Agenda item

Review of Members Allowances Scheme

To present to Council the conclusions and recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel (IRP) in respect of its review of the current Members' Allowances Scheme. 


Members considered the Members’ Allowances Scheme Review report presented by Amanda Orchard, the Chairman of Independent Renumeration Panel.


Members made comments as follows:


1.    Councillor Booth stated that he will support the report and added that the changes are modest which in his opinion is appropriate in the current situation. He added that although the Parish Councils were also consulted the report makes no reference to them and he asked when that information will be made available? Anna Goodall advised that the information will be available imminently.

2.      Councillor Boden stated that it is important that the proposals detailed within the report are adhered to and he expressed the view that he has seen some small inconsistencies within the report, one of which he has noted by virtue of the fact that there is a position with additional responsibilities, which is now in receipt of a lower amount of allowance,  than previously, which he knows was adjusted for mathematical reasons, but he finds it unfortunate. He stated that after reading the report, he has concluded that Councillor Sutton was correct when he had referred to the previous Independent Renumeration Panel report two years ago, with Councillor Sutton making the point that every four years following the elections, members allowances should be determined and as there is a democratic deficit in the process. Councillor Boden stated that on reflection he agrees with the view of Councillor Sutton and he added that he will be reviewing the process along with other members, to ascertain whether there is a more directive scheme, which is still legally compliant and where it may be possible for the electors of Fenland to know in advance what the expectation is of an Independent Renumeration Panel review.

3.      Councillor Mrs French referred to page 68 of the report and questioned why the Independent Renumeration Panel are referring to electric charging points in their review and she added that she would like that aspect removed from the report, as it has nothing to do with the panel. She added that the subject of Civil Parking Enforcement is currently being looked into by the Council and she added that she has been advised that the £400,000 of funding which has been allocated by the Combined Authority for the project is still in place. Councillor Miscandlon added that Whittlesey Town Council have recently installed two electric charging points and they are not chargeable to members of the public as they are powered by solar panels on the roof of the Town Council offices. Councillor Mrs French stated that the project is being looked into for consideration across the whole of the district.

4.      Councillor Tierney expressed the opinion that the report is reasonable, but he has always promised his constituents that he would never vote for a pay increase in members allowances and for that reason he will abstain from any vote.

5.      Councillor Hoy expressed the opinion, that looking forward, consideration should be given to forming a cross party working group when looking at member allowances and for those members who sit on the Combined Authority. She added that she can understand why the panel have recommended that those members who sit on the Combined Authority do not receive any allowance, because when it was set up, discussions took place with regard as to whether an allowance was paid and it was decided that an allowance should not be paid, however, that changed as time went on and an allowance was paid. She added that as it appears in the panel’s report it may be shows a clearer picture of what the members actual wishes were when the Combined Authority was formed. Councillor Hoy added that she is aware how much time is spent by those members who sit on the Combined Authority and to not pay those members an allowance seems unfair, but to pay them would go against the decision made initially and, therefore, looking forward this should be an aspect of the scheme that should be reviewed.

6.      Councillor Sutton stated that he has always had the opinion that the scheme should always be an independent review carried out by independent people and, in his opinion, their findings should be agreed. He stated that he will support the report and thanked the panel for their involvement and work in putting the report together.

7.      Councillor Wallwork stated that she has read the review and added that the recommendations and increases appear to be fair. She added that she takes great honour in being a Councillor and agrees with the comments made by Councillor Tierney and for that reason she will not support the report.


Proposed by Councillor Boden, seconded by Councillor Booth and Council AGREED:

·         the conclusions and recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel (IRP) in respect of its review of the current Members' Allowances Scheme, to come into effect from 1 April 2021

·         to authorise the Monitoring Officer to make such typographical amendments as are necessary to produce clean text copies of the Constitution.


(Councillors Lynn, Tierney and Topgood requested it be recorded that they abstained from voting on this item)

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