To determine the application.
Nick Harding presented the report to members.
Members received a presentation, in accordance with the public participation procedure, from Peter Humphrey, the agent. Mr Humphrey stated that members will recall that this application was presented to the 5 April 2023 Planning Committee meeting where members agreed to defer the application. He advised that the application is by Robert Sears for 5 dwellings in Manea, close to the railway station and members were advised that one of the plots was for Mr Sears’ daughter who was taking an active part in running the farm accounts.
Mr Humphrey made the point that Mr Sears pointed out that the farm was taking 240 acres out of food production and being sown with a mix of seeds for all year round bird foraging and food supply. He stated that members were advised that the application was for 5 executive plots where members had already agreed that the site was within the developed village and was closer to the school than the site at Fallow Corner Drove for 29 dwellings as shown in the emerging Local Plan.
Mr Humphrey reminded members of the proximity of this site to the newly refurbished and invested rail station, where NPPF prioritises new development with good access to public transport hubs, such as rail stations. He stated that they will be providing a footpath, using triple glazing, heat source air pumps, PV cells and light columns, all to enhance and make the site more acceptable.
Mr Humphrey expressed the view that the committee wanted to approve the previous application but were advised that they could not until the ecology report had been carried out and approval received from Natural England, which has now been agreed, and also Highways approval was obtained for moving the speed signs and footpath crossing. He stated that the Planning Officer has confirmed that both reasons for the deferral have now been overcome and it has been accepted that there was an update from Highways today to state that they are now happy, although it has not been formally approved as there is the need to get a legal order signed by their solicitors to coincide with the works, while reasons 1 and 2 of the refusal had been accepted previously by members.
Mr Humphrey welcomed members support of this application as previously.
Members asked questions of Mr Humphrey as follows:
· Councillor Mrs French asked if these dwellings were going to be self-build properties? Mr Humphrey responded that they could be as this is the type of market that Mr Sears was looking at selling the plots to.
· Councillor Mrs French asked what arrangements are going to be made with regard to sewage and surface water? Mr Humphrey responded that there will be individual proper treatment plants.
· Councillor Mrs French asked if the applicant is prepared to pay for the moving of the signs and TRO? Mr Humphrey responded in the affirmative.
Members made comments, asked questions and received responses as follows:
· Councillor Marks stated that he previously supported the application. He feels that Councillor Mrs French raised a very good point about sewage as there is a major problem in Manea regarding the overload of the sewage works, everyone is on cesspits up that end of the road and he feels what is proposed is a good solution. Councillor Marks questioned whether it was outside the village envelope and if you look at the location plan you can see that there is another disused house, which he feels may come back into use and does not believe this application is extending the village. He made the point that the Parish Council support it as does he.
· Councillor Benney stated that he remembers considering the application previously where it was deferred to obtain the reports, which have now been completed and it is back before committee to finalise the decision on it.
· Councillor Mrs French agreed with the comments of Councillors Marks and Benney, there is a bus route she believes and there is now a nice car parking facility at the station.
· Councillor Marks made the point that when the car park was undertaken there was discussion about water coming off and that has been drained with no problems via kerbside drainage and he thinks this will happen further up the road going to the plots, which will smarten this end of the village up.
· Councillor Connor stated it is very refreshing to see an applicant/agent taking the steps the committee have asked them to do and he will be supporting the application.
· Nick Harding stated that officers have reiterated their view that this site extends into the rural area beyond the built up area of Manea and, therefore, falls foul of policy. He stated that there is also the issue of flood risk and the sequential test and there are sequentially preferable sites available in the village and, therefore, this development does not pass the sequential test.
Proposed by Councillor Marks, seconded by Councillor Mrs French and agreed that the application be APPROVED against the officer’s recommendation, with authority delegated to officers to apply reasonable conditions.
Members do not support officer’s recommendation of refusal of planning permission as they feel that the site does not lie outside the developed area of Manea, mitigation can be incorporated into the development against flood risk and in relation to the sequential test whilst there are other building plots in Manea, most have planning permission and are being built out and there are no plots of this size available.
(Councillor Marks declared that the applicant is known to him, he does sit on a Drainage Board with him but he does not socialise with him, but is not pre-determined and will approach the application with an open-mind)
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