Agenda item

Corporate Health and Safety Annual Report 2017/18


Members considered the Corporate Health and Safety Annual Report 2017/18 presented by David Vincent.


Councillor Butcher asked whether consideration has been given to installing a defibrillator at Fenland Hall. Sam Anthony confirmed that Councillor Seaton had previously raised this and it has been decided that one would be purchased and situated on the outside of Fenland Hall where it can be used as a Community resource.


Councillor Butcher asked for further information concerning the one case of physical assault that had been reported. David Vincent stated that the incident involved a member of the Environmental Health Team and had occurred whilst they were carrying out a food inspection. Councillor Mrs Hay asked whether the incident had been reported to the police and David Vincent confirmed that it had.


Councillor Connor asked for clarification with regard to the number of employee working days lost due to accidents which was shown as 402 days in 2016/17. Sam Anthony clarified that the figure was due to 2 members of staff who had remained absent from work for a period of time after an accident.


Councillor Mrs Hay suggested that items marked in green on the action plan that are still outstanding should be amended and shown in amber instead so that it is made clearer.


Councillor Mrs Hay asked for clarification as to whether Freedom Leisure will take on the responsibility of training their staff and accident reporting once they have taken control of the Leisure Centres, and will the Council be collating this information so we can see where staff training has taken place. Sam Anthony stated that Freedom Leisure will be responsible for training, reporting of accidents and statistical reporting. Adding that the Council have not asked for this information to be fed back going forward, but confirmed that it can be requested.


Councillor Mrs Davis asked whether any of the staff who facilitate events are trained in first aid. David Vincent stated that first aid should be covered within a risk assessment which are carried out for events.


Councillor Mrs Davis asked how stress related accidents and absences are recorded. Sam Anthony confirmed that this type of absence is recorded under the remit of Human Resources. It was agreed that going forward the statistics concerning sickness will also be reported on.


Councillor Mrs Hay commented that it should be recognised that stress related absence is not always proportioned to the work environment and can be associated with an individual’s home life.


Sam Anthony stated that where a member of staff shows signs of stress an assessment is carried out and various factors are looked at. From this assessment an action plan is then created to assist with the management of the stress.


Councillor Mrs Davis asked for clarification that East Cambridgeshire District Council (ECDC) are charged for their share of the Health and Safety Officer post as it is a shared service between ECDC and FDC. Sam Anthony confirmed that they are charged for the Officer time.


The Staff Committee AGREED to note the Council’s performance within the Corporate Health and Safety Annual Report 2017/18 and it was decided that an additional Staff Committee meeting would be held on 12 November, at 2.00pm.

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