Agenda item

18 East Park Street, Chatteris
Erect a first-floor rear extension to existing building

To determine the application.


David Rowen presented the report to members.


Members received a presentation, in accordance with the public participation procedure, from Mr Mark Williams, the applicant. Mr Williams explained that he is the CEO of the Police Firearms Office Association which is a registered charity and has 11,000 members across the United Kingdom. He explained that the members and their families are all looked after by the association and the members are all officers involved in armed policing in the UK, with the charity providing counselling, physiotherapy, financial support, respite breaks and anything that can help the officers be at work or back to work if they are absent.


Mr Williams explained that the charity moved into Chatteris Police Station in 2015 and a fifteen-year lease was signed with the Police and Crime Commissioner and shortly afterwards the Constabulary chose to close the Police Station. He stated that six staff are employed on a full-time basis, three are employed in a part time capacity and in 2019 a museum of armed policing was opened which was housed in the dilapidated garage area which was converted into a museum attracting over 2,000 visitors a year educating and informing the public about armed policing including schools where the younger generation can learn about the dangers of knife and gun crime.


Mr Williams explained that in 2019, Her Royal Highness Princess Anne, visited the museum, and she expressed her delight in what had been achieved including the work of the staff who support Police Officers nationally. He pointed out that the planning application has been submitted to future proof the future of the association and to ensure that it can remain in Chatteris, with the detail of the application being as sympathetic as possible which includes the wooden cladding that blends in with the buildings immediately around the existing building and consultation has been undertaken with the neighbouring properties and particularly the older neighbours that live to the right-hand side of the Police Station and there have been no objections to the proposal.


Mr Williams expressed the view that the application will provide an increase in office space, a bigger and better museum and a state-of-the-art virtual reality firearms range which does not make noise, but it is a new form of technology, and the association will be one of the first in the UK to have it. He pointed out that it is hoped that the footfall to the museum will also increase, and Insight Days will also be introduced for Police Officers who are interested in armed policing and for those looking to join the Police.


Mr Williams explained that the Police Station in Chatteris will also be re-introduced for at least two days a week, which Cambridgeshire Police have agreed to, and it will reopen at the expense of the Association and not the public. He added that the increased footfall to the museum will create money for the local economy and also increase employment.


Mr Williams stated that the 30-metre-high radio mast will be removed, with the Police already making arrangements for its removal and the Police Station will remain a focal part of the town of Chatteris and will provide a much-needed facility for the community.


Members asked Mr Williams the following questions:

·       Councillor Benney stated that he is always very interested to know what is happening in Chatteris as he is a local Councillor for the town. He explained that he had recently had a conversation with a member of staff who works at the Police Firearms Office Association and initially he had thought that the building was just a museum, and he did not realise that there was the charity element of supporting firearms officers which he thinks should be publicised more. Councillor Benney stated that he is very pleased to hear that the building is also going to be used as a base for officers to come and take their rest breaks which in turn will mean that there are more Police in Chatteris. He expressed the view that the residents of Chatteris will very much welcome the news that the Police Station is going to reopen in the town, and asked Mr Williams to clarify how long the Police Station will be open for during the day. Mr Williams stated that he can confirm that the Police Station will re-open for two days per week and will open from 9am-5pm to enable the community to report crime and speak to somebody for enquiries.

·       Councillor Mrs French asked Mr Williams to confirm how the Police Firearms Office Association is funded and he advised that the funding is through donations and sponsorship.

·       Councillor Marks asked Mr Williams if he could give the committee an indication on the number of visitors he would expect if the application is approved? Mr Williams explained that prior to Covid the number of visitors was 2,000 and he added that the figure will increase due to the steps proposed to modernize the building and make it bigger to include more features, which will attract more visitors. He added that he is aware of the issues concerning parking, however, parking in Chatteris is adequate and many visitors do visit in groups. Mr Williams explained that the tours of the museum are undertaken with 8 to 10 people at a time and three tours a day can be accommodated quite comfortably.

·       Councillor Murphy thanked Mr Williams for all of the information he has provided, and he added that the Police Station is needed, and he will whole heartedly support the application.

·       Councillor Mrs Davis stated that she is full of admiration for the plans and the proposal before the committee, but asked for clarification with regards to the neighbouring properties. She added one of the properties is going to be quite overshadowed and asked Mr Williams to confirm whether they have been contacted? Mr Williams stated that the occupiers have been spoken to and have also been met with to discuss the proposed plans and given advice and guidance should they wish to object to the proposal. He added that the residents are very happy that crime has reduced, due to the installation of the CCTV cameras outside of the Police Station, and he has provided them with details concerning the design which is almost cantilever in design, so it is not too steep, and they have not objected to the proposal. Mr Williams added that if they had objected to the proposal then he would not have continued with the application.


Members asked questions, made comments and received responses as follows:

·       Councillor Miscandlon expressed the view that it is nice to see an application brought before the committee that has been undertaken properly and is complete. He added that all too often applications are submitted which are short of information or have misleading information provided and he will fully support the application.

·       Councillor Mrs French thinks the work that Mr Williams is involved in is excellent and that visitors to the museum will find it extremely interesting. She will fully support the application as it is good for Chatteris and for Fenland.


Proposed by Councillor Benney, seconded by Councillor Murphy and agreed that the application be APPROVED against the officer’s recommendation.


Members do not support the officer’s recommendation of refusal as they feel that the proposal makes a positive contribution to the area and the proposal does not adversely effect any of the neighbouring dwellings and complies with the criteria of Policy LP16 of the Fenland Local Plan.


(Councillors Murphy and Benney declared, under Paragraph 14 of the Code of Conduct on Planning matters, that they are members of Chatteris Town Council but take no part in planning matters)

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