To consider an opportunity to
receive a further tranche of grant money from the LAHF programme to
purchase 5 homes as a resource to meet the Council’s
responsibilities with regard to housing
Afghan refugees and as a lasting legacy resource to support meeting
our wider homelessness duties.
Appendix A to this report comprises exempt information – to exclude the public (including the press) from a meeting of a committee it is necessary for the following proposition to be moved and adopted: “that the public be excluded from the meeting for Items which would involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in the paragraphs 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended) as indicated.”
Members considered the Local Authority Housing Fund 2 report presented by Councillor Hoy.
Councillor Tierney said he does not like the Government’s approach to this, not that he does not think the Council has a duty to help people who need housing and he welcomes additional funding in that respect, but the idea that the Council is going to purchase houses for use by people who have come from other places without putting local people first or at least on an equal footing is not something he can support. He would have preferred if an equal number of houses could have been purchased for both. Furthermore, when buying houses from the private market it increases demand and costs for people looking for homes. So many people are desperate for places to live, and it is time for the Government to take a much stronger view on how much immigration can be allowed. He does not support this, not that he does not support the principals but the Government’s thinking behind it is wrong. Councillor Tierney reiterated that he would not support the report recommendation.
Councillor Boden thanked Councillor Tierney but said that if the Council does not go down this route then Government will force it by other means but without the financial incentive, so basically it is an offer that cannot be refused.
Councillor Hoy said the figure related to how much the Council is given per house is the same across the country, and because it is only allowed to be 40% of the total cost price of the house that does not work. Local authorities are all receiving the same amount of funding but there is disparity in house prices around the country. So, for example, when looking at the figures given to purchase a house, it will buy more in Fenland compared to Cambridge City. Councillor Hoy stated that she feels Government need to be written to with the points made by Councillor Tierney but also requesting that they look at this on an area-by-area basis, rather than making a set figure for all authorities.
Councillor Miscandlon said he is concerned about who will be responsible for the maintenance and running of these properties. Councillor Hoy responded that the Council will be responsible, but officers are confident they can manage with their existing team and resource given the small number of properties it will involve. Councillor Hoy added that the right to buy will not apply on these properties; people will be housed under a licence rather than a tenancy agreement.
Proposed by Councillor Hoy, seconded by Councillor Mrs French and AGREED to:
· Approve receipt of the LA Housing Fund 2 grant in the sum of £559,000 for the purposes described.
· Authorise entry into the prescribed Memorandum of Understanding with DLUHC delegated to the Monitoring Officer in Consultation with the Investment Board; and
· Fund the residual element for the 5 properties to be purchased, delegated to the Section 151 officer to determine in consultation with the Investment Board members and delegate purchase of individual properties to the S151 officer in consultation with Investment Board.
· Delegate acceptance of a further allocation from the LAHF fund if additional funding becomes available either through this funding round or future LAHF funding rounds to the Section 151 officer in consultation with the Investment Board and Portfolio Holder for Housing.
· Properties to be purchased outside PE13 and PE14 post code areas.
Supporting documents: