To determine the application.
Nikki Carter presented the report to members.
The committee had regard to its inspection of the site (as agreed in accordance with the Site Inspection: Policy and Procedure (minute P19/04)) during its deliberations.
Members received a presentation, in accordance with the public participation procedure, from Shanna Jackson, the agent. Mrs Jackson stated that the scheme is before committee with a recommendation of approval and they have worked closely with officers to achieve this. She expressed the view that the development will infill the gap to the north and east of the existing dwelling at Goosetree House to reflect the form and pattern of development which characterises Selwyn Corner.
Mrs Jackson made the point that the indicative drawings show that two modest dwellings of a scale and character which reflect the surroundings can be achieved on site and each dwelling will be provided with at least one third of the plot as dedicated private garden space and two parking spaces each. She expressed the view that two parking spaces can also be provided for the host dwelling as well as a central turning area in order that all properties can turn so that they enter and exit Selwyn Corner in forward gear, with the existing access to the site being used and this has been acknowledged as an acceptable arrangement by officers.
Mrs Jackson stated that the site lies within Flood Zone 3 and a Flood Risk Assessment has been provided to demonstrate that the scheme will be technically safe from flooding. She advised that a sequential test has been carried out which confirms that there are no other sites available to accommodate this development and this has been acknowledged as acceptable within the committee report.
Mrs Jackson expressed the view that the application complies with policies of the development plan and the proposal will bring forward two new dwellings within a sustainable location which will contribute to the ongoing vitality of Guyhirn. She requested that members support officer’s recommendation of approval of planning permission.
Members asked questions of officers as follows:
· Councillor Cornwell stated that the access looks very narrow and asked if it meets the standards? David Rowen drew Councillor Cornwell’s attention to 5.4 of the officer’s report and the comments of the Highway Authority who is not raising any concerns or objections to the application from that perspective. Councillor Cornwell acknowledged this but his question is about the actual access which is not on a road, the access to the property may be acceptable but he is talking about the section that goes alongside the existing structure to actually get to the site which is not a highway. David Rowen stated that the dimension shown on the plans is 3.475 metres.
Members made comments, asked questions and received responses as follows:
· Councillor Skoulding agreed that it does look cozy but, in his view, that is the nature of everything around it so he cannot see a problem himself.
· Councillor Benney stated that the previous application was just refused for backland development and this is backland, it seems to him to be crammed and overdevelopment, with it is backing onto everybody’s land.
· Councillor Cornwell stated that was his interpretation when he visited the site that it was a little bit small, enclosed and had a narrow entrance but when you do get into Selwyn Corner the whole built area follows that system and has been developed piecemeal over time. He stated that he was told at the visit it meets all the amenity standards so maybe because of where it is and the way the area is set out then perhaps it is acceptable but it certainly would not be attractive for him but could be to others so on this basis he could support it.
· Councillor Sutton expressed the view that it is cozy and if it had been anymore cozy he would have been struggling to support it but members were assured on the site visit that it meets the amenity area standards on both dwellings, they are small but there is a market for small places and he feels this is nothing like the Eastwood End proposal as Eastwood End is linear all the way across and whereas this is like a compact hamlet and he feels that it fits in quite well with the area.
Proposed by Councillor Meekins, seconded by Councillor Skoulding and agreed that the application be APPROVED as per officer’s recommendation.
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