To determine the application.
Nikki Carter presented the report to members and drew attention to the update report that had been circulated.
The committee had regard to its inspection of the site (as agreed in accordance with the Site Inspection: Policy and Procedure (minute P19/04)) during its deliberations.
Members received a presentation, in accordance with the public participation procedure, from Peter Humphrey, the agent. Mr Humphrey displayed a map of the emerging Local Plan showing the site outlined in blue and stated that this is a PIP application and from the draft policy map June 2022, accepting that it is a draft and carries no weight, it does show the thinking of the policy makers who are planning officers that they could see that the village could extend in this manner with the red shaded area in the corner of this site. He stated that the Environment Agency has no objections providing flood mitigation measures are incorporated and a sequential and exception test is completed at the technical stage.
Mr Humphrey expressed the view that it is all about location and land use, making the point that Doddington is a growth village and this land is clearly adjacent to the existing developed footprint, which is in accordance with LP12A that allows development adjacent to existing villages. He stated that the site access will be within the 40mph speed limit, with details to be agreed with highways at the technical stage.
Mr Humphrey stated that the land is grade 3 the lowest quality of land that could be built on and hence it has been set out to grass and trees. He displayed a flood risk map and expressed the opinion that whilst the planning officers state the site is partly within Flood Zone 2/3, this is not being disputed and they are happy that development can be made on the other two-thirds of the site, with attenuation within the Flood Zone 2 and 3 area, they do not have to build within the Flood Zone.
Mr Humphrey expressed the view that this application can deliver a quality scheme similar to that already delivered on Benwick Road just past Hospital Road in Doddington, which has been built out and shows what can be done when such applications are supported.
Members asked questions of Mr Humphrey as follows:
· Councillor Mrs French referred to the proposal being for up to 9 dwellings and the development not making effective use of land and assumes that these are executive homes being proposed. Mr Humphrey responded that they are.
Nick Harding made the point that the plan showed by the agent was not the correct plan so no part of the application site is within the settlement boundary as per the consultation that took place on the draft Local Plan.
Members asked questions of officers as follows:
· Councillor Cornwell stated that he thought he had heard that this was in the 60mph limit and asked if this is correct? Nikki Carter responded that the speed limit changes alongside the site and the majority of the site is within 60mph limit but because of the type of application it has not been clarified at this stage where the access will be, however, highways have indicated that on the basis of information they have received they cannot be sure that a safe access can be achieved.
Members made comments, asked questions and received responses as follows:
· Councillor Sutton stated that he can see that the application does have some merits but he feels that with the Local Plan in its infancy there is still much better areas in Doddington that can be brought forward at this stage. He feels it is a balance as he was born and bred in Doddington and cannot say he is overly keen on the way it has expanded but that has brought its benefits because to get the services you need the people to be using them but on this occasion he would go with officer’s recommendation and he also notes that Doddington Parish Council are against it.
· Councillor Cornwell stated that it has been a long time since he has seen such a long response from a Parish Council, it has obviously looked at it very carefully and they do not seem to be happy with the proposal so he feels committee should take notice of this.
· Councillor Benney made the point that there has been development along Benwick Road in Doddington and on the opposite side of the road on the bend to this proposal committee approved an application which had an officer’s recommendation for refusal. He can see both sides of the argument but feels this proposal does have merit and to say it is in a boundary when Fenland does not have any boundaries at the moment. Councillor Benney expressed the opinion that he would like to see more details or maybe a change of the speed sign so the access is not on a 60mph limit but feels it would bring 9 very nice executive homes to the area and he likes to see nice big houses where you come into a village.
· Councillor Connor stated that he disagrees with Councillor Benney’s comments, it is out of the village footprint, it is on a 60mph road and very rarely has he seen a Parish Council go so severely against a development and as Councillors Cornwell and Sutton have intimated committee should support the officer’s recommendation. He made the point that the other development that was approved for 9 dwellings was on the other side of the road and a lot nearer to the village than this proposal so he feels the officers have got the recommendation correct.
· Councillor Mrs French expressed her disappointment that on a PIP there is not sufficient information as members could have a better discussion on the proposal if it known for example where the access is. She supports the building of executive homes as there is going to be a reservoir built and executive people moving into the area but it is just lack of information on a PIP.
· Councillor Mrs Davis expressed concern over the speed limit, the 60mph limit comes along part of the site and then just as you get to the village gate it changes to 40mph and if you put executive houses on here you are talking up to 4 vehicles and they are coming onto this road at the change of speed so she feels it is in the wrong place and is worried that highways have said they do not have enough information to even know whether they have got enough of a visibility splay. She cannot support the application as it is.
Proposed by Councillor Cornwell, seconded by Councillor Mrs Davis and agreed that the application be REFUSED as per officer’s recommendation.
(Councillors Connor and Mrs Davis registered, under Paragraph 14 of the Code of Conduct on Planning Matters, that they are District Councillors for Doddington and Wimblington and do attend Doddington Parish Council meetings but take no part in planning)
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