Agenda item

Land North And West of Elliott Lodge, Elliott Road, March,Cambridgeshire

Erection of a single-storey retirement complex block comprising of 13 x 1-bed units with communal facilities, and a 1.1m high (max height) railings to front boundary involving demolition of existing dwelling

To determine the Application.


The Committee had regard to its inspection of the site (as agreed in accordance with the Site Inspection: Policy and Procedure (minute 19/04 refers)) during its deliberations.


Officers presented the report to Members and informed them that no updates had been received.


Members received a presentation in accordance with the public participation procedure from Mr Lee Bevens, the applicants Agent.


Mr Bevens stated that the applicant currently runs a retirement complex, Elliot Lodge, which is adjacent to the application site and one of the key aspects of the application is to relocate the community hub of the complex to a more central area, which would be on the ground floor with improved access for all residents. He advised Members that due to the increase in ownership of mobility scooters by residents in Elliot Lodge, there is now the requirement for storage and charging points for the scooters with this application considering  the need for corridors to be able to accommodate mobility scooters.


Mr Bevens expressed the opinion that the new building has considered the needs of the residents, many of which have mobility issues, and it will be well lit as well as having good levels of natural daylight and provide a secure living environment. He stated that he has worked with Planning Officers to overcome issues and made design changes to make the best use of the site minimising the impact on neighbouring properties.


Mr Bevens stated that until recently the site was overgrown and, if approved, this brownfield site will be redeveloped. The relevant pre-commencement conditions for the application and the Section 106 contributions relating to affordable housing and commuted sum payments have been agreed with the new building having substantial community benefits for residents of both Elliot Lodge, being compliant with all Local Plan policies.   He feels the proposal will provide a positive contribution to the economy of Fenland and be a positive addition to the area, including new employment opportunities.


Members asked Mr Bevens the following questions:


·         Councillor Mrs Laws referred to the surface water strategic flood risk assessment within the Officers report, where it states that the applicant should liaise with Anglia Water and the Local Lead Food Authority (LLFA) questioning whether this has been done? Mr Bevens stated that he is working with consultants with regard to the surface water aspect and a satisfactory resolution will be reached which will probably result in a condition being added. Councillor Mrs Laws stressed that it is an important issue.

·         Councillor Mrs Laws asked for clarification on what roof materials will be used? Officers confirmed that there is a condition on the application which states the colour of materials to be agreed.


Members made comments, asked questions and received responses as follows:


·         Councillor Connor stated, in his opinion, that it is a good application is not overbearing and he cannot see why March Town Council have recommended refusal. He would support the application, subject to soil testing, a drainage strategy being put in place and the liaison with Anglia Water concerning the flood risk issue as previously mentioned.

·         Councillor Mrs Laws stated that Fenland has an aging population, the design proposed makes allowances for mobility scooters and wheelchairs  and she welcomes the application.

·         Councillor Mrs Bligh agreed with Councillor Laws that Fenland is an aging population and the application will serve to provide accommodation that is needed, will improve the area and is not over development. As long as the roof is in keeping with the surrounding area, she would support the application.

·         Councillor Mrs Newell asked for clarification that the ecological and archaeological surveys will be completed and Officers confirmed that the surveys form part of the conditions.

·         Councillor Sutton stated that he agrees with the proposal and would ask that the recommendation to grant subject to the Section 106 Agreement should have a time limit added to it of possibly 3 or 4 months. Councillor Sutton added that from the road the visual street scene appearance could be improved with a couple of false dorma windows.

·         Councillor Mrs Laws stated that it is unfortunate that we are going against the views of March Town Council;, however in her view this proposal will enhance the area.

·         Councillor Sutton stated he has no issue with going against the views of March Town Council if they cannot bring forward a material planning reason for either approval or refusal.

·         Councillor Court questioned whether March Town Council brought forward the issue of drainage being a problem with the proposal. The Chairman clarified that it is part of the conditions that the applicant has to approve a flood strategy with Anglian Water.

·         Councillor Court commented that March Town Council have also stated that they believe the proposal is over development. The Chairman stated that Officers have considered that it is not over developed and if Members considered that it is, there needs to be a substantive reason to  support that.

·         Councillor Connor commented that there are no grounds for refusal demonstrated.


Proposed by Councillor Murphy, seconded by Councillor Sutton and decided that the application be APPROVED as per the Officer’s recommendation.


(Councillor Court registered, in accordance with Paragraph 14 of the Code of Conduct on Planning Matters, that he is a Member of March Town Council but takes no part in Planning Matters).

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