Agenda item

TPO 06/2018 -W1 Woodland Group.
Tree Preservation Order (TPO) at Manea Pit, Park Road, Manea.

To determine the Application.


The Committee had regards to its inspection of the site as agreed in accordance with the Site Inspection Policy and Procedure (minute P19/04 refers) during its deliberations.


David Rowen presented the report to Members.


Members received a presentation in support of the application, in accordance with the Public Participation Procedure from Christopher Harrison.


Mr Harrison advised the Committee that he is speaking on behalf of a number of Manea residents who strongly support the view that the TPO by the Planning Office should be upheld. Mr Harrison advised the Committee that Manea pit was awarded a country wildlife status in 2003 and it was stressed that Manea Pit should be treated as a nature reserve and be protected. In 2015, the status was withdrawn as the result of a lot of unauthorised work being carried out. Manea Pit and the surrounding woodland had been managed by the Pit Committee and the committee included people with knowledge of conservation and habitat management, however that committee was abolished in 2017 by the Chairman of the Parish Council. The Management Plan that the Tree Officer referred to was drawn up by the Pit Committee and those committee members are no longer involved with the Parish Council. Mr Harrison stated that the Manea Parish Council submitted plan has nobody to maintain it any longer, which is, in his opinion, makes the tree preservation, vital. The habitat of Manea Pit is vast with birds, deer, foxes, rabbits, hedgehogs, hares and badgers and it is a community asset for families, school children, dog walkers, fishermen, photographers and artists and it needs to be protected. Mr Harrison stated that the only way to protect the pit and its surrounding area and  to uphold the tree preservation order. One of the conditions was not to use mechanical equipment to implant the otter fence which was totally ignored and heavy machinery was used to put the fence posts in. Mr Harrison drew the Committees attention to the Parish Councils objection which states’ there is no need or justification for this TPO and such an approach is not an expedient course of action by the local planning authority’.

Mr Harrison asked the Committee to enforce the TPO as it is needed.


Members asked questions, made comments and received responses as follows:


·         Councillor Mrs Hay commented that within the Officers report it states that the Parish Council have stated that they have no intention, of undertaking or causing, cutting down, topping, lopping, pruning or damaging the trees around the pit area and, therefore, why do they object to a TPO.

·         Councillor Mrs Newell commented that she has received quite a few phone calls regarding this issue and although Councillor Newell has not given her opinion she has listened to what they have said. The information she has been given is that most of the local residents of Manea are against having the TPO removed, and after listening to Mr Harrison the information must be correct. The fence that has been installed is now causing access issues for elderly people in wheelchairs.

·         Councillor Sutton commented that as he had stated earlier he had attended Manea Parish Council on a totally different issue and there was a gentleman present who stated that there had been an issue with access but he thanked the Parish Council for the monies that had been put forward to allow his wife who is in a wheelchair to be able to gain access into the park with no issues. Councillor Sutton commented that TPO’s are a good thing where they are needed and personally he thinks that to blanket a TPO is not a good thing but having spoken to the Clerk and the Parish Council Chairman following the meeting, they had advised him that they had attended a meeting with the Tree Officer and they no longer object to the TPO.

·         Councillor Sutton commented that if he can be shown one tree or a bunch of trees in that area that warrant a TPO he will support it fully, however, to blanket a TPO forms a layer of complicated and excessive  red tape which is unnecessary, however, the Parish Council have now said they no longer object to it.

·         Councillor Mrs Laws stated that she agrees with the TPO and what a TPO does ensure is that works are carried out to trees they are done professionally, applied for and if the trees are unhealthy it can be removed with permission and a suitable mature species can be put in its place.


Proposed by Councillor Murphy, seconded by Councillor Mrs Hay and decided that the application be APPROVED as per the Officer’s recommendation. 


(Councillor Sutton advised the committee that he attended Manea Parish Council on another issue on Monday 13 August 2018 and he spoke to both the Chairman of the Parish Council and the Parish Clerk and this Agenda Item did come up in conversation, but Councillor Sutton stated he made no engagement as to how he would be voting on this matter.)



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