To determine the application.
David Rowen presented the report to members.
Members received a presentation, in accordance with the public participation procedure, from Matthew Hall, the agent. Mr Hall stated that there are no technical objections to this application and they consider that this site is compliant with Policy LP3 where development within the urban area or a small extension would be acceptable in Coates. He referred to 11.1 of the officer’s report which confirms that the principle of development at this site is acceptable but parts of the site the officer considers to extend into the open countryside and looking at the location plan on the presentation screen the backline of development has been followed up to Feldale Lane, with Feldale Lane being a stop point, and, in his view, this rounds off the development as there could be no further development to the north-east.
Mr Hall stated that the site plan he has submitted is indicative but, in his opinion, nearly half of the site is covered by soft landscaping, the dwelling shown are indicative but they are 4-bedroomed properties with garages that comply with the Local Plan and the site is 0.63 hectares for 9 dwellings, which he does not consider to be over-development. He made the point that the whole site is located in Flood Zone 1 and they have not only submitted a drainage strategy but also carried out on-site percolation testing that was agreed with the Lead Local Flood Authority and carried out further trial holes on site that confirms that sand and gravels are present to over 2 metres which is also confirmed on the geological survey sheet, all being agreed and approved by the Lead Local Flood Authority. He stated that the applicants are aware that if approval is given on this outline application that there will be a condition in relation to detailed drainage design, with the applicants confirming this site has been in the Dale family ownership for over 60 years and no flooding has occurred, with one of the applicants being on the Drainage Board.
Mr Hall referred to a photo shown on the presentation screen which is taken from the back garden of Plot 1 and the rear of Plot 1 would merely overlook Blackthorn Court road and the second photo was taken when standing in the north-east part of the site where there are number of rear gardens and the other large executive houses on Feldale Lane are 40 metres away. He referred to the mention of the access, 8 of the properties would access The Fold which has been approved by Highways and the reason why one of the properties is accessed off Feldale Lane is because one of the applicants is a farmer, his land and shed is all to the north-west of the site abutting this site so this would allow easy access to shed and land.
Mr Hall reiterated that the site is in Flood Zone 1, is not over-development, there are no objections from the Lead Local Flood Authority or Highways and he considers it rounds off development in this area.
Members asked questions of Mr Hall as follows:
· Councillor Benney asked if the amenity space can be achieved on all of the properties? Mr Hall responded that in Whittlesey Town Council’s first comments they said it needs to be a third garden area which is in Fenland’s Local Plan, with 9 properties on this site this can be achieved.
Members made comments, asked questions and received responses as follows:
· Councillor Benney referred to the comments of the Town Council saying it is over-development but as far as he is concerned if the minimum standard can be achieved of amenity space that is not over-development and he is aware of other places that have had a lot less garden space in the District. He feels it squares off the north-west side of Coates so he is not sure how it can be in the open countryside as indicated in the report and there are 3 letters of objection which is small number and no planning reasons within these objections that cannot be answered and he feels it is a good development.
· David Rowen stated that as indicated in the report the broad principle of development is not in question, it is whether the amount of dwellings and the development of the entirety of the site being applied for is acceptable or not. He referred to whether it is squaring off the settlement with the policies of the Local Plan being quite clear that where a site relates more to the open countryside that is not viewed favourably and the photos show the site fronting onto Feldale Lane relates more to the open countryside than the built form of the settlement so if there was an application site that related purely to the existing built footprint where the existing yard and agricultural buildings are then there would not be a concern. David Rowen stated in relation to amenity space, the dwellings shown on the plan do have adequate amenity space, however, what also needs to be considered and is one of the reasons for refusal is the visual impact of the site with Plot 1 seemingly projecting out into the street scene on The Fold and Plot 7’s relationship with Peakes Drive. He advised that it has not been demonstrated in officer’s view that this number of dwellings can be accommodated satisfactorily on the site and in compliance with the relevant policies of the Local Plan.
Proposed by Councillor Benney, seconded by Councillor Mrs French and agreed that the application be GRANTED against officer’s recommendation, with authority delegated to officers to apply conditions.
Members do not support refusal of planning permission as they feel that as long as each property has the required amenity space it is not deemed to be over-development, it would not result in encroachment into the open countryside as it will nicely square the village off and it is a brownfield site where there is a presumption in favour of development.
(Councillor Gerstner registered that he was a member of Whittlesey Town Council’s Planning Committee when this application was considered and, therefore, took no part in the discussion or voting thereon)
(Councillor Benney declared that he knows the agent for this application and he has undertaken work for him and also worked with him on the Growing Fenland project at Chatteris, but he is not pre-determined and will approach the application with an open mind)
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