This report is submitted to the Cabinet following the approval of the Council’s Local Development Scheme (LDS) in February 2022, which identifies that the Council will prepare a draft version of the Local Plan for public consultation in June 2022.
The purpose of this report is for Cabinet to approve the Draft version of the Local Plan for public consultation. The Draft Local Plan can be viewed at Appendix 1 and the accompanying Draft Policies Map (including Settlement Insets maps) at Appendix 2.
Councillor Boden announced that owing to national announcements made over the last few days regarding planning, it was proposed that this agenda item be withdrawn to allow officers time to assess the implications and whether any amendments may be required. The report could then be returned duly amended for consideration at the next Cabinet meeting.
Proposed by Councillor Mrs French, seconded by Councillor Lynn and Cabinet AGREED to defer the Draft Local Plan report to the next meeting of Cabinet on 13 June 2022.
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