Agenda item

Electoral Review for Fenland District Council

For Members to consider and agree to approach the Local Government Boundary Commission (LGBCE) for England to request an Electoral Review of Fenland District Ward Boundaries in time for this review to inform the 2023 Fenland District Council elections.



Members considered the Electoral Review for Fenland District Council report presented by Councillor Boden.


Members made comments as follows:


1.    Councillor Booth stated that whilst he does not disagree with the content of the report and the mathematical formula as set out, he expressed the view that he does have concerns over the consequences of the review. He added that there is potentially going to be a review of Local Government, which will include a white paper due to be published and he questioned as to what the impact will be of that, if the electoral review is carried out. Councillor Booth also stated that previously when the Council undertook a boundary review, a year later the Boundary Commission undertook a review of the County Council divisions, which led to difficulties with regard to warding arrangements of surrounding parishes and wards within the district boundaries. He expressed the view that it may be better to undertake a combined County Council and District Council ward boundary review, but he realises it would be problematic as the County Council would need to be in agreement.

2.      Councillor Boden stated that since the 1880’s there have been 20 white papers that have been produced with regard to the review of Local Government and as a result there have been approximately four actual changes. He added that the point Councillor Booth made with regard to reviewing the County Council and District Council boundaries at the same time is a logical approach and it is something that used to take place, however, it has now been agreed that County reviews and District reviews will now be undertaken separately, which, in his opinion, is a far less effective and efficient process.

3.      Councillor Sutton asked Councillor Boden if he could advise him of what the aim and objective of the review is, and whether it includes reducing the number of members? He added that during the evolvement of the Combined Authority, members all stated that four tiers of Local Government was too many and members were led to believe that the County Council or the District Council would be abolished and he has been an advocate of unitary authorities for a long time. Councillor Sutton questioned whether the outgoing Mayor had looked into that proposal? Councillor Boden stated that the process of a Local Government Boundary Commission for England Review involves firstly a request to be made for a scientifically produced estimate of the likely electorates due to be in place in 5 years’ time. He added that consideration is then given with regard to Council size and when that takes place the Local Government Boundary Commission for England consults with all councillors and many others to determine based on the needs that there is in the area and the demand that there is within the Local Authority what the appropriate Council size is. Councillor Boden stated that to suggest any numbers would be premature until the electorate numbers for 5 years’ time is known, but in his personal view a smaller Council would be better than the current size and he added that further discussion will take place at the second stage of the review. He stated that with regard to the four tiers of Local Government, along with the boundaries of the Council and the Town and Parish Council, they do not form part of the Local Government Boundary Commission for England review so are not allowed to change. Councillor Boden expressed the opinion that four tiers of Local Government is at least one too many and he would look for a change to that. He added that, in his view, changes to Government policy that have taken place in the last two years have not been conducive in his opinion when looking at the form of localism that he would like to see when there is a review to the tiers of Local Government.


Proposed by Councillor Boden, seconded by Councillor Mrs French and Council AGREED to approach the Local Government Boundary Commission for England to request an Electoral Review of Fenland District Ward Boundaries in time for this review to inform the 2023 Fenland District Council elections.

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