To determine the application.
Danielle Brooke presented the report to members.
Members received a presentation, in accordance with the public participation procedure, from Peter Humphrey, the agent. Mr Humphrey stated that the application generated three letters of objection and 13 letters of support, with it being clear from the consultation that the application should provide the footpath link to Bramley Court along with street lighting. He added that the application seeks to mirror the adjacent built scheme at Bramley Court from which it can be seen the type of development that can be delivered, with the site being clearly adjacent to the developed footprint of the village and forms a natural infill between an existing built form and the natural tree landscaped area.
Mr Humphrey explained that it is only an outline application, and all details can be agreed at a later stage and the applicant would also be happy to provide traffic calming measures which is something he believes the residents of Coldham would like. He added that it would prove difficult for that to be achieved from any other development because it is an infill only village and the applicant has stated that they would be happy to offer that, and it would also assist with the visibility from the site.
Mr Humphrey stated that it should be noted that the site has been allocated in the emerging Local Plan and whilst it does not carry any weight at the current time, officers have reviewed the site and believe that the location, flood risk, highway, size of development, natural environment, development in the countryside and amenity provision are all accepted in the emerging plan. He expressed the view that the emerging plan can be given some consideration, and he asked the committee to support the application.
Members asked the following questions:
· Councillor Hicks asked for clarification where the traffic calming measures will be placed? Mr Humphrey stated that he is unsure, however, the comments from the local residents and the site owner appear to highlight that it has been raised. He added that there would need to be some liaison with the Highway Officers but certainly traffic calming measures would be welcomed and of benefit to the village.
· Councillor Marks stated that he appreciates that it is an indicative plan, however, he does have concerns with regards to dustcart parking and bin collections. He questioned whether the residents would have to pull their bins to the top of the road for collections to be undertaken? Mr Humphrey stated that the collection would be identical to that of Bramley Court where the refuse collection vehicle will enter the road and use the compliant turning head at the end of the road to exit.
· Councillor Marks questioned whether all parking will be off the main road? Mr Humphrey confirmed that is correct and the houses in Bramley Court are medium to large houses with ample parking and that is how he envisages these proposed six dwellings.
Members asked questions, made comments and received responses as follows:
· Councillor Hicks stated that after visiting the site he has concerns about the blind corner and the speeding vehicles that use the road even though it is a 40mph limit. He added that Bramley Court is further away from the proposed site which is closer to the blind corner, and he does have concerns with regards to the access out onto the main road.
· Councillor Imafidon stated that he visited the site and officers have advised that the site is not infill, however, when driving towards Wisbech there are buildings to the right, and it is evident that people live there.
· Councillor Mrs French asked how many years ago Bramley Court was built? Danielle Brooke confirmed that it was prior to the current Local Plan.
· Councillor Connor stated that he looked at the site and it very much mirrors the Bramley Court site, and he turned round in the road.
· David Rowen stated that in terms of the site being infill, to the east of the site there is an isolated dwelling which is in the midst of a historic orchard or paddock and there is no continuous form of development where you could say that the proposal site constitutes infill. He explained that Policy LP3 relates to the settlement hierarchy and Coldham is identified as an ‘other’ village which would normally be restricted to a single dwelling infill site and the application is not for a single dwelling. David Rowen explained that the Highway Authority have submitted an objection with regards to inadequate visibility splays and also inadequate space to get the necessary footway in.
It was proposed by Councillor Hicks to refuse the application, but no seconder was forthcoming.
Councillor Mrs French stated that she would propose for the application to be approved, however, she referred to the comment made by the agent Mr Humphrey with regards to the application complying with the emerging Local Plan but she is aware that cannot be taken into consideration at this time. She made the point that officers and agents spend time and effort with applications, and she expressed the view that she would be inclined to give the emerging Local Plan some weight when determining this application rather than wait another 18 months.
David Rowen stated that he would seriously advise the committee not to give weight to the emerging Local Plan at this point in time, given the very unadvanced state of the plan and also with regards to the legal status of that. He added that there have been numerous other applications which have been before the committee and no weight has been given to the emerging Local Plan and, therefore, he strongly advised the committee to take his advice into consideration.
Councillor Mrs French stated that she would withdraw her proposal.
Councillor Connor stated that the committee have to be consistent and have not given weight to the emerging Local Plan before and should not do so until the plan is adopted.
Councillor Marks made the point that he has major concerns with regards to the traffic issues.
Proposed by Councillor Hicks, seconded by Councillor Marks and agreed that the application be REFUSED as per the officer’s recommendation.
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