Agenda item

Land East Of Station Farm, Fodder Fen Road, Manea
Erect up to 5 dwellings (outline application with matters committed in respect of access)

To determine the application.


David Rowen presented the report to members.


Members received a presentation, in accordance with the public participation procedure, from Shanna Jackson, the agent.


Mrs Jackson stated that this is an outline application for up to 5 dwellings with all matters are reserved expect for access and, whilst the application has been recommended for refusal, it is before the committee as it has received a number of letters of support from the local community. She expressed the view that the primary concern appears to be the locational aspect of the proposal as it has been considered that the site lies outside of the main settlement of Manea, however, as members will have seen from the presentation and site visit, the site is no further out of Manea than the existing dwelling and buildings at the pet care centre over the road and it is within the village sign.


Mrs Jackson expressed the view that the proposal will not encroach any further into the countryside than the exiting development and it is wholly reasonable to consider that the site is within the village. She expressed the opinion that it is further argued within the report that future residents are likely to depend on private modes of transport given the lack of footpath to the front of the site, however, it is widely accepted that Fenland is a rural District and a commuter District, therefore, the reliance on private cars is inevitable, as it is with nearly any new development within the district.


Mrs Jackson added that the benefit that this site has is that it is close to the railway station, whose car park is currently being developed and the site, therefore, has great sustainable transport links, much better than a lot of other areas within the District. She stated that concerns have been raised with regards to the noise from the railway and that it could cause harm to future residential amenities, but the dwellings can be constructed using noise mitigation measures such as triple glazing and use acoustic fencing and these noise concerns can be overcome.


Mrs Jackson expressed the view that the noise mitigation measures can be secured via a planning condition which would be duly accepted, and she added that, in any case, there are other dwellings in the area to the south of the site and at Charlemont Drive which are closer to the railway line than the application site. She questioned that if these properties were allowed in such  close proximity to the railway, why it is different for this application?


Mrs Jackson stated that a further objection relates to the site being located within Flood Zone 3 and stated that members will note from the Committee report that the Environment Agency has no objection to the development and that the Flood Risk Assessment demonstrates that the scheme can be made technically safe from flooding.  She stated that the final reason for refusal relates to the lack of a habitat survey to establish the ecological potential of the drains on site which may be affected by the potential access should permission be granted and added that the ecology details on the drain would be covered by the Internal Drainage Board as part of the application to culvert the ditch. She stated that the ecology details would be considered by the Conservation Officer on the Drainage Board who would make recommendations and approve mitigation measures accordingly and, therefore, given that the ecology details are dealt with by other legislation it is not necessary for these details to be required as part of the planning application.


Mrs Jackson stated that the applicant is committed to improving ecology and biodiversity within the area and would be willing to incorporate new woodland features and create new habitats elsewhere within his land ownership in order to promote the biodiversity and geological interest within the area. She expressed the opinion that the location of the site is acceptable, given that it extends no further into the countryside than the existing development and it is within the village sign and the proposal will represent a unique opportunity to provide new high-quality housing in a sustainable location which is next to Manea Station.


Mrs Jackson expressed the view that the technical objections set out in the Committee report can be overcome and she stated that she hopes the committee are able to see that there are significant benefits to this scheme and that they are able to grant planning permission accordingly.


Members asked Mrs Jackson the following questions:

·         Councillor Benney asked whether, if the application is approved, as part of the flood mitigation measures will the houses be built up? Shanna Jackson stated that the Environment Agency were content with the Flood Risk Assessment and they recommended a condition to incorporate mitigation measures which the applicant will be happy to accept.


Members asked questions, made comments, and received responses as follows:

·         Councillor Benney stated that the development falls within the village sign and the open countryside is on the opposite site of the road. He added he is content to arrive in a village and see nice houses as it sets the tone of what to expect in the village and 5 houses would change the perception that visitors have when they arrive in the village of Manea as currently upon arrival there is a derelict barn. Councillor Benney stated that the proposal will not impact anybody in the village of Manea and the station opposite means that the proposal is well connected for transport links. He added that the proposal will smarten up the area and provide good homes for people and the residents will have cars and use the village of Manea which will help the village progress. Councillor Benney pointed out that the Council have invested money into the car park on the opposite side of the road and the application will enhance that part of the area. He stated that, in his opinion, any prospective purchasers of property will be aware that there is a train station near to the dwellings and they do have a choice as to whether they buy a property knowing there will be an element of noise from the station. Councillor Benney stated that the application site is in a field, and although there is the need to be mindful of taking agricultural land away there are thousands of acres taken out of use and, in his opinion, it is a good use of land for Manea, it will enhance and welcome people entering the village and he will support the application.

·         Councillor Sutton stated that Manea Parish Council do not support the application and it has always been said that the railway is the boundary and to be consistent there have been applications previously in Manea where the car park is, and they were refused and held on appeal. He stated that to remain consistent he cannot support the application and will support the officer’s recommendation.

·         Councillor Murphy stated that he agrees with the comments made by Councillor Sutton and expressed the view that the application site is too far outside of the village of Manea to class it as being in Manea. He stated that it is in an unsustainable location and Part 158 of the National Planning Policy Framework refers to the Environment Agency and the sequential test and the exception test, which has not been carried out and the site falls into the highest flood risk area of Flood Zone 3. Councillor Murphy expressed the view that Fodder Fen Road has no footpath or lighting and highlighted that the Parish Council have strongly objected to the proposal and he will be supporting the officer’s recommendation for refusal.

·         Councillor Mrs Mayor stated that she fully agrees with the comments made by Councillor Murphy and fully supports the officer’s recommendation. She expressed the opinion that she is concerned about the remarks made by the Environment Agency who have recommended that the floor levels be raised in order to make the dwelling safe provided that there is no ground floor sleeping. Councillor Mrs Mayor added that she has been a member of the project board involved with the development of the car park at Manea Station which has taken a while to come to fruition and some of that has been due to issues surrounding water.


Proposed by Councillor Murphy, seconded by Councillor Mrs Mayor and agreed that the application be REFUSED as per the officer’s recommendation.

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