To provide Cabinet with an update on progress related to the 24 High Street Project and for Cabinet to consider recommending to Full Council increased funding within the capital programme to fund the project and to recommend to Full Council that the Council enters into a construction contract for 24 High Street.
Schedules 1 to 3 comprise exempt information - to exclude the public (including the press) from a meeting of a committee it is necessary for the following proposition to be moved and adopted: "that the public be excluded from the meeting for Items which involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in the paragraphs 3 and 5 of Part I of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended) as indicated."
Councillor Boden presented the report on 24 High Street, Wisbech in the absence of the Portfolio Holder, Councillor Seaton.
Councillor Boden reminded members that much of the report can be debated in public, there are exempt schedules which if requiring discussion will involve members in taking a vote on whether to move into exempt session, but he would like to avoid this if possible.
Councillor Boden stated that the Council owns the ‘gap’ site that is 24 High Street, Wisbech and previously this year the Council went to open tender for a contractor to develop the site to an approved design consisting of a small ground-floor commercial unit with flats above. He advised that unfortunately on that occasion the Council was unsuccessful in attracting a bidder and the Council subsequently used a Government Framework Agreement to identify several companies who were interested in the opportunity with this procurement process concluding last week.
Councillor Boden made the point that this site is challenging for a builder, it is on the High Street meaning traffic management and pedestrian issues, the site has a cellar, it is between two other buildings with party wall considerations to address and additionally the contractor’s compound would need to be located elsewhere. He stated that following the receipt of tenders, officers have prepared exempt schedules to this report.
Members made comments, asked questions and received responses as follows:
· Councillor Tierney stated that he thinks his views are clear and well known, it has taken a long time and he is glad that the Council is finally there, and he just wants to press on and get the site developed as soon as possible.
· Councillor Hoy asked if this is approved today how soon can work be mobilised as she is concerned that costs are rising all the time. Councillor Boden responded that it is a matter of the amount of time it takes for the Council’s professional advisors and its officers to be able to negotiate with the preferred bidder on various items but believes this to be a matter of weeks. He stated that in respect of prices it has been suggested as far as the building trade is concerned that the country is entering a plateau where prices may not continue to escalate as they have in recent months, but there is no guarantee about this, but prices in the next few months may be lower than they were and prices, particularly steel, are not down to simply inflationary factors but a whole host of other factors many of which will work themselves out of the system eventually.
· Councillor Mrs French expressed the view that the Council has spent years and months on this, there have been enough conversations and it just needs to be developed.
Proposed by Councillor Boden, seconded by Councillor Tierney and AGREED to note the current position in relation to the Council’s redevelopment plans for 24 High Street, Wisbech and, following consideration of the information in Schedules 1 and 2 regarding the preferred bidder’s submission, AGREED to:
· note the anticipated total value of redeveloping 24 High Street capped in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Crown Commercial Services Government Construction Framework RM6088;
· recommend that Full Council considers and approves the options available for funding the redevelopment of 24 High Street based on the value anticipated by the preferred bidder and as set out in Schedule 3 and delegate to the Chief Finance Officer, in consultation with the Leader, authority to identify and utilise the most appropriate combination of funding, having regard to the Council’s wider budgetary duties and obligations, and
· subject to the above, recommend that Full Council approves the negotiation and entry into a contract with the preferred bidder in accordance with the requirements of the Code of Procurement and the legal advice and due diligence requirements set out in Schedule 1, seeking at all times to ensure that the Council maintains its best value obligations.
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