To provide an update to the Audit and Risk Management Committee on the Council’s Corporate Risk Register.
Members considered the Corporate Risk Register presented by Peter Catchpole, Corporate Director.
Members made comments, asked questions, and received responses as follows:
· Councillor Booth stated that it appears that the register has been thoroughly reviewed which he was pleased to see, and it appears that the changes he had highlighted previously have been implemented. He added that the document does not show what the previous position was in the risks and likelihood, although the assumption is that the Council is moving in the correct direction of decreasing the risk and likelihood. Councillor Booth added it would be a worthwhile exercise to be able to show what the previous risk scores were. Peter Catchpole asked Councillor Booth whether he was referring to the way the risks are scored in the summary table. Councillor Booth confirmed he was, and Peter Catchpole stated that it is quite subjective, but he does not disagree with the point that Councillor Booth has made. Peter Catchpole explained that the scoring framework is discussed in great detail, but he agreed to look into the suggestion made by Councillor Booth which is a very valid point.
· Councillor Booth referred to inflation and added that within the report on page 211 it mentions the cost of living and the energy crisis and added that he is aware of issues with other councils where their energy contracts are not necessarily fixed and, therefore, they are more susceptible to the energy increases, and he asked whether a fixed energy contract had been put in place or a variable rate. Peter Catchpole stated that he is of the understanding that at the current time the Council is placed on a fixed deal which is due to be renewed in the next 12 months. Councillor Booth stated that if that is the case, it is unlikely that the Council will be able to obtain another fixed rate and will, therefore, be susceptible to the increases. Peter Catchpole stated that he is not aware what will be achievable, but efforts will be made to seek the best available rate at the necessary time. Councillor Booth expressed the view that is unlikely that a fixed rate can be found.
· Councillor Booth asked whether the street lighting contract was separate to the main contract, and it was confirmed that it was. Councillor Mrs French stated that it is her understanding that the street light contract has another 12 months.
· Councillor Wicks questioned whether the Council is on a fixed rate tariff for energy costs for the foreseeable future for the infrastructure and buildings that the Council operates? Mark Saunders confirmed that the Council is on a separate contract for gas and electricity and uses the Eastern Shires Purchasing Organisation (ESPO) to achieve the best rates. He explained that both of the utilities are due to be renewed within the next 12 months.
· Councillor Mrs French asked for an update at the next meeting with regards to energy contract renewal details.
· Councillor Booth stated that Peterborough City Council have taken steps to modify all of their refuse vehicles to hybrid/oil type solution and asked whether it is something the Council would consider? He added that he understands that Peterborough are looking to save significant amounts of money compared to what their expenditure would be on diesel costs. Peter Catchpole explained that Cabinet recently approved a new contract for the supply of diesel through the ESPO framework and as far as he is aware there is no intention at looking at other options, but it is something to consider in the future. Mark Saunders explained that there is a rolling programme for the replacement of vehicles after so many years and on a yearly basis 1 or 2 vehicles are replaced. Councillor Booth asked whether the vehicles are leased, and Mark Saunders explained that due to the interest rates being so low for a number of years it has been better for the Council to finance the purchase of the vehicles instead. He added that some of the older vehicles are still on a leased basis but not the newer vehicles.
Members AGREED to note and agree the Corporate Risk Register review.
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