To consider the details for a planned refurbishment programme for FDC's play areas and the FDC capital investment necessary in the short term.
Members considered the Open Spaces, Play Areas Capital Investment report presented by Councillor Murphy.
Councillor Boden said that along with the recommendations at 3.3 of the report, he wanted to emphasise paragraph 2.12 which stated that in making decisions on the schemes of proposed replacements, improvements or consolidation, the view of the district councillors of the town concerned will be considered. Virtual meetings of the relevant councillors will be convened within the next six months for each of the towns to consider any alternative utilisation of the capital and revenue resources which are currently anticipated to be available for play areas in that town and once those views are known, a further report will be presented to Cabinet.
Councillor Hoy thanked the team for their work on the parks in Wisbech as they are looking good, particularly the new play area which was well used in the summer. However, she wanted to query what seemed to be a contradiction regarding Burcroft Road where the report suggests either replacement or removal after 15 years, but the recommendation is to remove with no replacement, which makes it sound like the decision has already been made. Councillor Hoy said that local members fought to have the play equipment installed and it would be a shame to have it removed at the end of its useful life with no replacement; there is nothing that side of town for children so she would request that the play equipment be replaced when necessary. Councillor Boden thanked Councillor Hoy for her helpful comment, he agreed there was some contradiction within the report, and said that is exactly what this new policy of consulting with district council members in each individual town is meant to address. He fully understands the points she is making but it is now realised that plans for play areas in each town cannot be carried forward without support and input from members in those towns, whilst remembering that provision of play areas is not statutory and therefore not something the Council has a duty to provide. As a result, many councils around the country have stopped replacing or renewing any play areas because they cannot finance anything which is not a statutory service.
Councillor Miscandlon said he is glad to see that should there be issues with play equipment in a specific ward, local members are now consulted as their input is paramount. Councillor Boden agreed that there has been insufficient involvement of local ward members previously and their involvement is essential.
Councillor Wallwork said it is vital that this council does not go down the route of not spending money on play areas, as they and open spaces are fundamental for children, they are building blocks for their social skills. She understands it is costly, but some things are worth the money. Councillor Boden thanked Councillor Wallwork but reminded her of the words of the S151 officer in that there will be difficult decisions to make in the future, therefore he looks forward to her support in making the other difficult decisions to protect the items which members believe are so important.
Proposed by Councillor Murphy, seconded by Councillor Boden and AGREED to:
· Approve the policy approach to future spending on play areas and play area adoptions as identified in the report in sections 2.2 - 2.9, subject to the provisions of section 2.12.
· Delegate to the S151 Officer, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Environment, responsibility to ensure funds, that are made available to deliver the play area improvements detailed in section 3.3 of the report.
· Note the changes proposed in Section 12 regarding St Paul’s Drive and Willey Terrace in Chatteris. Pinewood Avenue in Whittlesey and those in Malt Drive, Westhead Avenue and Burcroft Road in Wisbech, subject to the provisions of section 2.12.
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