;


(ii)          the Council Tax Support Scheme to take effect from 1 April 2021 as set out in the following link be approved:


The Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2014 impose an obligation on Local Authorities (after 25 February 2014) to record all votes on decisions on budget and council tax, with this in mind Members voted on this item as follows:


In favour of the proposal: Councillors Benney, Boden, S Clark, J Clark, Connor, Count, Mrs Davis, Mrs French, Miss French, Hoy, Humphrey, Mrs Laws, Lynn, Mason, Miscandlon, Murphy, Purser, Seaton, Tierney, Wallwork


Against the proposal: Councillors Bligh, Booth, Cornwell, Marks, Maul, Meekins, Rackley, Sutton, Wicks, Wilkes, Yeulett


Abstained: Councillor Hay



Councillor Count declared a non-pecuniary interest by virtue of the fact he leads the County Council.


Councillor Wilkes said he is in receipt of disability benefits but was not sure if he also gets council tax support within this and therefore declared an interest to remove the avoidance of doubt.

Supporting documents: