Agenda item

Licensing Report - Taxi Tariff

To adopt the proposed increase of the Hackney Carriage Vehicle Table of Fares.



Members considered the Taxi Tariff Licensing Report presented by Councillor Humphrey.


Councillor Count proposed an amendment, which was seconded by Councillor Connor, to the recommendations by the inclusion of an additional recommendation, as follows:


For licensing officers to conduct a review into the availability of taxi provision within Fenland and report their findings to the Licensing Committee to make recommendations to full Council as appropriate.


Councillor Count said this was an opportunistic amendment proposal as the Licensing Committee has done an excellent job under the chairmanship of Councillor Humphrey. He fully endorses the recommendations as laid out and will be supporting them regardless of what happens to his amendment. Councillor Count highlighted his own experience, along with reports from many others, of the difficulties of getting a taxi in March, particularly on a Sunday or during the late hours. When he raised this with other councillors and members of the public, he has found this to be aligned throughout Fenland. He would expect the villages to have more difficulty, but March is a major town, so he is concerned by this lack of provision. Councillor Count does not know what the cause is, there could be any number of reasons and certainly nothing drawn out in the consultation responses, but by putting forward this recommendation, officers can investigate by talking to the drivers and find out why we do not have the coverage so we can maybe create an action to improve the availability of the taxi service in the area.


Members made comments, asked questions and received responses as follows:


·         Councillor Tierney said that in respect of the rise in taxi fares, it is his understanding that this is the maximum fare that drivers can charge; they can charge less if they want to. Fenland District Council is merely setting the maximum fare but not insisting on a rise in fares and he felt it important to clarify this. He said that Councillor Count raises an interesting point that it is difficult late at night to get a taxi but why? Is it because there is not the demand, or does the Council put obstacles in the way to people becoming a taxi driver? He suggested that a few councillors may wish to be involved in the review. 

·         Councillor Hoy commented that she has often spoken to drivers about this, they say it is not worth it financially because the maximum fare we set is quite low. With the current price of diesel, the fare gained will not go far, particularly with additional costs such as insurance. She would be interested to see what comes back in the report. Also, she had not realised that the Council does not even have to set a maximum fare at all, it could set no fare and the market may find a natural rate and perhaps officers can look at that too. 

·         Councillor Wilkes agreed it is difficult to get a taxi and almost impossible on Sundays or after 6pm on weekdays. He is reliant on taxis and feels imprisoned when he cannot get one, however, if the Council has no option to have this tariff increase, his concern is also for those who are taxi reliant but with limited income or pensions. He asked if there would be additional concessions for such people?

·         Councillor Lynn pointed out that most drivers earn their money on Fridays and Saturdays and are out until 3 or 4am. They may have given up their day to earn £15 on a Saturday and so lost a day with family. The reason why they are not available on a Sunday is because perhaps they do not get enough calls to warrant being available.

·         Councillor Sutton said this is all down to market forces. It seems to him that if the problem is so bad in so many towns, budding entrepreneurs should buy a taxi. 

·         Councillor Booth requested that the review does look at the impact on the villages. There are some good local firms that look after the villages, but the provision of service and the cost is a barrier to people living in them, particularly if they want to visit the towns, which also then affects the economy of the towns. 

·         Councillor Humphrey said he would be happy to take this amendment away and for Licensing to conduct a review to take to Licensing Committee for recommendation to Full Council. A survey can easily be conducted with the trade, but he did want to emphasise the fares relate to hackney carriages and not private hire. 

·         Councillor Connor said if councillors are to be involved in the review at Councillor Tierney’s suggestion, then he would like to be involved, which is likely anyway as he is on the Licensing Committee. He thanked Councillor Count for that amendment and hopes that Council supports it.


Councillors voted on the additional recommendation, which was agreed unanimously.


Proposed by Councillor Humphrey, seconded by Councillor Mrs Mayor and AGREED

·         to approve the proposed Table of Fares set out in Appendix B of the report, as recommended by the Licensing Committee

·         for licensing officers to conduct a review into the availability of taxi provision within Fenland and report their findings to the Licensing Committee to make recommendations to full Council as appropriate.


(Councillor Wilkes requested it be noted in the interest of transparency that he is taxi reliant) 


(Councillors Patrick and Rackley declared a pecuniary interest in this item, by virtue of the fact that they are taxi drivers, and left the room for the duration of this discussion and voting thereon)

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