Agenda item

To receive reports from and ask questions of Cabinet members with portfolio holder responsibilities, in accordance with Procedure Rules 8.1 and 8.2.


Members asked questions of Portfolio Holders in accordance with Procedure Rules 8.1 and 8.2 as follows:

·         Councillor Patrick asked what is happening with the proposed decriminalisation of parking to solve some of the parking problems within the district. Councillor Mrs French replied that we are going down the lines of civil parking enforcement but unfortunately with the alliance at County Council they are dragging their heels and have pushed South Cambs forward instead of Fenland, Huntingdon and South Cambs together. However, it should come into effect later this year or next year. Councillor Patrick thanked Councillor Mrs French.

·         Councillor Booth asked Councillor Laws if she could provide an update on the position of the draft local plan, what is the position regarding officers able to oversee policy development of the local plan following the recent announcements at Peterborough City Council, and do we have personnel in place to support the plan going forward? He would also like to know when councillors will be given the opportunity to consider the results of the first public consultation and feed into a revised draft local plan, and what the new timescale is for seeing the draft local plan through to conclusion. Councillor Laws replied that she could confirm one FTE in post who continues to make preparation in the development of the local plan. Prior to the election, Government published a consultation on planning reforms, including the local plan and potentially future systems of development. However, with the timing of local elections and the uncertainty this can create, she will now be reviewing this with officers. To continue with the local plan, further staff will be needed to continue its development and she will be reviewing this with officers as a top priority now she is back in post. The result of the first public consultation has now been published on the FDC website and she will ask officers to circulate the link to this following this meeting. In respect of the timescale to conclusion, this should be about 18 months. Councillor Booth said his point is what we do after receiving the link and if members can comment and feed into policy development. Councillor Laws agreed that this will be part of the process moving forward and it will be a priority.

·         Councillor Taylor addressed Councillor Boden and said he had attended a meeting where a question arose about DBS checks for councillors. He asked if this is something that members do need because there is conflicting information on the GOV.UK website and he would like to seek clarification on this matter. Councillor Boden responded that at this level of council, members do not have responsibility for social services or education and so there are not generally many requirements where we would need to have DBS clearance. If we still had a youth council or responsibility for leisure the situation would be arguable, but as we do not, this is no longer the case. Where we appoint to any organisations such as Young People March, we will follow the requirements of that organisation to have DBS checks rather than fulfil any of our own. However, he agrees with Councillor Taylor that the GOV.UK website is ambiguous. Although it would be unnecessary for us as individuals to have DBS checks to do our work as councillors, it is something that officers are enquiring of other councils and the Disclosure and Barring Service, and a statement will be circulated by officers once that enquiry has been concluded.