Agenda item

Local Government Ombudsman - Annual Review of Complaints.

To update Members on the annual statistics in relation to the Local Government  Ombudsman (LGO) and the Council’s corporate ‘3Cs’ procedure. This explains how we deal with the comments, compliments, correspondence and complaints we receive.


Members made comments, asked questions, and received responses as follows:



Members considered the Local Government Ombudsman- Annual Review Complaints presented by Councillor Tierney.


Members made comments, asked questions, and received responses as follows:


1.     Councillor Mrs Davis stated the website improvements have made a difference to complaints reducing. Councillor Tierney thanked Councillor Mrs Davis and commented the data is much easier to use and the information stored makes a difference to the general public’s knowledge hence complaints have been improved.

2.     Councillor Carney stated that the correspondence category has increased whilst both compliments and complaints are down by 15% each compared to last year. Is this genuinely because the nature of the correspondence received or is it to do with the triage of communications upon receipt? Councillor Tierney answered that the majority of the correspondence come from the MP office and Councillors which indicates the new Council are doing a good job.

3.     Councillor Booth stated that he would like to see a more detailed report of the sort of complaints being made to ensure details get identified. Councillor Tierney agreed the triage needs to be right to identify the odd mistake and the type of complaint being presented to be able to use the correct data to perform accordantly. Councillor Booth responded questions need to be monitored within the call centre to ensure the correct service has been given when dealing with complaints. David Wright stated the service team will push things through the corporate channel so the complaint can be dealt with in a suitable manner with the correct response.

4.     Councillor Hay asked what an IDOX web journey is? Councillor Tierney responded the IDOX web journey is a digital way of collating information and ensuring the information is sent to the right place to receive the action required.

5.     Councillor Roy asked if the system recognises if the same person has made complaints several times? David Wright stated if a pattern emerges with the same address and complaints showing up on the system an issue warning would be raised. Councillor Booth asked is there a vexatious complainant process in place? David Wright answered there is a persistent complainer system in place where some complaints have been dealt with or have gone to the Ombudsman and been addressed in the correct way, but the complainant persists. Fenland District Council would then adopt the persistent complainant procedure.

6.     Councillor Mrs Davis stated the Ombudsman report had two complaints one of which was regarding planning, which were referred back and asked for an explanation?  Councillor Tierney stated the Ombudsman is not allowed to deal with certain issues such as staff, the planning process or a function of planning itself therefore the complaint would come back to planning and it would be handled through the usual planning complaints procedure.

7.     Councillor Carney stated that he was surprised that the number of the Planning complaints is not higher given some of the controversial applications in the district and would like to see a further explanation of the 21 recorded complaints Planning has had. Councillor Tierney responded planning is one of the areas that would not go to the local Ombudsman as planning has its own process with decisions being made, any complaints that are made should go through the planning system and the Council channels and the fact that there are not that many means Fenland District Council are dealing with the complaints in an efficient way.

8.     Councillor Nawaz asked do the officers have any complaints against the complainant and could the panel elaborate about the complaints regarding revenue? Councillor Tierney responded he could assure Councillor Nawaz that any complaints that do come through are dealt with in a professional manner Sam Anthony added there is a process where if members of the public are aggressive towards staff there is guidance that is put in place to protect the staff at the point of contact. Councillor Nawaz asked how many incidents there has been within the last year? Sam Anthony Stated that she could not provide the figure but can send the information to the committee after the meeting.

9.     Councillor Nawaz noted from the report there were 43 complaints concerning revenue and asked if these are mostly about the bills and how is this resolved? Councillor Tierney stated a lot of these complaints are to do with Council Tax and once things are explained to the customer the complaint is resolved.




Members noted the statistics in relation to the Ombudsman and 3Cs process.

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