To determine the application.
Nikki Carter presented the report to members and drew attention to the update report that had been circulated.
Members received a presentation, in accordance with the public participation procedure, from Jane Watson, a supporter. Mrs Watson stated that she lives at No.10 Wimblington Road being an immediate neighbour and she does not consider it to be an overdevelopment of the plot as it still leaves significant garden area. She expressed the view that every house on Wimblington Road on this stretch is different, with the house at No.10 being incredibly near to the top of the road and given the opportunity they would move it back.
Mrs Watson expressed the opinion that it is a huge plot and given the size it should not be of bearing to anybody that it is dropped back a little bit further from the road. She feels the applicants have been extremely kind and considerate in involving neighbours with their plans including No.14, and also considering the wildlife as it is a big plot and is overrun with wildlife that use this bit of land and the applicants are prepared to take care of the wildlife.
Mrs Watson stated that she has no concerns or issues and hopefully permission can be given for this proposal to be a lovely family home on a nice plot in Doddington.
Members received a presentation, in accordance with the public participation procedure, from Ian Gowler, the agent. Mr Gowler made the point that the existing cottage on site is not fit for habitation anymore and he believes there is nothing against the principle of demolishing it within the officer’s report. He indicated on the slide on the presentation screen in relation to the overdevelopment concern the site as existing and the highlighted area of outbuildings, which shows there is quite a large area of those outbuildings although they are not as comparable on the site to what is being proposed there is still established buildings in the area where the dwelling is proposed.
Mr Gowler stated the existing footprint area of the buildings on the site is currently approximately 440 square metres and the new dwelling is 468 square metres plus the garage, so the actual dwelling is only a modest increase in footprint. He showed a picture with the new dwelling superimposed on the site, with the development only equating to around 11% of the overall plot, with the new dwelling proposed right at the top near the road and the whole garden stretches along way back.
Mr Gowler referred to the officer report at 10.12 where it is acknowledged that there is no uniformity in terms of building footprints, many neighbouring properties do appear as modest forms of development with simple footprints and sit comfortably within their boundaries and made the point that most of the neighbouring properties along this road though do not have such extensive plots and gardens as this proposed development. He made the point that Mrs Watson from the neighbouring property is quite passionate that the proposal gets approved as she has taken her time to attend committee today and the residents of No.14, who are most affected, would have attended today but unfortunately had to work but they have written a letter of support for this proposal and are keen to get the existing cottage and site cleared up.
Mr Gowler showed a further slide which demonstrates the existing street scene and how the new dwelling will fit in with the street scene, with properties along Wimblington Road being quite varied with No.10 being set forward and other properties being set back from the road. He expressed the view that it would not be a negative that this property is set back and the design of the property compliments the street scene and works with the bungalow at No.14.
Mr Gowler stated that the applicant’s daughter lives about 4 doors along the road so they would be more than happy to have a wheel wash or road cleaning or any other requirement in terms of the construction management plan.
Members made comments, asked questions and received responses as follows:
· Councillor Benney expressed the view that this is an excellent application, which screams pass me to him and whilst it might be large in scale, he feels LP12 and LP16 are subjective policies. He does not agree that the proposal is too big or not in keeping as any property that is built adds its own character to an area.
· Councillor Connor stated that he knows this area as he used to live in Doddington and feels this proposal will only add benefit to the street scene and he cannot see any reason why it should not be supported.
· Councillor Marks stated he will be supporting the application as he drives this road most days and what is being removed is an eyesore and the street scene will be enhanced, with people not being able to see the section of property behind and, in his view, there is not a building line in this area.
· Councillor Mrs French referred to the recommendation of refusal as it would be in conflict with LP16(d) but she feels it makes a positive contribution to the local area.
· Councillor Marks expressed the view that the shed beside the property could be said to be in conflict. He feels it is typical of a Fenland village to build on the roadside and build back into a site and it is nice to hear that both neighbours are in support of the proposal.
· Councillor Imafidon made the point that it is good that the applicant has not applied for 2-3 dwellings on this large plot and he is happy to support it.
Proposed by Councillor Benney to refuse the application as per officer’s recommendation, but no seconder was forthcoming.
Proposed by Councillor Benney, seconded by Councillor Mrs French and agreed that the application be GRANTED against officer’s recommendation, with authority delegated to officers to apply reasonable conditions.
Members do not support officer’s recommendation of refusal of planning permission as they feel that policies LP12(d) and LP16(d) are subjective, it would not adversely impact on the character of the area, will add benefit to the street scene and provide a lovely family home.
(Councillor Connor declared, in accordance with Paragraph 14 of the Code of Conduct on Planning Matters, that he is a District Councillor for Doddington and does attend Doddington Parish Council meetings but takes no part in planning)
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