To determine the application.
Nikki Carter presented the report to members.
Members received a presentation, in accordance with the public participation procedure, from Lee Bevens, the agent. Mr Bevens stated that this outline application for 4 dwellings was submitted in June this year and they have worked hard with both ecology and tree consultants to ensure that a comprehensive application was submitted. He expressed the view that with the existing bungalow being removed and a private drive being proposed with a turning area this cannot be described as backland development contrary to the Parish Council’s views.
Mr Bevens stated that various options have been looked at for the site based on different densities and it was felt that 4 dwellings would not constitute overdevelopment and whilst only an outline application they were also conscious that they wanted to minimise any potential for overlooking or privacy issues with the residents of Woodside Close to the south as well as respecting the mature trees on the site and the ecology constraints that exist. He stated that a detailed ecology assessment has been carried out and confirmed that the proposed solution does not cause any harm to the existing wildlife and with the removal of the poor quality outbuildings it is likely that biodiversity will be enhanced by the development with new landscaping being proposed as part of a future Reserved Matters application.
Mr Bevens noted that whilst in outline form the application for 4 dwellings is located on a section of road used by parents for Lionel Walden School, some 230 metres away, and appropriate measures would be dealt with in any future Reserved Matters application to ensure that construction deliveries to the site are carried out outside of peak public traffic hours to reduce congestion and nuisance and an appropriate construction environment management plan would be produced. He made the point that they have worked closely with the Planning Officer over the past 5 months to ensure that all concerns have been addressed leading to a recommendation of approval and agree with the officer that the proposal creates a development which responds to the opportunities and constraints of the site and to relevant planning policies.
Mr Bevens expressed the view that the proposal does not have a detrimental impact on neighbouring properties and meets the guidance from Highways and flood risk to provide a good quality development. He asked that members support the officer recommendation and grant approval with conditions outlined in the report.
Members asked questions of Mr Bevens as follows:
· Councillor Marks stated that it is good to hear with a school being local that the applicant is prepared to put time limits on deliveries and asked if there could also be an assurance that there would be no work vehicles left outside on the public highway during the day as at school times that is already backed up with people trying to park. Mr Bevens responded that the Council has a template for construction environment management plans and they would follow the procedures to show that construction deliveries impact on the roadway would be minimised and they would have to provide welfare facilities and show where this on site plans.
· Councillor Imafidon referred to keeping the streets clean and asked what provisions have been made for that? Mr Bevens responded that within the construction environment management plan it would be listed if there is a need for wheel wash facilities as it is about minimising the disruption on the road, with no conscientious contractor wanting to bring mud out onto the road but obviously some sites are tighter than others to be able to manoeuvre inside with construction traffic so the plan shows how you overcome this and would be covered in a future Reserved Matters application. He stated it would be for officers to review that document and to state if they are satisfied.
Members asked questions of officers as follows:
· Councillor Mrs French referred to the mention of additional conditions and asked what the additional conditions are? Nikki Carter responded that the application was accompanied by an ecology and a tree report, with there being some protected trees nearby and a number on site and a number of mitigation enhancements were incorporated which have not currently been encompassed within the conditions.
· Councillor Connor asked that a condition be added that a sweeper is provided because it is a well-used road so no mud is wanted on the road from a safety aspect.
· Councillor Hicks referred to the parking of vehicles on the road as a condition. Nick Harding stated that a construction management plan requires the applicant to identify where on-site parking provision is going to be made and no conditions can be imposed that stop people from parking on a public highway because they are entitled to do this.
Members made comments, asked questions and received responses as follows:
· Councillor Marks stated that having heard what has been said and having been to look at the site he feels it would be a good development as long as there are vehicle and delivery plans in place and the trees are protected on site.
· Councillor Connor expressed the view that it is a good application although he does not like going against the views of the Parish Council.
Proposed by Councillor Mrs French, seconded by Councillor Hicks and agreed that the application be GRANTED as per officer’s recommendation with authority delegated to the Head of Planning to finalise the conditions.
(Councillor Connor declared, in accordance with Paragraph 14 of the Code of Conduct on Planning Matters, that he is a District Councillor for Doddington and does attend Doddington Parish Council meetings but takes no part in planning)
Supporting documents: